Blue Grotto

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Sorry for the late update! The Blue Grotto is an actual place in Italy.

"Miss Hanji... We've been here for hours," Armin stated silently. Little waves swayed the two white boats, while the brunette spied the waters with her binoculars.

"Hmm... You're right... You know what? Let's go under," Hanji said, whipping off her glasses.

"EEEHHH???!!!??" Almost everyone exclaimed. Levi narrowed his eyes at the brunette and crossed his arms.

"You're crazy," Levi simply said, climbing off his boat and into the waters. The small waves of cold salt water pushed him a bit. Erwin's eyes widened at the stoic man.

"Heicho, what are you doing?" Eren exclaimed, his eyes following the swimming form. His slender hand gripped the side of the boat. The remains of the wood chipped off due to the impact of the hand.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to look for the little shit, you idiot. None of you will stop me, got it?" Levi glared at the young adult. Hanji shifted in her seat, playing with her hands.

"Levi, I know you and all of us are up for animal rights, but... This seems too risky. Even for you," Hanji moved forward a bit. "This might not even be a mermaid, it could just be someone pulling pranks."

"Hanji. I can assure you it isn't. I saw it, I fucking saw it. In my dreams as well. If I die, then so be it," Levi said firmly.

"Captain no!" Petra shoved Eren a bit. Oluo placed a hand on her shoulder, gripping it a bit. Gunther abruptly stood up while Eld moved up a slowly.

"Everyone stay on this fucking boat, and that's an order!" Levi projected his voice, silencing everyone. Tension flooded the atmosphere, the sound of waves and birds chirping was the only things heard. "Eld, you're in charge of the squad." He grunted, throwing his right fist over his heart.

"Yes sir," He responded. Levi nodded, his head barely above the surface. The weight of his oxygen tank pulled him down a bit. "Good luck, sir." His head official went under.

His raven locks flowed with each push, like seaweed. A school of colorful fish swam around him, little dark purple urchins stayed attached to their homes, the reefs. Many species of organisms live in this specific area. The little caves' residents were eels, sea snakes, and sea snails. Little bubbles of oxygen rose around him. Who knew the ocean was so beautiful?

A feminine giggle echoed around him. Levi turned his head to the source of the noise. There he saw long locks of (H/C) flow in. His eyes widen, his whole body told him to go after her. His heart said hell to the no. His short, but muscular legs started to move on their own. Going at the same pace, up and down continuously. The temperature slowly dropped as he entered the cave.

He paused before swimming upwards. Levi's head bursted out of the waters, slightly gasping. His cold gray eyes darted around, the ocean looked like it was glowing, there was a small entryway to the cave itself. Levi tilted his head upwards, looking at the cave's ceiling. It looked like it was caving in on him with the skulls of the deceased mermaids and mermen. Levi removed his mouthpiece. "Is this the Blue Grotto? How the hell did I swim so far without noticing?"

A small giggle filled his ears along with the splashing of water. "Come and find me~" The same voice from his dreams mocked him.

"I'm not playing your shitty games! Just come out!" Levi growled out, throwing his head where ever. A small 'hmp' resonated in the small space.

"Face forward." The voice commanded darkly. His eyes darken, but his small eyes gradually widened when he felt a webbed hand on his face. The hand started to press against his cheek, forcing him to follow its force. Large, "innocent" (E/C) galaxies met his. Her long dark eyelashes had small crystallites of water resting upon them. He noticed her gills opening every few seconds.

She gave him a large toothy grin as he stared at her in awe.  Her pearl white canines were as sharp as a great white's tooth. Teeth made for tearing flesh apart. "You were the one who killed those people. Why am I here? Am I your next victim or some shit like that?" Levi asked angrily.

"I don't owe you an explanation. You'll figure out in the time being," She hastily explained, taking his hand. His nose scrunched up in disgust. "What? My hand disgusts you?"

"Yes. It's slimy," He responded bluntly. Her cheeks rose, making her eyes look narrowed.

"Well, sorry that I was born this way. What do you want me to do? Peel off my fins?" She said,  raising her arms, exposing the wing-like fins.

"No, just don't touch me." Levi said without hesitation. She snorted, lowering the muscles. "Anyway, why did you bring me here in the first place?"

"You're not going to let go of that, are you?" She turned away from him, slightly swimming away. His orbs burned through the back of her skull.

"Why the hell would I not let go of this?" He asked, crossing his arms. She turned her head back to him, her pupils slightly darker than normal.

"Don't ask any question or else you might get hurt, Levi. Would be a shame if you saw Isabel and Farlan too early, correct?" She smirked slightly, flipping her hair back.

"Just who the hell are you?" Levi growled out, clenching his fists.

"My, my, Levi-kun. I'm the one this city has a bounty on. I'm the one that was put in a circus! Why, I am (Y/N) (L/N)! That's who I am, Levi Ackerman. The legend that's coming back for her revenge."

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