Hot Under The Sleeves (Fruk)

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I'm pretty sure I dint come up with this Soulmate Au. Basically when you're 18 you get a name on your wrist that heats up when you're near you Soulmate. So anyway here is some FrUk but if you ship UsUk then hopefully I will get to that in the future :P remember...ship wars in the comments...I know how our fandom can be about this!

Francis took a deep breath as he ran outside and to the place he had promised to meet his friends.
Today was the day!
The day they would finally see the names on their wrists.
They'd made a promise you see, a promise to cover it up until all of them could meet up and show each other.
He had flown all theI England here from France the day before.
Why did they choose England to meet up instead of Skype? He couldn't remember.
He grinned as he spotted the two sitting at a table in a small cafe.
"Hola Amigo!" "Wassup!" They yelled as he sat down.
"Hi! *deep breath* Are we going to do this then?" He asked, nervously rubbing his wrist which was covered with a bandage thingy.
The other two nodded and Antonio counted down "Three! Two! One!"
They all showed their wrists.
Antonio groaned, Gilbert grinned and Francis slumped forward in disbelief. "Mathew! Great! Not that I know many Mathews but..." "Lovino..... Who names a child Lovino I mean are they trying to make it hard for me to find!? I've never even heard the name Lovino but it sounds Italian I guess?"
Francis sighed "Arthur. How the hell am I meant to find him!? There are HUNDREDS of Arthurs!"

The trio talked a bit more before the water came up.
Francis noted that his name tag said Allistor. He subconsciously rubbed his wrist and glanced around as he felt his wrist warm up.
"Orders?" The guy said in a rather posh English accent.
As the others ordered their food he noted that the guy had blond hair, green eyes and.... Strange eyebrows?
"And you?" Said the waiter.
He shrugged "what do you reccomend?"
The waiter leaned over his shoulder and pointed "Kay I'll have that then" he noticed that his wrist was burning after the waiter left.

Arthur gasped as rushed into the kitchen to give the customers orders.
His wrist was burning and he quickly glanced at the words Francis which were the source of the discomfort.
He eventually grabbed their food and went back outside.
As he placed their food down he noted his sleeve pulled up a bit.

Francis ceased talking as he caught a glimpse of the word on the waiters wrist.
His name.
He wasn't sure but he had to check as he grabbed the others wrist before he could walk away.
"Allistor?" The waiter looked confused but shook his head "No sorry that's my brothers name tag, I'm Arthur" his friends looked up from their food at this.
Francis smirked and showed Arthur his wrist "Hey Arthur, I'm Francis~"
Arthur's eyes widened and his face went beet red as he stuttered in disbelief. Francis sighed and shut him up with a kiss.

Well!? What did ya think!?
Do you have any requests? If so please comment them! Any ship! Unless it is one with Romano Or Spain being with anyone else but Romano and Spain because I'm sorry but I physically cannot.

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