4. Furniture shopping - Luke

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You and Luke Hemmings, who has been your best friend for ages, are walking in a furniture shop. You cross the different kind of rooms and laugh because you're pretending to be a married couple. Luke steps into a living room and sits down on a sofa pretending to watch the TV.

‘Oh, pumpkin, you should stop watching soccer every day. I feel like you forget about our relationship.’ You say with a whining-sounding voice, while you stroke his hair.

Luke turns his head shaking to you. ‘How can you think I forget about our relationship? You’re my life and I would never take something like you for granted. He smiles softly and slowly bends over you. ‘I love you,’ he whispers before he starts to kiss you.

You don’t know if it’s a part of the role play you were doing, but you don’t really care. It felt amazing and you were hoping for a lot more kisses like that.

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