W H E N I T A L L B E G U N -5.5-

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W H E N   I T   A L L   B E G U N  : I forgot about that.

Ria (Lerya's Mom) POV:

That sudden momemt when my little Lerya is starting to grow up. *sigh* It's so quiet...

All I need to do is clean and cook.

I just want to have a vication. I'm so tired...

Rather than that, I wish my Lerya is having fun with that handsome and kind kid Leon. *sigh* You can rarely find a guy like that. His personality is the same as my Sears(Lerya's father). He is always kind and gentle to me.

*mops the floor and wipes the sweat on her forehead*

The floor is clean and perfect. I think I want a juice.

*goes to the kitchen, opens the refrigerator and searches for a juice box* I saw a juice box here earlier.... Hmm.... *opens the chiller and found one* Aha! Found it! A juice.......

*puts the straw on the hole of the juice box, she started sipping on it* Ahh.... That was refreshing....

I missed that time when we were in highschool and he always gives me a box of juice....

I missed him so bad.... His tender hugs and his beautiful kiss on my lips. Sigh...

Rather than that, I'm really curious on what kind of qualifications does Leon wants from a girl. I saw in his face earlier and he was stunned when she saw Lerya wearing a blue dress. Lerya's favorite color is blue, and rather than that, she likes floral attires.


I will make an arrange marriage with him and Lerya. *laughs hysterically*

Well maybe not. I will just leave her the way she is, if she wants to marry someone else, it's fine with me but when she wants to marry Leon I WILL PAY ALL THEIR EXPENSES ON THEIR MARRIAGE!

It doesn't matter at all. All I want was just to make my Lerya happy.

*opens Lerya's room and starts cleaning, she stopped at Lerya's desk, she saw her glasses*

Oh no! Her glasses! She left it! I hope she is fine and she can see things properly! I hope that whe. they will go shopping or something else she can read it.....

...... It's getting hot...

*she went outside their house and sits on their bench, she tilted her head and looked up the sky*

It's already night time... Lerya and Leon is not yet here... Maybe..... *gasp* They are kissing on a dark alley! *shakes her head* What am'I thinking...

*a taxi cab stopped infront of their house*

Who's that? Oh... It's Lerya and Leon! They're back! Within all of those vagile moment. Thay already arrived! Whoa... Leon carried a lot of bags. Let me open the gate for them.

*opens the gate and waits for them to come inside*

Lerya is helping Leon... Touch her hand! Touch it!

Awwwww why?! Their hands didn't touch! It's so unfair!

*the two of them walked inside and she closed the door*

I'm wonder whate inside those bags... Hmm...

*walks inside together with them*

She sat beside Leon, she looked at him and smiled. He then asks him quietly "Did Lerya had fun?" Leon then responded unsure "I don't know... And most of all she didn't like the movie."

I giggled when he said that Lerya did not like the movie. Lerya really doesn't like Romance at all, and the mad part is that he is watching it with a boy!

Long ago, me and Lerya were watching a romance movie and she said that she was bored, and she doesn't understand a thing. She asked me "Why do people like watching this kind of stuff? They are just keep on pressing their lips on each other?" I told her "Because they love each other." she then responded confusingly "What's even the sense of pressing their lips on each other?" I giggled and replied "That's the way on how will they show their affection on each other." she then nodded at me. She looked around and asked again "Why is it that there are more people that has partners?" I then giggled and replied "They are couples. And they watch romantic movies so that the guy will express how special the girl is."she wondering and asked "What do you when couple hang-out together?" I smiled and responded "It's called Date."

And after I told her that, she doesn't like romantic story and hanging out with a guy on a cinema.

Lerya began gave me bags and Leon sat down beside me. I'm wondering what's inside, I asked "What's inside these bags?" she smile at me and said "Just open it!" I then opened it and found out it was underwares on the first bag, on the second one it was dress, shirts and skirts, at the last bag, there's only a tiny box, I looked at the both of them and opened it. It contained a silver necklace with a shiny pinking pendant. Lerya begun to spoke out "I told Leon that it's your birthday today, and rather than that. Leon is so rich." She laughed, Leon then responded "I'm not, it's just that I don't spend too much money." Lerya then looked at him with a interrigating look "Then how can you afford a $480,000 necklace?" Leon replied back with a brittled voice "I-I don't know..." Lerya rejoiced and mocked him "Ha! I won!"

Leon then sent out a groan and I giggled beside him.

I then stood up and thanked Leon "Thank you for this gift Leon and I appreciate it. Even we just met Yesterday!" Leon then replied shyly "Y-your welcome." he shruged and smiled.

Lerya suddenly spoke out "I almost forgot we bought you a cake." I feel a little old now... But Lerya's gonna celebrate it together with Leon,I think I rather feel a little younger.

Lerya put the candles on the cake and lit it. She then walk slowly towards me and sang the happy birthday song. Leon sing along with Lerya. Lerya then the cake infront of me and said "Happy birthday mom... I love you." I then begun to shed tears and said "Thank you."

Leon just smiled at me and he sat beaide me "Blow the candles and makr a wish." I then closed my eyes and blew the candles my wish is that Leon will marry Lerya and

Lerya then asked "What's your wish?" I then looked at her and gave her a secretive voice "That's a secret." Lerya then just looked at me and said "Uhmm... okay."

I then stood up and said "I'll gate the plates and forks." Leon then said "No... I'll get it." He then stood up quickly and walked to the kitchen and gets some plate and fork.

Lerya was already hiding the knife and sliced the cake for me. While Leon is still away I whispered to Lerya "Wanna know what's my wish?"she then nodded and I whispered to her ear "She listend closely, as I told her my wish her face flustered redly and backed away. She then replied with a brittled voice "W-what?!"  I then nodded and smiled at her. She waved her hands while shaking his head with a very red face.

After that, Leon then came back with teaspoons and plates in his hands. He then served us the plates and teaspoons while Lerya is trembling as she a reaches out her hand to get the plate. Leon looked at her suspiciously as I giggle at the back, Leon then put his hand on top of Lerya's head and asked "Are you sick?" Lerya the replied in a faint voice "I-I'm... F-f-f-f-f-fine...."

He then moved jis hand out of Lerya's forehead and smiled at her. I looked at him as he smiled, he looks so handsome.........

But anyways, we just celebrated my birthday with the three of us, it would be more fun if my sweet husband is with us.

I wish soon he will come home and meet Leon and of courae agree with me!


LoL late update! Sorry about that, and A BitterSweetPrincess here's the update! Nyahahahaha!

~Joshz The Neko-mancer ( •  w •)

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