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It wasn't until late evening that Caleb ran into the room, breathing heavily. Marie and I were only waiting to tell him that we would be leaving. Marie was worried that we wouldn't make it home before the black-zone forms. We jumped up from the bed as he ran around his room, opening the cupboards. He was clearly searching for something, but we didn't know what it was.

"Caleb? What are you looking for? Maybe we can help," I said.

"It's a blue bottle. An elixir. One of the men has visions. The only problem is that they bring him closer to death every time. He needs the elixir and I can't remember where I put it," He said, on the verge of frustration.

He turned the bed upside down with one swift movement of his arm and he found the bottle. "Yes!"

"Caleb, we have to go home before the black-zone forms," I said hurriedly. "Our parents will be wondering where we went to," I lied. Marie gave me a weird look when she heard "our".

"I'll ask one of the men to take your friend home but you can't leave yet. You have to be here for this. He mentioned your name," He said. "I can send him to speak to your parents and inform them that you are here."

"No! There's no need to do that," I said, knowing that I had lied to him about my parents' whereabouts. Caleb doesn't know that my parents have been gone for a long time. "I'll just tell them when I see them."

"I'm not leaving without Dana," Marie said, putting her hands on her hips.

"It's fine, Marie. I'll be fine. Your parents are probably worried right now. I'll see you tomorrow, promise," I said and she nodded her head.

"He'll come for you in a few minutes. Just be ready," Caleb said to Marie as he led me out of the room. I was surprised when we entered Hunter's room.

A crowd, all consisting of members of the men, surrounded someone lying on the floor, shaking profusely. Caleb pushed through the crowd, pulling me along with him. "Out, everyone! Out!" He said.

My eyes were fixated on the man that laid on the floor. It was Hunter and he was still shirtless. He began rolling around the floor, his body hitting against the foot of his bed each time he rolled back.

"He's hurting himself," I said to Caleb, who was busy getting everyone out. "Help him!"

Hunter kept bashing his body against the foot of his bed. Then suddenly, he stopped. He threw his head back and his eyes were completely black.

"Dana," He said, his voice was raspy and it sounded like two different people were speaking. "It's time."

"Your parents. They're waiting." He said, looking directly at me with his now pitch-black yes. "They're waiting. Waiting. Waiting for..."

"What are they waiting for?" I said, kneeling down to get to his level.

"For you. You have to help them," He said, reaching a hand out to me. "Help them."

"Where are they? Hunter! Where are they?" I asked him, desperately seeking for answers. "Please tell me,"

"He who has them, knows where. He who has them, wants you. He who has them is the leader of all," He continued in his raspy voice. "The path of darkness will lead you to light. A group of five will get you there. Betrayal looms ahead but riddles and answers will win the battle. Freedom will be an eternal medal."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand," I said. None of what Hunter said made any sense to me.

"You will understand when the time comes. Remember, the path of darkness will lead you to light. Agroup of five will get you there. Betrayal looms ahead but riddles and answers will win the battle. Freedom will be an eternal medal," He said.

Suddenly, he grabbed my arms and tightened his grip around my wrists. "The one you seek... He's merciless. Merciless! Merciless! Merciless!" He was screaming now, "Merciless!"

"You're hurting me," I said, trying to pull my arm away. He threw his head back, let go of my arm and started writhing on the floor again, bashing his body harder against his bed.

Caleb pulled me away from him and he was about to open the blue bottle that containing the elixir when Hunter spoke again, "Max."

He was pointing at Caleb this time. "Max is waiting."

"Max is dead," Caleb said. It was hard to miss the sorrow in his voice.

"No. No, he isn't," Hunter said. "Don't be fooled by deals from the devil."

Hunter stood up from the floor and walked, unconsciously, to the desk at the other corner of his room. He seemed out of place in his own body. His head was still thrown backwards yet he somehow found his way to the desk.

He reached for a black marker and suddenly began writing on the wall, without looking at it.

The first few words he wrote were, "Merciless. Merciless. He's Merciless."

The rest seemed like a poem. A six-stanza poem consisting of four lines per stanza. Shocked as we were, Caleb read it out.


Hectic, huh?
Sorry about the length x The next chapter will be super long, I promise. It's titled Merciless... wink wink ...

Anywhoo, to the best part,

This chapter is dedicated to for always reading and commenting on all of my books. Your support is appreciated 😙😙😙😙😙

-Becks 😆😆

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