7. Making videos - Luke

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‘I want you to meet my fans.’  You and Luke have been together for 8 months now and you knew he was uploading  videos of himself singing some songs. To be honest, you even watched them all. Luke took a chair and put it next to his chair. You sat behind him and he put his webcam on.

‘Hello everyone, I wanna thank you for watching my video’s. I’m getting more views by every day and besides that I want you to meet someone.’ You look at him and saw a cute smile popping up.

‘Lots of you have been asking if I were single and the answer is actually no. My girlfriend (Y/N) is right beside me.’ He shortly points at you and you just smile and wave at the camera. You wasn’t used to doing stuff like this.

‘Isn’t she gorgeous?’ He shortly paused his sentence and then continued it. ‘Right, she is. Well, I decided to write a song for her and I’m going to sing it. Right now, this is the first time she’s going to hear it and (Y/N), I hope you like it?’ He turned his face to you and started to play and sing.

You couldn’t believe all the nice things he put in de lyrics were about you. You tried not to freak out in front of the camera, but you felt so important. You never thought a boy would do such a thing for you.

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