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"You sure you're alright Levi, you seem pale," Erwin asked, walking around the van. Levi trailed behind him as everyone else were stretching their legs.

"I'm fine, Eyebrows. Just a little shocker in my dreams. Now hurry the fuck up getting gas. We don't have all day," Levi urged as they walked inside the little store. The store itself looked like a run down shack. The walls weren't pure white anymore, instead it was the color of dirt in the snow. The floors were marked with black footsteps and leftover crumbs from previous snacks. Levi grimaced in disgust and made an awkward distorted noise.

"How may I help ya, fellas?" A man with grey hairs asked the two. He had huge muscles and a long mustache and a bandana. Basically he looked like a Hulk Hogan ripoff. (If you read the manga, you should know who I'm talking about.) Levi muttered inaudible words under his breath, but only two words were heard by Erwin. "Clean better."

"Yes, 50 dollars on number 4," Erwin requested as he pulled out his black leather wallet. Just then, a husky lady wearing a black long sleeved dress with an apron walked in. Her gray hairs were braided. She was wearing a ton of eyeshadow and bright red lipstick. The wrinkles on her face made her look like she was 60. Levi furrowed his eyebrows at them, they looked familiar.

"Dear, did you tell them about the mermaid tail sighting?" The lady asked, approaching her buff husband. Erwin raised one eyebrow.

"Mermaid sighting?" Levi questioned, piquing his interest. The couple nodded in unison.

"Apparently, the fin of a mermaid tail was spotted by a group of children at night. They said the fin was a mix of silver, black, and (F/C). But of course, they are just kids and they make up tall tales all the time." The male responded, taking the five tens Erwin had out for him. Levi grunted softly, looking at his tall companion. "Many believe it's the old legend, (Y/N) (L/N) planning her revenge. However, there's a reward going around. If you catch her, you'll get a million dollars."

"Interesting. Anyway, have a nice day you two." Erwin stated, walking away with Levi behind him.

"A reward for a mythical creature that's trying to be free? Fuck humanity.. It's like a zoo or Seaworld or some shit like that. I don't understand.. Why would you want to take one's freedom away for your entertainment? Selfish pigs," Levi growled out, glaring at the nearby gas pump.

"Well, Levi not everyone has the same thought process. Some people think it's ok that animals are in zoos," Erwin responded, walking up to the gas pump. He pulled out the nozzle, staring at it. "It's just how life works. History indeed repeats itself." Erwin opened up the gas tank of the black vehicle.

"Alright idiots! Back to the van!" Levi announced, making everyone whine. "Oh, I would be glad to leave you guys! Get in you brats!" The young adults shuffled around, whispering to each other before walking back into the van.

Silence filled the van's atmosphere, much to Levi's liking. "So, the owners of the gas station said that some kids spotted a mermaid's fin in the water," Erwin mentioned, making Hanji gasp in excitement while everyone else had a huge grin on their faces.

"Erwin, you fucking-"


"No, it isn't. Now that mermaid has a bounty on her. If you catch her, you'll get a million dollars," Levi added bitterly. The excited brunette's face fell, a serious look washed over her face.

"Miss Hanji, are you ok?" Armin asked, gripping the car seat in front of him to get a good look at her.

"Well isn't it obvious?" Hanji looked down and continued, "We will capture her and bring her to safety." Everyone's bodies jerked forward as Erwin abruptly stepped on the brakes.

"That's crazy!" Moblit yelled from the very backseat, shooting up. Her auburn eyes shifted to her assistant, making him flinch a bit due to how serious she was.

"Moblit, it's not. Knowing this town, who knows what they are going to do to her?! Put her in a circus where she'll be tortured for our entertainment?! Rape her? Huh, do you condone that type of entertainment, Moblit?" Hanji asked, tilting her head. "We are the Survey Corps. A marine biologist organization. You know for a fact that we don't let any animal lose their freedom due to our selfish ways," Hanji finished. Moblit stared down at his lap, clutching his hands every now and then.

"Well, Hanji. You gave us a reasonable explanation. Once we get to the beach, we're going to investigate this Blue Grotto and hopefully, we'll find our mermaid. Got it?" Erwin said, pulling over to the side of the road.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone announced, throwing their fist over their hearts and behind their back.

Levi furrowed his eyebrows, thinking back at those store owners. They looked so familiar. He let out a grunt and looked out his window once more. The vehicle started up again and back on the road.

"Ignorant humans.. Trying to put a bounty on me? Well, beckos. I am not going down with out a goddamned fight," She whispered, pulling herself up on a jagged rock. It felt quite uncomfortable on her bum, she furrowed her eyebrows. The slits on her neck opened up drastically while she took a deep breath. She stretched out her arms, the transparent (F/C) fish fins attached to the arms and back made it look like wings (think of how the flying squirrel's "wings" look like)

She arched her back, the silver scales on parts of her back glistened in the sunlight. Her webbed fingers started to comb through her long, wavy (H/C) tresses. Her black fish fins for ears perked up at the sound of humans. Her eyebrow arched in annoyance as she huffed out air, frustrated. She dove back into the salty body of water. Her head emerged from the water, behind the said rock. She poked her head out to the side. Her large (E/C) eyes widened at the male. The man from her dreams. Levi Ackerman.

The stotic man glowered at the litter on the beach. His cold grey eyes slowly met with a jagged rock. His eyes widened at the shadowy figure on the side of it, the only thing visible was large (E/C) eyes. It slowly sunk into the water. 'Weird.' Levi thought. His eyes went back to their normal size only to widen again. In that same spot, there stood a silver, black, and (F/C) colored mermaid tail. It was gone as quickly as it came.

"Eyebrows! I just saw something!"

Deep Waters (Levi Ackerman X Mermaid! Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat