Truth be Told (1/2)

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fUcK I haven't updated this in such a long time. You guys can shout at my lazy ass! Oh! Before I forget, I'll advise you from this point, a lot of scenarios that happen in this book also happened in the manga. So I guess this is a spoiler alert for further chapters?

Without further ado, a new chapter!
Levi's damp raven hair was slicked back as he ran his hand through his hair. He sat Indian style on the only surface that wasn't underwater. Little pebbles were attached to his wet feet. The seemingly sharp rocks nudged at his back, tearing his scuba gear in the process. "Well?" He asked, his deep voice echoing in the cave.
"Well what?"
"Are you going to tell me?"
"You'll need to be more specific than that, Levi~" (Y/N) said in a seductive tone. " My breast size? How tight I am? Naughty Levi, we just met-"
"Shut up, idiot," Levi replied, light pink dusting his ivory skin.
"Anyway, grump cakes, I'll go get you some food!" Before Levi could protest, (Y/N) had already disappeared into the glowing blue water.

"Eren... I'm sorry, so sorry! I didn't mean to worry you and Mikasa like that! If I hadn't stray away from the formation..." Armin stuttered. His golden bangs were pushed back due to his goggles. The strands were a bit wavy. Armin's periwinkle-blue orbs glistened in the sweltering sun. Eren looked at his childhood friend, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

'Why was Armin blaming himself? They never practiced the formation in the first place,' Eren thought to himself. "It's okay, Armin." The said teen looked up at Eren. He felt as if he was traveling through the galaxy from his emerald eyes.
"But you and Mikasa always save me.... I-I want to save you guys for once..." Armin replied, his voice barely above a whisper. Mikasa gazed at him, settling her hand on his head.
"You did save us before.." Her usual flat tone contradicted with her mother-like expression.
"Guys! We were looking for you!" The bald teen swam towards the trio, Sasha following behind.
"We're fine, we just encountered a shark," Mikasa said. Connie let out a little grunt, nodding.
"No.. it wasn't a shark.. It grabbed me.. with human hands," Armin debunked Mikasa. Instinctively, he scratched the side of his ankle. Armin stared into the water while everyone's gaze were on him.
"What do you mean..? It wasn't.. a s-shark..?" Sasha stuttered out, swimming closer to Armin.
"It's exactly what he said, Sasha," Eren said, crossing his arms.

"Come on you guys! You're just letting Squad Leader Hanji's theories get to you," Connie tried to dismiss it. Hell, he didn't even know what to believe himself. Connie dug his fingernails into his buzz cut, "Damn! You guys I don't know what to believe!"

"Connie. We believe the truth and the truth is yet to be told." Mikasa said in a monotone voice. Connie knew she was trying to reassure him, but it ultimately failed.

"Mika' is right! We only believe the truth and Armin always tells the truth! I think Squad Leader Hanji was right.." Sasha chuckled nervously, placing her hand on Connie's shoulder. Mikasa blinked blankly.

"Don't call me Mika ever again."

"Oi! Are you cadets alright?!"
"This fish bitch is taking too long.." Levi growled out, dipping both of his sickly pale feet into the water, his slender body following not long after. He placed his goggles and snorkel back to their original position. He went under water and proceeded to swim out of the Blue Grotto.

It's been a while since Levi left the said cave, finally emerging back on the surface. "Levi!" A familiar baritone voice said. Levi turned to the source of the voice. Short blond hair billowed in the breeze.
"And Four Eyes.." Levi thought he's never say this, but he was glad to see Hanji and her stupid glasses. The boat slowed down as it approached Levi until it made a complete stop. With the support of both members of the boat, Levi was able to climb aboard. Of course, I will not mention the struggle especially with the intimidating man and his short glory.


Small sparkles of water shined in Annie's light blonde hair. Her icy blue orbs stared into the night sky as the boat traveled back to shore. Sweat dropped from Reiner's biceps, his knuckles turned white due to how hard he was clutching the paddle. The wind caressed Bertholdt's dark tresses, his olive orbs almost lifeless. They were paddling away from the blood stained water. Abruptly, Reiner stopped the rowing and looked over into the sea. Both Bertholdt and Annie looked over the direction were staring at. A head emerged from the sea, the only thing noticeable about the figure were the fins on both sides of their head.

"Hmm...? Did it kill him?"

The trio nodded. The obvious siren grinned, it's razor sharp teeth rivaled any shark ever. The pearly whites shimmered in the moonlight.


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