The Names Kirkland, Arthur Kirkland! (UsUk)

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'bout time in'it!? Hahahahha I sometimes talk like that! What with my britsy accent that my teacher teases me for! If you didn't guess from the title....this will have NINJAS...joking it will have spies though! Danana danana danana danaaaaaa!

Arthur yawned as he stared at the multiple computer screens open before him.
He quickly glanced outside and groaned as he saw the sun rising.
He'd been up all night this time he noted and still no results.
He quickly dragged himself away from the screens and got dressed before going off to work.
At dawn!?
Yup, at dawn but that's not the earliest he has been asked to report to work.
He parked his car expertly in the parking lot and took quick precise strides to the entrance of the building.
"Arthur Kirkland reporting for duty" he spoke into a hidden mike on the door.
"Please scan your hand" came a robotic female voice and he did.
Soon after, the door slid open letting him in.
"Agent Kirkland report to headquarters office" the robotic voice informed him.
He wearily nodded and quickly made his way up the stairs.
He knocked sharply on the closed doors and made sure to erase all traces of sleep from his face and replace it with a relaxed but poker faced expression.
He then opened the door and swaggered (yes swaggered) in.
"You called?" he drawled staring at the man sitting at the desk.
"You have to stop." the man said sternly.
Arthur sighed and sat in the chair opposite.
"Stop what?"
The man squinted at him "Agent Alfred."
Arthur tensed ever so slightly as his mind raced.
"Arthur I know you've been searching up on his missing location but you have to understand that that is not your job! He is part of the American force not the English! It is the Americans job to find him not you! Now, I don't know when you two became so close but you work for-"
Arthur cut him off.
"No! I do not work for you! I'm helping you so do me a favor and leave me alone or I will quit helping you completely" and as if on a timer his phone bleeped.
He checked it and smirked.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I've just gotten a certain persons location and need a ticket to Italy" he saw the other man twitch in annoyance.
"He'll have your ticket" the man man grumbled.
Arthur left and was immediately flanked by another man who handed his tickets with a questioning glance.
"I'm going on a little trip, don't blow up anything without me James" and he was out of the door on his way to the airport in a matter of minutes.
The journey was enjoyable however, never the less he felt the time slipping between his fingers as the clocks ticked on.
Eventually the plane landed and once again the Englishman was on the move.
A few more steps, jogs and a bribed taxi man and he was taken exactly where he needed to be.
As soon as the taxi man was out of site he slipped into the 'innocent' looking building.
He hid in the shadows as a pair of underlings walked past.
"Well-a the boss said that-a of the Americano doesn't talk soon we can get-a rid off him quickly" the one was saying.
Arthur let out an involuntary growl but luckily wasn't heard.
He trailed behind them so to pick pocket their guns and made his way back down deeper into the building.
He soon heard a strangled yell of pain and dived into the shadows as a familiar Italian face came out of a room and yelled at his underlings.
"Move the American to the back cell where he won't disturb anyone!"
Arthur waited for him to go past and waited till he was sure the underlings had gone into the room.
Then he went to where they would be moving him.
A scuffle and cry protest alerted him that they had moved the other.
He let the underlings leave before opening the door (which they had forgotten to lock...amateurs).
He quickly assessed the state of the American.
Bags under his eyes : Sleep deprivation...probably got him on some kind of truth drug or something, bruised, a few cuts here and there, shirtless.....*nosebleed*
He may be beaten up but he's still fit as heck!
Bad Arthur!
Now is not the time!
He grinned as the American looked up blinking in surprise and fatigue.
"Arthur?" He said as if he couldn't quite believe if
"Yup! I came to get you out of here Alfred." The other whined in protest "but I'm supposed to be the hero!"
Arthur chuckled and removed the restraints on Alfred's arms and chucked him a gun.
"Then get yourself out of here! I'll catch up later!"
Alfred nodded and raced off doing his best to avoid being caught....again.
Arthur quickly did little something to the cell before also leaving.
He caught up with Alfred in time for the other to collapse into Arthur's arms mumbling "Think I might love you.." sleepily.
"Good to know! And the feelings mutual darling."
Arthur kissed his cheek and carefully picked Alfred up bridal style and walked away.

Back at the cell:

Everyone parted as an extremely angry Italian trudged into the room.
He stared in silence for a few minutes.
In the middle of the room lay a cup and saucer of tea, it was fresh as steam was still coming from the drink.

Hehehehehe I liked writing this one! Hope you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it! If you did you should definitely let me know *wink wonk*! Any requesties?

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