W H E N I T A L L B E G U N -16-

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W H E N   I T   A L L   B E G U N : White as Blaire?

Rena's POV

I looked at the star- wait. It's daytime, who am'I kidding.

Well actually, I'm just a girl who is really bored. I've been alone for 2 days because my mom and dad keeps on travelling due to our company's problem.  At the moment, I'm here at school and Lerya is beside me. She really a top student, she's taking down notes and... Smiling... She's really cute.

"Ahem... Ms. Rena, are you listening?"

"Yes ma'am?" I stood up

"What is the last thing that I said?" Our teacher said

"....Uhh" I scanned through the chalk board "The vocabulary word... Rapier..." I hesitated

"And what does it mean?" she glared at me

"Keen.... Or Sharp? And it's also a two edged blade used before." I said nervously

"Very well then, take your seat." She gestured me to sit down

I sat down and sighed in relief.

"Wow, good job. I know you were spacing out earlier." She giggled

"Shh... Quiet you, I wasn't actually listening, Okay?" I muffled

She giggled "I know, I know."

- Lunch Time at the Cafeteria-

"Hey Lerya, you've been smiling all the time and it's getting into my creepy nerves, what's up?"

"Hmm..." She's thinking into a deep thought "Nothing!"

"GAH-!" I slammed my hands and moved a little close to her "NO FAIR! Tell me!"

She giggled "Fine, fine. I'll tell you, later."

"3 seconds have passed now what is it?!" I insisted

"Sheesh... Later at dismissal time, I promise and you'll see." She gleamed a cheeky smile

".... *groan* okay fine....."

4 hours and 30 minutes have passed  and the bell rang. I immediately ran towards Lerya and hugged her from behind.

"Let's Go! Yosh!" I pointed my hands at the north

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go!" She stood up and ran outside

"H-HEY! WAIT!" I ran after her and caught up with her

Moments of walks has passed and we arrived at this house. For me, it's quite fancy.

There is this beautiful melody of a stringed instrument but rather prolonged. Lerya stepped a little closer to the gate and pressed the doorbell twice.

The sound faded, I heard a running footsteps and the door begun to open. A man went stepped out, smiling as he waved "hi" at Lerya.

"Hi Lerya! What brought you here?" he opened it further

"Just visiting you. You're not going outside often." Lerya smiled

"A-ah... Hahahaha... Well, I'm quite busy and I just took a break. Sorry" he looked at behind Lerya and our eyes met.

I smiled as our eyes meet.

"Oh, that's your friend Rena?" He looked backed at  Lerya wondering

"Uh... Hi mis-" I was about to say it but he cut in "Call me Leon, nice to meet you" he reaches his hand for a handshake "Y-yeah, Leon... Me too." I took his hand and shaked it

WHEN IT ALL BEGUNOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant