Chapter 3

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I fugked up, I forgot to add a part in last chapter, I just changed it though so it's alright.

9:24 AM

Luna woke up to see a ceiling she wasn't familiar with.

'Where am I?'

She sat up on the bed and looked around and was met with someone wearing a mask beside the bed she slept on.


She screamed and then tried to kick this masked person to which he just dodged by tilting his head.

"You're surprisingly fast."

"W-who are y-you and what d-do you w-want?!" She said panicking

"Relax, it's me."

The person then took off his mask to reveal that it was actually Enzo.

"E-Enzo, what is w-wrong with you?!"

"Sorry, sorry I just wanted to see your reaction" he apologized as he was smiling.

"S-so, where exactly am I?"

"You're in my room"

"Oh, w-why am I here?" she said yawning a bit still a little sleepy.

"You fell asleep during the trip, by the time we arrived at the portal you were already sleeping."

"W-wait, there was a portal? T-then what was the purpose of carrying me?" She asked a little angry

"Calm down a bit, I can't make a portals, for that I need to go to a specific place where a seal has been placed."

"A seal?" She said as she cocked her head to the side thinking about a seal (as in the animal).

"Not that kind of seal idiot. *sigh* Well either way, you fell asleep, so it wouldn't of changed anything."

"W-well obviously, I barely got any sleep and we were travelling for so long."

She then looked down at herself and saw that she was wearing pajamas.

"Huh? Why am I wearing these? I swear I was in my uniform when we departed and I don't remember changing into these"

The idea suddenly hit Luna as she turned towards Enzo.


All she saw was Enzo who was already in the other room while closing the door in front of him.


Luna was now pursuing Enzo while throwing all kinds of stuff at him, she was also blushing out of embarassment. Enzo just kept dodging while keeping his poker faced expression.

"I closed my eyes and did not touch your undergarments if it makes you feel better."

"S-Shut up! What you did was not n-not necessary!"

"It would of been uncomfortable for you to sleep in your uniform."
He said as he dodged a hit from Luna who now had a frying pan in her possession.

"You could've woken me up for that!"

"You seemed so peaceful, I didn't want disturb you in your sleep."

"Well I'll make sure to put YOU to sleep forever!" She yells as she tries to hit Enzo but he just dodged.

'Damn, maybe it wasn't a good idea to make her think that, judging from how she's acting, she'll probably keep doing for a while. Better put a stop to this some way or another.'

"Will you stop moving." Luna then said.


And like that, Enzo decided to cease his movements as he took a frying pan right in face.


Luna was just standing while panting with her "weapon" still on Enzo's face.

"You're surprisingly strong too."

Luna was now pouting still mad at him. A female voice was then heard from an intercom (I think that's how it's called).



"The headmaster wishes to see you."

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute" responded Enzo

"Oh, and bring also the girl with you."


Enzo then looked at Luna who was still glaring at him.

"We'll finish this little quarrel later, for the being we have to go, you should also go and change, your stuff arrived not to long ago. They are in that room." He said as he pointed to where Luna's stuff was.

He then went off to get his jacket and headphones with some other stuff.

"You can use my room to change if you want, I don't really mind."

"Ok, I-I guess."

Luna took some clothes and then went to change in Enzo's room.

To be continued

Sorry it took so long to post this chapter.

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