Tch! Ofcourse I Care...Bastard.

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SpaMano is OTP! <3 <3 So I'm sorry if there are more SpaMano than other ships but it's just my favourite thing! And plz don't hate on the ship! Also I don't want to see any FrUK vs UsUk battles going down in the comments ya hear me!? Anywho this is violent I guess so trigger warning sort of?

Antonio pulled feebly at the ropes that were binding his feet and hands.
He quickly looked up at the sound of the cell door creaking open.
Tears sprung to his eyes as he whimpered.
He shuddered in fear, he'd been here too long and soon he knew they would break him, he could feel himself becoming weaker all the time and his mental state diminishing day by day.
And yet still no-one had come trying to get him out of here, not a single nation had figured out where he was being held hostage.
Hell, they might not even care.
His shoulders shook as his tears turned to sobs that racked his body.
His body shook even more violently as he could hear a pair of angry yet collected footsteps coming closer.
*por favor que alguien me encuentre* (please let somebody find me) he thought in despair as he squeezed his eyes shut trying to stem the flow of tears.
He had to stay strong.
His thoughts trailed in direction of Romano, ah his lovely Lovino.
Ha! He doubted Romano was even thinking about looking for him, after all, Lovino always makes it all to clear what he thinks of Antonio.
"Well well well, crying already? I haven't even done anything yet, have I Antonio? How pathetic!" sneered the all to familiar voice before the first blow hit him in the stomach and he doubled over coughing blood onto the floor before slumping over in exhaustion and letting the tears flow freely.
"Look at you... now I'm going to ask you one more time....Where is it!?"
Antonio summoned the last of his strength to spit on his 2p's boots.
"Y-you're an idiota if y-you actually think t-that I know!" he rasped out.
His throat felt like it had been sandpapered.
"Tch!" spat his 2p as he walked out but first kicking him one last time "Do whatever you want boys...."
Antonio shuddered as the guards walked in with whips.
He wasn't sure at what point he had lost consciousness but he woke up to find himself tied roughly to a wooden pole in a plaza somewhere.
He looked up, his eyes widening in fear and horror as his 2p approached with a knife and undid his bonds.
"Stand!" The 2p commanded and Antonio tried as best he could to stand with all the pain and shaking but his legs gave way.
Some other man lifted him up by his hair.
He grimaced and flinched as the knife approached his face.
'This will be the end for you Antonio.." The other sung in a sickly sweet voice, flicking the knife and cutting Antonio's cheek
"... if you don't answer the question, if you do might not die.."
It took every shred of courage he had left for Antonio to shake his head.
He wouldn't betray Romano.
Even if Romano didn't care about him, he cared about Romano more than anything else.
He dint even notice he had started crying again as he went limp, giving up on surviving at this point.
His 2p scowled and leaned forward with the knife in his hand going for Antonio's neck.
"Fine then!" he growled but then suddenly Antonio felt himself being pulled out of the guards grip and watched as the person who had grabbed him caught his 2p's wrist.
"What-a the f*** do you think your-a doing!" snarled a furious Italian voice.
Antonio opened his eyes in shock to see a fuming Romano in front of him.
Romano snapped the 2p's wrist and used the knife to stab the guard in the arm.
"Do you know how-a long it took me to find this-a place!? Ha!? Go-a and if I-a ever see you again...I WILL-A KILL YOU! YOUR GUARDS! AND THEN I WILL MAKE FLAVIO EAT YOUR **** BEFORE KILLING HIM TO!!" He yelled as the other to ran away in shock and fear.
He was going overboard but nobody cared about that right now.
Then turning back to Antonio he wiped his tears and picked him up bridal style (he's suprisingly strong).
"Shhhh Toni don't-a cry, it's all-a right now those bastardos are gone."
Antonio clutched onto him and buried his face in Lovino's neck.
"I-I th-thought you didn't c-care!" He sobbed.
Romano looked away "tch of course I care...bastardo"

Sorry about my incompetence when it comes to writing accents but it's just not my thing... I adore BAMF Romano! I also adore 2p's but for this oneshot I needed a baddy and I'm up creative so yah cliche! Also FUN FACT: I lived most my life in Spain! And am fluent in Spanish! Any other Spanish speakers out there? I tend to use Spanish to substitute Italian 'cause frankly I don't trust google translate. Bye! Sorry it's a bit dark for the first oneshot but meh!

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