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After the kids going to school, I went dressed up getting ready for work gather all my stuff and head outside before locking the house. I got inside the vehicle and starting the engine about to hit the road but my phone rang. I look at the caller ID and it's Bang PD-nim, so I answered it.

Me : " Hello, this Yoon Mirae speaking. " I said

Bang PD-nim : " Mirae-sshi. "

Me : "  Ne PD-nim. " I said

Bang PD-nim : " You have a daughter right?? " he said

Me : " Yes sir. "

Bang PD-nim : " Is it possible to bring her with you, because we have a meeting with the Bangtan in the office. " he said.

Me : " Oh ok, but she's at school doing her quiz. Is it ok to bring her after school, she doesn't want to miss her quiz. " I said.

Bang PD-nim : " Alright, no problem. " he said calmly

Me : " Ok, thank you PD-nim. " I said and hung up and also call Lily.


Lily : " Hello?? " she answered tiredly

Me : " hi honey, you sound tired. " I said knowing her well.

Lily : " Yeah, a little. ugh, two more quiz and I'm done for today. " she said. *chuckle* I'm so glad she's my one and only daughter. I thought to myself.

Me : " I'll pick you up right now. " I said playing

Lily : " Why?? I got some quiz to finish here. " she said tiredly.

Me : " Because I just got a call from the manager at BigHit Headquarters. " I said

Lily : " What?!?! " she said

Me : " Mhmm. " I said

Lily : " Why, what happen??You got fired?? she ask. This girl, I can tell she's really tired that she's talking nonsense. I thought to myself 

Me : " NO!! Lol. He just wants you to come with me because we have a meeting with a boy group. " I said

Lily : " Oh. umm, can I come later?? " she ask

Me : " Hm? Why?? " I ask

Lily : " I gotta go home first to take a shower then I'll meet you at the their headquarters. " she said. This girl.

Me : " Do you know where is at?? " I ask

Lily : " Mom, I've been raised here and I know where I'm going. No worries. " she said. I'm so proud of her. How can I live without this flower of mine?? I thought to myself

Me : " Alright honey, I'll meet you there. Don't forget to call me. " I said

Lily : " As always mom. " she said

Me : " I Love you honey " I said

Lily : ' I Love you too mom. "

*hung up*

After talking to Lily, I drove off going to my workplace doing my same work, and that is training the newbies that was joining UFC and MMA also I work at Big Hit Ent.

( School during Quiz )


I just got a call from PD-nim reminding me that we're going to have a meeting discussing of having a designer and I wonder who it is. Ugh, quiz quiz quiz, I hate quiz. Crap, I suck at English and I don't think I'm gonna pass the quiz. I look at my right, I saw Lily doing her quiz tiredly knowing that she's gonna fall asleep during quiz time, so I just grab some useless paper, crumble it and toss it but it hit her head. I thought she's gonna look but she just sitting there like nothing happen and I was gonna toss another paper but she raised her paper signaling the teacher that she's done. That's fast. I thought to myself. I kept looking at her and she brought her iPod with earphones out and start listening in a low volume not letting anybody know what she's listening and went to sleep. For some reason, she's way different from these Korean girls. Well, she's a Korean-American of course. I thought to myself. After the last quiz for today, everyone went back to their own noisy, studying, and roaming around like usual but Lily just sleeping alone and nobody's bothering her. Ok, let me just grab some rock to wake her up. I was gonna throw it to her but she just startle out of nowhere. OK? that's creepy, I didn't throw anything. I thought to myself but she took out her phone and I think it's a phone call of something but she stood up and went out. That's weird. I said to myself.

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