I Saw You! (PruCan)

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Note: Alfred and Mathew are not related in this one shot! Hey Hey Heeeey look, look who's back! Back again....and readin' ma book.....Youuuuuuuu! No but seriously it's good to know you're enjoying these. Or at least so I assume 'cause you're still hear and stuff. This is one of those soulmate hot wrist name thing.

Gilbert laughed as his friend Alfred complained about the name on his wrist.
"*sobs* I keep looking everywhere! But do I ever meet a Kiku? noooooooo!" He groaned.
Then he perked up and looked at the German (*cough cough* excuse you its Prussian thank you very much) intently.
"What about you? You found any leads?"
Gilbert smiled and shrugged "Not really but I believe I'll just let fate draw us together! Hahahah just kidding! I have been searching, weirdly every so often my wrist warms up but not in a way that says 'YOUR SOULMATE IS NEXT TO YOU' more of a 'your soul mates near you but not very close'" he shrugged again.
He bid the loud American goodbye and started walking to class.
He was here on exchange (don't question age facts and stuff) and he hoped to meet his soulmate before he went back to Germany.
Francis had told him that his wrist had practically burnt when Arthur came close to him that day in the cafe.
He sighed but paused his thoughts as he felt his wrist heat up....a lot.
That what his brain processed before he crashed into a pile of books, no wait there's a person behind the giant pile.
Not that he was visible behind the pile but now that the books where scattered across the floor.
And then he was gone, rushing away down the corridor after picking up the books quickly, not giving Gilbert a chance to speak at all.
However as he ran off, as if he wasn't expecting to be noticed, Gilbert felt the warmth on his wrist fade out.
Later that day he quizzed Alfred on the kids identity and the reply came.
"Oh your probably talking about Mathew Williams, Canadian, not really a big presence I only know him 'cause he was paired in a project with me once....I think. Apart from that I think the only others who notice him are bully's... I would help him 'cause I'm the hero buuuut he's not easy to find which makes it hard" then he was called over by one of his friends.
Gilbert clenched his teeth at the thought of someone hurting his mate either physically or mentally.
He focused on the feeling of warmth on his wrist and used a sort of hot/cold method to gouge the others location.
As he walked around he heard a taunting voice coming from inside a classroom.
"Tch! You know why you will NEVER find your soulmate, if you even have one, it's because they won't even see you and you know, even if they do notice you they won't want you because No one. Wants. To. Spend. Their. Life. With. A. Ghost!"
Every word was punctuated with a thud and a yelp of pain.
Gilbert's eyes narrowed to garnet colored slits.
He stormed into the class and placed his foot down hard on the bullies back, who was leaning over the smaller boy who was curled up on the floor with tears running down his cheeks.
This action effectively planted the bully into the floor.
He quickly scooped up Mathew and sent a chilling glare at the other two bullies ,who had wisely remained quiet, as Mathew sobbed into Gilbert's shoulder.
"Do. Not. Touch. Him!" He growled in a murderous voice his accent running thick in his words due to anger.
He then turned on his heel and left.
As soon as they were out of the class he started shushing the others tears in a soft voice until the sobs were reduced to mere hiccups.
"W-who are you?" Stuttered the Canadian warily but also aware of the bursting heat in of the name on his wrist.
Gilbert smiled, kissed him on the forehead and whispered "Gilbert. See they were lying, I did see you."
And with those words he put every one of Mathews fears to rest.

Aren't they just the cutest patootest! Do you want to see them in another scenario? Well then you can make that happen in three easy steps! 1) think of your request 2) Post it in a comment or send it to in a DM if you're really desperate for it to happen! 3) read the oneshot when I post it!

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