C H A P T E R - 8

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I know it sometimes takes me a long time to update, but I do have a life outside of wattpad. Also if you a problem with errors in a story then I suggest you stop reading this story right here. I am not perfect and mistakes will happen. Don't forget to vote and comment. (:

C H A P T E R - 8

The sun was slowly rising making the sky become a beautiful bright red-orange color and informing Silver that she's been walking around all night long. Slightly limping down the street from the throbbing pain of her six inch heels, but she'd rather the pain than walking barefoot in the rocky ground.

Silver quickly licked her chapped lips as she crossed her arms against her naked breasts. Silver for the hundredth time looked behind her to see if a car was coming.

"Please, God. Let one mothetfucking car drive down this road." Silver mumbled, helplessly.

The only thing she heard was the rocks crunching together underneath her heels. Silver walked a few more steps before the pain from her feet stopped her.

Silver dropped to the ground on her knees and her head was starting to throb.

Might ass well lay my naked ass here. Silver thought as she laid her naked body on her stomach on the side of the road.

Silver thought she did hear a car coming but she didn't care at this moment, she was too weak to even move.

Closing her eyes she heard the car stop next to her naked body and groaned when she heard his voice.

"The hell is you doing, hoe?" Ro asked, laughing.

Ro only came back to check if her ass hitched a ride home but instead he find her laying her naked hoe ass on the ground like roadkill.

"Fuck off." Silver mumbled, lowly.

Ro shook his head knowing he probably had to bring her ass home himself. First he went back to his ride and out the passenger side door before he went back and gather a dirty weak Silver's body in his arms.

He hurried and slide her body in his car slamming the passenger side door before he jogged over to the drivers side.

"Why are you even picking me up?" Silver asked, weakly.

"Cause how else a nigga suppose to get his money? If your ass die I ain't never gonna get my money back." he answered, nonchalantly.

Starting up his car he started to laugh at the irony of the song that just started playing on the radio.

"Just hold on we're going home." he singed along with Drake as he started driving them back to her projects.

Meanwhile at the hospital Gold was sitting up on her bed in the room just staring out the window ready to leave, she was just waiting for Bambi to come back from calling her mother once again and she knew most likely her mother wasn't going to answer her phone.

Gold shook her head at the thought of her mother, she couldn't believe her own mother didn't even come and see her but she knew how selfish her mother could get and probably thought the man she was with at the moment was more important than her.

Gold snapped her head forward when she heard her hospital room door opening thinking it was Bambi but instead came face to back with Zane and De'Quan.

They both were rocking Last Kings shirts, snapbacks that was twisted backwards, slightly sagging Levi jeans and Jordan's on their feet.

"Hey," Gold said dragging out the word unsure why they were here. "What y'all doing here?"

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