CH 3 : Idiots

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Lily's POV

*Phone vibrating*

Me : *look to* " Oh, it's mom. Hey mom, wassup. "

Mom : " Are you still in school ?? "

Me : " Yeah, I'm in the library. What's up?? "

Mom : " Come and meet me at the coffee cafe, I want you to meet some people there, and I'm not gonna tell you who are they. "

Me : " I was gonna ask anyway. Ok, I'll be there after school. "

Mom : " Ok, see you there honey. "

Me : " oh, mom "

Mom : " Yes, Honey?? "

Me : " Can I use my motorcycle when I go home?? "

Mom : " You know it's weekday honey. You can't --- "

Me : " I know mom, just for today please ?? "

Mom : *sighs* " Ok. Be careful. "

Me : " Will do mom.. "

*Bell ringing*

Me : " Gotta go mom, Love you~ "

Mom : " Alright, Love you too honey.. "

*sigh* After talking with mom on the phone, I got up with my notebook that I was study for the test, I went to my locker and I hear murmuring about what happen yesterday. I don't give a shit about it because they deserve it anyway. I just grab my bag and walk to my homeroom and head toward my seat, sit down and continue study with my hoodie on and my earphones on blast.

Jungkook POV

" Man, I can't stop thinking about what happen yesterday; shit. I wanna know more about this girl Lily. Oh yeah, her friend Yoonji is here, gotta ask her because she always hang around with Lily. Oh here she come." I thought to myself. I turn to Sooyoung

Me : " Sooyoung, you know Yoonji right?? "

Sooyoung : " Yeah, what about that b****?? " she said in a annoyed tone while doing her makeup..

Me : " Bring her and meet me at the rooftop ok? "

Sooyoung : " Eh?? " She stop doing her makeup and look at me confused. " Why at the rooftop?? "

Me : " Just bring her and do your thing what you always do. " I said to her while stood up and walk outside the room to the rooftop. This will be my chance to see what kind of person actually Lily is.

Sooyoung POV.

" The hell does he want from Yoonji ? Ugh, whatever; I'll just do what my Jungkookie wants. " I thought to myself. I got off from my seat and head toward to Yoonji. I hesitatedly grab her wrist and take her to the rooftop. She was struggling to let go of her wrist, but i don't care about it. We got on the rooftop and I saw Jungkook with his gang waiting.

Me : " There. " I throw Yoonji to the floor in front of jungkook.

Jungkook : " Wassup Yoonji. "

Yoonji : " What do you want from me?? " She said in a scare tone

Jungkook : *scoff* " Jump. Let's see who's going to save you. " He said. I was shock of he said to her.

Lily's POV

While I was studying alone, someone was tapping my shoulder. I took one earpiece off and look at the person.

Me : " What?? "

??? : " You better go to the rooftop right now, before it's too late. "

Me : " Why is it too late?? "

??? : " Sooyoung and Jungkook and their gang are there. "

Man, they never quit. Shit!! I put my stuff inside my bag quickly to my locker to my bag in before I go to the rooftop. Before I go to the rooftop I change my school uniform to my black tan-top and my black pants. I walk my way to the rooftop and I saw Yoonji standing there ready to jump off.

Me : " I won't jump if I were you Yoonji!!! " I said and she look back along with everybody except Jungkook.

Sooyoung : " Lily?!? " She said.

I walk pass Sooyoung and ignore her also her girls along with Jungkook's gang, but Jungkook look at me and smirk like it's fun seeing me there saving someone who's gonna commited suicide....again

Me : " This is so stupid as heck...Seriously?? You bought her here because you want to see what kind of person am I?? "

Jungkook : " Smart. " *smirk*

Me : " Idiot. " I quickly said irritatedly but I just went and bring yoonji down from jumping off. " Why did you listen to this fakah over here?? " I said to Yoonji serious

Yoonji : " He said he's gonna sue my dad and ruin my whole family. " She look down crying.

Me : *sigh frustrated* *scoff* I stood infront of Jungkook. " Do you really have the guts to sue that person?? "

Jungkook : " Yeah, You want me to do it?? "

Me : *scoff* " Prove it if you have guts. " I said serious to his face.

He held his phone and call his manager to sue Yoonji's dad, but by looking at his face expression, looks like he cannot. *scoff* what an idiot.

Me : " So, Yoonji. Let's leave this shit, before things get more dirty than yesterday. "

Yoonji : " Ok." she silently.

We were about head inside, one of Jungkook friends hold us back from going to class. Like do I care about it?? I shove his hands from the door-knob but he held it tightly. " Interesting ". I thought to myself by looking the guy. I held his wrist really tight and he was groaning in pain. I grip his wrist more tightly and finally he let go of the door knob.

Me : "Open it." I told Yoonji and she open it and we both leave but I let her go first. " You go first. " I said to Yoonji and she just stood there without moving. I turn to the guy but he tackle me to the wall but I just elbow his back so that he will be on the on floor. I look at everybody. " If you guys wanna fight again because right now I'm not gonna go easy on you. " I said. I see nobody will come close because they know what it means because they got whooped yesterday. So, I just leave them dumb like that and head inside school to continue study.

*Bell ringing*

Recess time!!! Finally it's lunch time, shit, I'm hungry as heck. I stood up about to leave but Yoonji held my hand and I look at her like " what the hell ".

Me : " The hell you doing?? " I said confuse

Yoonji : " Can we go together please please. " she said scare

Me : " Whoa Whoa slow down, What the hell you scare for?? " I confusedly ask her

Yoonji : " Can we go together please. I beg you please?? " she's about to cry, but I saw Sooyoung minding her own business with Jungkook. Why is she like this anyway?? I'm damn confuse right now.

Me : " Not until you tell me what the heck is going?? "

??? : " What the heck is wrong you?? " someone said. I look aroud, it's Sooyoung

Yoonji : " Please help me, Please... " She said while crying.

Me : " Yah!! " I held her looking at me. " What's going on?? " I ask her and she pointed outside where I see men with black suits waiting. " Those guys?? " I ask and she nodded.

Sooyoung : " The loan sharks. I hate those fakahs. " She said annoyed and went to the cafeteria with her minions including Jungkook.

Me : *look at Yoonji* "Oy...We go to them??"

Yoonji : *gasp* "No."

To be continue...

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