I Love You

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Katniss POV

My heart stops, however this is the least of my problems as my moments hesitation in saying those three little words back is possibly my worst mistake when my boy with the bread and sweet dandelion's eyes roll back and he is gone from the world and from me.

"Peeta!" I shriek, desperately grabbing at his face and trying to wake him.

"Katniss, I need you to back up now. We've got to get to the hospital and they need to get him on this stretcher." Dr. Aurelius pushes on my shoulders trying to remove me.

"No! Peeta! No, no, no." I murmur as I'm pushed away and my desperate stretching to still be touching him fails as I feel lost the moment my fingers leave Peeta's skin. The lost feeling makes me desperate and I lunge forward again. This time I'm pulled back by several hands.

"Katniss, no. Come on, lets head to the hospital." Finnick states seriously as he holds tightly to one of my arms. I desperately look at him and then the person holding my other arm which seems to be Naan.

"Why?" I whisper brokenly as tears continue a steady stream down my face. Naan looks at me sadly before pulling me into him as Finnick releases his grip on my arm.

"I don't know Katniss. I just don't know." Naan murmurs against my hair as he holds me tight to him.

The EMT's are now shouting out orders and I hear Dr. Aurelius among them yelling. I try to pull away from Naan but he holds me tight to him now as if this was his plan to stop me from watching and freaking out. Sadly, his plan was not thought out because I am freaking out again.

I manage to spin myself around and see the same scene I did nearly exactly a week ago. His heart stopped. Again.

"No! Peeta!" I scream again and the broken sobs come back full force as I struggle against Naan. Finnick comes closer to help in case I break away I assume but I ignore him focusing on the stretcher carrying one of the most precious people in the world to me on it, into the ambulance.

"Katniss we've gotta go to the hospital now, come on!" Puri shouts from half-way across the field with Roti near him, already heading for the car.

I spin around to look at the ambulance once more to see Mr. Mellark jump in as well and the doors shutting behind him. The doors shutting seems to snap me out of it and I'm immediately sprinting across the field towards the two brothers. Naan's hold on me must have loosened as I felt nearly no resistance from him as I pulled away to sprint and now I just hear him running with me.

Soon all of us reach Naan's car and we are rushing to jump in. Just as I'm about to jump in I see Finnick running off the field. While I'm sure he could just go find his car and meet us there I realize he is probably just as concerned about his best friend as us.

"Wait! Finnick! Over here!" I yell to him before turning towards the boys already in the car and ready to pull away with me half hanging out. "Can we take Finnick?" I question quickly looking at them.

"Yes, he better hurry though cause I'm leaving in the next few seconds." Naan makes a quick motion as he puts the car in drive.

"Hurry your a** up Finnick! We're leaving!" I scream even though he isn't far from me at this point. He starts to pick up even though his sprint is already very fast and he lunges for the car just as I fully get in. As Finnick slams the door behind him we are already screeching out of the parking lot.

"Seat-belts!" Puri yells with a no nonsense kind of attitude. We don't need anymore injuries tonight. The obnoxious noise of several seat-belts clicking into place fills the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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