CH 1 : first day of school..

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Lily POV.

I woke up and saw my mom standing next to the doorway and said with a smiling face

Mom: " Morning honey~ it's your first day in school ". Uh duh, my first day in school. I smile back to her and head to the bathroom to wash and get ready for school.

Mom : " After you finishing wash up, come downstairs to eat breakfast, ok? "

Me : " Eating breakfast for my first day makes me wanna throw up, but I'm coming tho. "

Mom : " OK. " After I wash up, I went downstairs start eating my breakfast that mom made for my first day." So..... Ready to go school and make new friends? "

Me : " I don't know about making friends, but I'm ready for school tho. " I reply while eating.

Mom : " Oh ok.... "

Mom already knew that I don't like meeting new people ESPECIALLY when it comes to school kids. After finishing my breakfast, I gather all my school supplies about to head out.

Mom : " uh, Lilly!! You're not going to school with your PJs right?? " She said. Damn it, I went back inside and grab my new uniform to change into it then I head outside all ready for school. I went inside the car waiting while mom is locking the house and also the gate. Our neighborhood is kind of quiet because I don't like a neighbor that is noisy and wild. There's a gym close by our house but I just use our own gym. I look out the window; bored. Anyway, we arrived to a new school that my mom pick, it was big and a lot of kids roaming around minding their own business. I got out of the car saying a goodbye to mom and she drove off. *sigh* " first day of school huh. " I thought to myself. Once I was about to enter inside the school, a teacher came to me asking : " Hello there, Are you new here? " " Yes sir. " I reply with a bow. " Do you mind showing me where the office is at? " I ask the teacher but he just looked at me annoyed. " Why are you asking me? Go look for it yourself new kid..." He left after he said that. " What kind of teacher is he? Idiot..." I thought to myself. After talking with that idiotic teacher, I just walked in by myself looking for the office, but there it is. I went in and I saw the principle welcome me with a smile. I bow 90 degree with respect to the principle. I sat on the chair waiting for the principle to hand out my schedule.

Principle : " So, you must be Lilly right? The new student? "

Me : " Yes sir " ( Bow with respect )

Principle : " Ok, here's your schedule for your class and your home room is 302. " He handed over my schedule.

Me : " thank you sir " ( bow with respect )

Principle : " Good luck on your first day Lilly... " I bow again to him and head out from the office then look for my home room. Before I enter inside the class the teacher approached in front of his room.

Teacher : " you're the new student right? "

Me : " yes sir " ( bow with respect )

Teacher : " ready to meet your classmates? "

Me : " yes sir?? "

Teacher : " ok, let's go Jeonson hagsaeng " [ transfer student ]

While I was making my way in the class, I caught the side of my eye a familiar face from school but I'm not sure because it's middle school everybody were little back then, so they're grown up now. I was trying to put a name to the face until the teacher signaled me to come inside. I entered the classroom and I can see different responses and facial expressions from the class. It kind of making me nervous, until I saw the kid with a familiar face. She wasn't paying attention but kept talking to her circle of friends. The teacher hit the podium with pointing stick, getting the attention of the class, including the familiar face.

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