2. Babe, I'm playing games - Michael

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You sit next to Michael who is playing another FIFA game. Covered by boredom you watch the dolls on the screen, which should image a few football players of whom you don’t know their names, running after some stupid ball.

Suddenly you don’t feel like watching him anymore and you slide a little bit more to Michael’s side. He shortly looks at you, but immediately turns his head back to the screen again. You wrap your arms around him and start to kiss his bare shoulder.

‘Babe, I’m playing games,’ he mumbles. ‘I know, but I’d rather play other games with you,’ you answer him with a cheeky smile. He grins en stops the game hesitantly. He pulls you on his lap and kisses you slowly while he starts to stroke your belly.

5 seconds of summer - ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz