Chapter 6

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"Oh, you're already back Aster?" Said a child as he approached them.

"Is big sis back yet?" Said Aster.

"Not yet. Who are these people?"

"They're from Spirit Academy."

Another boy then approached Enzo, examining him.

"You don't look so strong, what can you do?"

Enzo lifted his finger and made some sparks come out of it.

The kids were astonished at what they saw. They all came towards Enzo and surrounded him.

"Do it again, again!" Said a boy.

"Hey, hey, can you do more of those kind of tricks?" Said a girl.

In mere moments, the kids, except Aster, were all around Enzo, wanting to play with him. Luna giggled at that sight.

"Oh, what do we have here?" Said a female voicek Aster and seemed to be 17 or 18 years old.

"Big sis!" Said Aster as he approached her sister.

"Hi Aster, everyone I brought back some food."

"Yay!" All the kids said in unison.

The girl had bag which had some food for the children who were there, there wasn't a lot, but there was enough for them.

The girl then approached Luna.

"So you must be from Spirit Academy right?"

"Y-yes we are."

"I see, thank you" she said as she bowed.

"Uh, y-you don't need you to thank us like that, we're just doing our job, I think."

"Even so." She says as she lifts her head up.

There wasn't much food so the children quickly finished and went to play with Enzo again.

That didn't bother Enzo, not at all, he actually liked children and so played with them.

"By the way, um miss..."

"Sophie, my name is Sophie."

"M-miss Sophie, why are all these children here? Shouldn't they be with their parents?"

"Well, we've had them hide here in the forest from Dubo and his men."

Enzo was playing with the kids in the backround, he threw one of the childs
up high in the air, a little too high maybe. He froze for a second at that.

"Um excuse me, but who is Dubo, we heard Aster say that name and I got curious."

"Oh well, he is the one who is keeping our village captive. Before, there were a bunch of other people with him who then left a while ago now." Said Sophie.

Meanwhile in the backround, Enzo caught the child as he was falling, you could hear him say "again, again!" Enzo refused and put him down.

"Dubo decided to stay and took control of our village, demanding food and also gold, making us also work for him."


"It is, my little brother Aster is the one who found this treehouse, he decided to make traps around this place and keep it secret for himself, until they arrived. Before they would notice them, Aster proposed to hide everyone at the treehouse, of course, it wasn't a good idea since if nobody was there, they would get suspicious, so we decided to hide the children here."

The children were all over Enzo, making him lose balance and fall over.

"W-well don't worry miss Sophie, we'll take care of this problem." Said Luna trying to comfort her.

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