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Katniss POV:

   I wake up in my bed and not on the floor thankfully. Carefully getting out of bed this time I turn off my alarm before it can even go off.

   Sometimes like today I manage to wake up before my alarm scares me to death. Or my nightmares. Shaking the thought from my head I slowly make my way to my light switch and turn it on shielding my eyes at first.

   Once my eyes are used to the bright light I walk to my closet and am about to pick out a cute sweatshirt and some jeans when I hear my phone buzz.

Wear a dress today! All the girls are doing it!

   I groan annoyed that I have to wear a dress. Wait... if all the girls are wearing dresses that means so is Johanna!

Wait... does that mean Johanna is wearing a dress?

No. I would like to stay alive today please and thank you

Then I'm not wearing a dress.

Fine. I'll make her wear a dress. But if I die I'm blamming it on you.

Yay!!! Johanna is going to wear a dress!!!

I put my phone down and go to my closet again and pick out a dress to wear (On top).

   After changing I open my blinds and see Peeta's whiteboard with new writing on it

  Good morning best friend!

   I laugh and pick up mine writing.

Thanks Bestie!

   After that I go down to the bathroom and do my hair (On top)

   I quietly go to Prim's room and knock.

   "You up?" I ask. One time she wasn't up and we were both late for school so now I always ask.

   "Yep!" I hear her chirp on the otherside of the door.

   "Okay just making sure." I say and I head downstairs. I smell french toast before I can even make it down the stairs.

   Once I smell it though I'm gone. Flying down the stairs straight to the source of the delightful smell. I bound over the last step and almost crash into my Uncle Haymitch. Luckily we both skid to a halt.

   "Well hello there sleepy head." Haymitch says laughing. I shrug my shoulders.

   "I'm up way before I have to be and I'm still a sleepy head?" I ask slightly annoyed. He laughs.

   "I was talking about last night. Don't you remember? You fell asleep outside on the porch by the barn. Peeta had to carry you in." He's smirking slightly and I feel a blush crawl up my face.

   "Oh yeah." I mutter under my breath. He laughs at me and then pats me on the back.

   "It happens to everybody here. It's just so peaceful outside and you had a big day yesterday so I suppose it makes sense." Haymitch reasons nicely. I nod.

   "Well I'm hungry so..." I say as I scoot around Haymitch towards the entryway to the kitchen. He nods.

   "Yah, me too." We both walk into the kitchen to find Peeta and Aunt Maysille cooking breakfast together. Haymitch and I both plop down at the table.

   "I forgot to ask. Why are you so dressed up?" I look down at my outfit because of Haymitch's question.

   "Annie texted me saying I had too." I reason.

   "Hey did you have any homework?" Panic rises up in me at the question. One of Haymitches eyebrows goes up in question at my panicking face.

   "No she doesn't Mr. Abernathy, I'm in all her classes and we didn't have any homework yesterday." Peeta says from the stove where he's cooking. My body sags with relief. Haymitch laughs at me.

   "The boy saved you again, didnt he?" Haymitch smirks. I glare at him.

   "Whatever." I mumble annoyed with him. Prim suddenly enters the room with a bright pink sun dress on and a matching headband.

   "I smell french toast!" She chirps happily and upon seeing Peeta her face brightens up.

   "Peeta!!!!" She squeals making both me and Haymitch cringe. Peeta turns to her and laughs.

   "Hey Primmy!" He chuckles as he talks to her. It's funny how he can talk to her and be cooking at the same time. I couldn't. I would burn the food easily.

   "I forgot my phone upstairs I'm gonna go get it." I say and bound out of the room and up the multiple sets of stairs.

   Once I enter my room I grab my phone and my boring light green backpack. Swinging the backpack over my shoulder and holding the phone in one hand I go down to the kitchen again and find Prim in my spot.

   "Out." I say as I enter. Prim looks up at me.

   "No." She argues.

   "Darling I wasn't asking. Out of my chair little duck." I make sure to mention her nickname she hates so much at her current age.

   She scowls at me and stands up walking over to the empty seat. Yes I know it would have been easier to take the empty seat but I wanted to sit in that chair. I'm weird about that. I have a designated chair.

   I sit down and eat my french toast sticks which happened to be the best I have ever had in my lifetime and then cleaning off my plate I go outside yelling my goodbyes quickly.

   "Bye!" Is all I say. I hear a quick scatter but I go out anyway.

   Once I'm out I sit down in the hammock that we have outside and wait patiently for whoever comes first. Peeta and Prim or The Victors.

   Turns out the scatter I heard was Peeta and Prim as they come rushing out the door searching for me frantically. Once Prim sees me she points me out to Peeta. He looks relieved.

   "Hey ready to go to school?" I laugh and jump up and rush to the car beating Prim for shotgun. Peeta laughs as Prim pouts.

   "Alright! Lets go!" Peeta shouts as he pulls out of the driveway,

Starting on the journey to school.

Hey my Lovely Reader's!
So I hope you like this short little chapter! If you want to see some more Everlark check out my other stories! As always please,
Stay amazing
Love y'all!
All Rights go to Suzanne Collins

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