Let's Begin

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Katniss POV:

   After everyone is changed and had gotten some food into their system, we grab our school stuff and head out.

   Peeta and I hop into his truck as everyone hops into their assigned vehicles. Peeta pulls out of the driveway and starts driving to school. My mind buzzes with thoughts of what Clove said.

   "Hey whatcha thinking about Kat?" Peeta's hand pushes my shoulder playfully. I look to him and see his eyes are still on the road but are flicking towards me.

   He's such a good driver that he doesn't even make me nervous when he takes one hand off the wheel. Anyone else I would have screamed at. But not him.

   I give him a goofy smile and push his shoulder even lighter then he did to me not wanting to mess up my thoughts on his good driving.

   "Stuff!" I chirp in a little girl voice. Peeta looks over at me and laughs before returning his gaze to the road.

   "You're so goofy." He chuckles under his breath. I smile proudly.

   "I know!" He full out laughs at my goofy behavior and I can't help but giggle at how cute he looks when he laughs. He still manages to watch the road so I'm happy.

   This is a good way to start my day. I suddenly feel brave and I lean over and give him a quick peck on the cheek. He stops laughing and a blush creeps across both of our faces.

   I'm almost regretting it when a large smile makes it's way across his face. I decide to just look at my backpack that sits on my lap now shyly.

   Suddenly I feel a soft pair of lips press against my cheek quickly. I sit stunned for a moment as well and then look at him and smile as much as he did. Our smiles match as we look at each other for a moment.

   "Were here." Peeta mumbles looking almost sad at having to ruin the moment and I finally realize we are parked and on the schools grounds.

   "Oh. Yah. Okay. Let's go then." I stumble as I open my car door and unbuckle my seat belt hoping out of the car and swinging my backpack over my shoulder. "You coming slow poke!" I chirp over my shoulder as I rush to the willow tree where are firends are sitting already.

   "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Some of us aren't as graceful as you!" I hear a beep of the truck getting locked and then the heavy footsteps of Peeta following. I smile as I begin to run. "Hey! That's not fair!" I hear Peeta shout as I sprint across the parking lot.

   "Yes it is!" I yell back not watching where I'm going. I see Peeta's eyes get wide and his mouth opens and lets out a loud yell.

   "KATNISS! WATCH OUT!" I spin to see a car coming right for me. I squeal and I don't know which way to go in such a split second decision but heavy footfalls help me decide.

   I jumped towards the left where I came from and where Peeta is. I jump and am caught in strong arms in an instant and spun around to the other side. After a moment I'm crushed against Peeta's chest.

   "I'm okay now." I mumble still shocked as I grip Peeta's shirt in my fists.

   "Don't. You, ever. Do. Anything. Like that again. Got it?" Peeta mumbles as he holds me even closer. I just nod and try to shake off the feeling of close death.

   Peeta let's me go but keeps me semi close as we carefully walk the rest of the way towards our friends who are staring wide eyed.

   Annie is sobbing against Finnicks chest traumatized by watching the whole thing. Jo looks shocked and Gale has the same expression right next to her.

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