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One by one, Armin's ocean blue eyes stared out into the sea. He looked around, his soft blonde locks floating around. His eyes met with Mikasa's as she stared at him. Without a doubt, the ocean is a beautiful place, but what lurks underneath isn't so beautiful. He closed his eyes, looking over the past lessons the 104th trainee squad had learned before joining the Survey Corps.

"Take notes because you're going to need it!" The male said, hitting the blackboard with his long stick ruler. A scoff echoed in the room, making everyone turn back to see who the culprit was. Sitting there with his head resting his hand, Jean played with the pencil between his fingers. "Is there something you'd like to say, Jean?"
"Well, you kept saying that we'll need to take notes on certain things, but we end up writing everything," Jean said, straightening his posture. The man rolled his eyes.
"Ok, Mr. Kirschtein! How about you teach us about the dangers that lurk in deep waters? How about you teach us about how not to disturb mating sessions between animals? How about you teach us about how 'great' Mikasa's hair is since that's the only thing you seem to know." The two hair toned teen's face gradually redden as he threw his hands over his face. The brunette teen in the seat in front of him snickered softly. Armin looked at his friend who was indeed laughing at Jean's embarrassment.

"Eren.. stop before-" Armin got interrupted by the loud cracking sound of the ruler hitting Eren's desk.
"Since Mr. Jeager and Mr. Kirschtein are holding up my class, I want you two to go and swim 300 laps then come back after you're done."


Armin chuckled at the memory, bubbles of oxygen floating to the top, popping along the way. He noticed his squad swimming to the east as the Special Operation Squad swam southeast. His blonde eyebrows rose in shock.
They have never talked about this formation before, nor have they tested it. Why now? They could easily encounter a hungry shark, or an agitated octopus. He looked at Krista, who also did not know what to do.

However, she motioned Armin to just go along with it. Maybe it was for the best.

Everything seemed to go smoothly. Blind sided by the dangers lurking behind them. Specifically, behind Armin. He paused for a moment, feeling a fin graze against him. Everyone seemed to go further and further away from him. The scenery started to change, the water got cooler and darker. He was certain this was not a shark. He'd be long gone dead by now if it was.

Armin tried to scream, but his voice was caught in his throat and the mouthpiece would have muffled anything he's say. With all his strength, he struggled to pull away. It seemed as if the grip tightened and was going down at quicker speeds. 'Guess this is it then, huh... Eren.. Mikasa.. I'm so sorry..' His voice echoed in his mind. He closed his eyes, accepting his bestowed fate.

A human hand gripped onto his chilled hands. Armin's blue orbs were revealed upon feeling the contact. His blue galaxies landed upon vibrant green ones.


Levi and the mermaid seemed to have long stare off. Long enough for (Y/N) to splash water in his face to focus on her. "Hey, are you paying attention to me?!" (Y/N) asked, waving her webbed hands in front of the distracted man.
It didn't work. The mermaid scoffed. Curling her index finger under his chin, he finally snapped out of his daze, but set into another one. A lustful one. The two moved in closer and closer until their lips were half an inch away from each other.

Until (Y/N) threw up her heavy, tri-colored tail that had been collecting water for quite awhile. The bone-chilling water droplets smacked him on the face. His first instinct was to back up, and that's what he did exactly. A storm of giggles that morphed into laughs came from (Y/N) as she clapped her webbed hands. A big grin adorned her face. Her razor like teeth sent chills down Levi's spine. Why does he keep forgetting you have shark teeth? "C'mon Levi~ Don't you wanna kissss~?" She puckered up her lips, her two front teeth poking out.
"Fuck no. Go away."
"C'mon Levi~! Lemme love you!"
"Go away!" He ducked his head in the frosty water before (Y/N) got to his face.
"Don't be like that Levi~!"

Yes, an update after 2 months or so! I'm so sorry! I haven't had any ideas to go off of! I'm so so so sorry! Anyways, enjoy!

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