Cabin 404

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I opened the door to the cabin, knowing how messy it was. Suddenly, I felt self-conscious about it. There is hardly any furniture in my cabin. The only thing that could be considered worthy enough to be called furniture was the old black couch that I had carried from the other cabins.

I've been moved five times since my parents' disappearance. When I moved to the first cabin, I was allowed to take five things from the previous cabin. That old couch was the first thing I chose. It carried so much memories- memories of my parents.

The second thing I picked was their journal. It was secured with a password that I couldn't figure out. Till today, I haven't been able to open it. I also took a pillow, a teddy and my mother's favourite necklace.

After every move, the number of things I was allowed to take kept decreasing. It was as if they were trying to erase my memory by changing my surroundings.

When I moved to Cabin 404, I was only allowed to take two things. I chose the journal and the couch, and then I tried to take my mother's necklace by wearing it around my neck. Unfortunately, they caught me and took it from me.

Cabin 404 was cosy, but it lacked furniture, and as a result, it didn't feel very homely. My previous cabins were furnished but I guess I just got tired of getting furniture, getting attached to it and being forced to leave it behind.

Constant separation from the things that you love will always take away a piece of you every single time. Maybe that's why I feel so... empty.

You've never known pain until something like that happens to you. Until you cry and no one bothers to know why.

Until you love something and it's torn away from you.

Until you realise how completely alone you are...

Pain like that doesn't just heal with time. So the saying "Time heals all wounds", is a lie. My wounds are still open... exposed to the dogs to prey on it.

"So, nice place," Caleb said, tearing me away from my thoughts. He was still standing at the door and I wondered if I was deep in thought for too long.

"Yeah," I muttered, seeing the blanket which I used last night on the floor in front of the fireplace. I walked around the couch and subtly kicked the blanket aside, hoping that he didn't see it. Why give him one more negative word to describe me when he still thinks I'm a thief. "My house isn't haunted, you know. You can come in," I said, noticing that he was still standing at the entrance.

He laughed nervously and walked towards me. "May I?" He asked, pointing to the couch. I nodded and watched him sit on the only furniture in the room. As soon as he sat on it, I noticed how dusty and old it looked in contrast to his shiny black uniform. "Are you going to sit or are you just going to stand there? I'm not possessed, you know," He said, his eyes lighting up in amusement. He was referring to the little comment I had made earlier on, about my house being haunted.

I laughed and sat down on the other end of the couch, maintaining the distance between us. "Don't you have something else to do? I have nothing to offer you. I'm sure you have manly duties to perform," I said, mocking his uniform.

He shook his head and chuckled, "I don't know, but I think saving a damsel in distress is manly enough."

A good sense of humour is hard to find in Riddle-Land and he seemed to have plenty. I laughed at his remark and for the first time, I couldn't think of a comeback.

Smiling widely at me, he twirled his long hair into a knot. I couldn't helped but notice his muscles. He caught me staring and smirked. I looked away.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, with him watching me and with me trying to look anywhere but his face. I couldn't help the blush that was forming on my cheeks.

Unable to take it anymore, I finally spoke up. "I think you should go," I say hurriedly, getting up again. "I mean, it's not that I don't want you around or anything, really, I'm enjoying your company, but my parents will be home soon," I lied.

"Oh," He said, getting up as well, "Okay. I guess I'll see what I can do to bring food for you later on."

"No need for that. I'm sure my parents will have leftovers for me."

"Okay," He said.

Well this was a waste of time, I thought. I strolled to the doorway and opened the door for him. Caleb stepped out but he stood still at the entrance, unsure of how to say goodbye.

After a few seconds and awkward hand movements, he settled for a handshake. "It was nice meeting you," He stretched his right hand out and waited for me to take it. He shook my hands firmly and then said, "Bye," before leaving. I shut the door and leaned against it, sighing with relief.

He was finally gone. I wanted nothing to do with the men no matter how charismatic he was.

Scolding myself for actually letting him into my cabin, I let myself drop to the ground, my back against the door. Stupid, stupid Dana.

That's how I imagine the cabin.

Sorry that this chapter took so long :(
Been quite busy with exams and all but I promise to try and update every weekend. Thank you all for your comments and votes! It means a lot and I'll make sure I reply to each and every one of your comments x
Now for the best part:


The best comment on the last chapter is :

"That was great chapter. I really enjoyed this. My fav chap till now as nothing bad happnd with her. I'm also glad that caleb is second in command position... I hope they will get together soon...oops I gone too far lol
Also I think Caleb was right... there must be something with MC... that's why Pete was against her... Can't wait to read more :)" - newbubble
Hehe don't forget to comment and vote!

-Becks ❤😘😍

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