The Facts

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I took his hand and he lifted me up from the ground. "Are you okay?" He asks, watching me dust myself. He was muscular and tall. His skin was tanned and he had long dark-pink hair.

"Oh sure, I'm okay. I was just kicked by a stampede and you're asking me if I'm okay?" I stared at him, not understanding how someone can be so stupid. Groaning as I dusted myself, I waited for him to speak.

He shrugged, "You look fine to me."

I stared at him in disbelief. I look fine. I had just been assaulted and he said I look fine. I wasn't sure if it was a compliment or an insult. You can never tell with a douchebag and considering the words that leave his mouth, he seems to be one. "If you think about it, you should be in much more pain considering the fact that you stole food from the government. What were you thinking?" He asked.

"For the thousandth time, I did not steal the food."

He looked at me, amused at what I just told him. "You don't have to lie to me. I helped you, but that doesn't make me gullible."

"What?" I blinked a few times, trying to believe what he said, "If you thought I was lying then why did you help me?"

"Because I don't like it when the strong ill-treat the weak- whether at fault or not. Besides, it was over a small issue," He said. He switched his attention to the food scattered in the sand, his long hair falling messily over his face. "It's all gone now anyway."

"I didn't steal the food. If you want to know how I got it, I'll tell you," I say, watching him.

"I do want to know. Amuse me," He crossed his arms and with his arched eyebrows, studied me.

"It is true that I was late for showers but I took my chances and waited in the line for food. A friend of mine saw me and decided to help me. She used an handkerchief and wet it with some of her water. I wiped my face and hands with it so that I looked clean enough to get food. And then she took her arm and placed it on mine to get a copy of the stamp on my arm. Since the stamp is symmetrical, the woman didn't notice. That's how I got the food," I said, rushed between breaths.

He didn't say anything in response. It was as if he was trying to convince himself. After a few seconds of silence, he nodded his head. "Okay. Where do you live?" He asked.

I was about to tell him when I hesitated. He was part of the men. They show no mercy. A member of the men can't be trusted.

He noticed my hesitation almost immediately, "I want to make sure they don't follow you home. It's for your safety."

"I don't know if I should. You're-"

"One of them? I helped you didn't I? I might even bring you food later," He said, not allowing me to finish my sentence.

"Cabin 404, South,"

"I'll walk you there," He smiled and moved his hair away from his face. I nodded and lead the way, walking awkwardly. This was the first time I had ever taken someone home except for Marie. The cabin was always a mess and no one liked me that much to come over.

"So are your parents home?" He asked, breaking the silence.

When I heard his question, I looked down at my feet. My parents...

My heart sank and tears threatened to fall. I wrapped my arms around myself to keep them from falling. I didn't want him to see me cry, not when I had just met him. I kept walking but I increased my pace.

"Hello?" He asked, trying to get me to look at him.

"No. They aren't," I said, feeling the wind blowing more dust our way.

"Okay. Probably better this way. I wouldn't want your father chasing me with sticks," He said, laughing, his dimples showing. If only he knew that his joke was in bad taste.

"Yeah," I say, not bothering to laugh. I would have preferred it if my father was here to chase him. I would have preferred it if my parents annoyed me everyday or if they were over-protective. I would have taken anything over not having them here.

"Pete seems to have something against you. Did you do anything?" Caleb asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Locking the gates to the base, spilling your food, slapping you. That seems a bit overboard. Knowing how Pete is, he only puts in that much effort when something directly affects him."

"I didn't even know his name until today," I say, shaking my head to dismiss the idea that Pete had something against me.

I was bothered by something else. "Who are you anyway?"

"Caleb," He said.

"I know that. Not what is your name, who are you? How come those men listened to you?" I asked, realising that I was letting a complete stranger walk me home. We were nearing the cabin and I had to know.

"I'm second in command to the men. As soon as the chief retires, I'll be taking over."

I stopped walking and stared at him. He looked too young to be the leader. He seems to be only a few years older than me. He has to be lying...

Although, the way those men treated him with respect told me otherwise. If he wasn't the second in command, they wouldn't have listened to him.

Looks can be deceiving sometimes and I just had to believe him and look at the facts.

That's Little Dana.
Best comment:
This book is not bad so far...u have displayed writing skills I have seen in some mature writer's books. You have talent and skill...I wish your book could have had a bit more humor, I'm a sucker for a good joke. But nevertheless this is a good read and like u said previously let your imagination fly girl, anything is possible in utopia....even pink hair people.

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- newOlympian

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