Killing Time

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"I'm really worried about the captain, Squad Leader Hanji... It's been two hours," Eren said, looking over board only to be pulled back by Oluo. His green orbs darted at the older male.
"Are you crazy? Do you want to get yourself killed you idiot? Tch, I wonder why I didn't let you go- EEEEE!" His front teeth connected to his muscle, blood squirting out of the bite mark. Petra looked at the arrogant male.

"Sometimes I wish you bit off your tongue and died," She said, placing her hands on her hips.

"That's not a nice thing to say, Petra! I know you can't resist me!" He resorted, wiping the corner of his mouth. She let out a small noise before sitting herself down on the boat's first row. Eren scratched the nape of his neck, chuckling nervously. Hanji looked at the Special Operation Squad, smirking.

"Oluo, Petra! You guys argue like an old married couple!" The bespectacled brunette laughed out loud. Her body jerked back into the ravenette female, making her grunt. The boat swayed at the impact. A red hue dusted the brunette's tanned cheeks as she had her hand over her chest. The ravenette shifted a bit, moving Hanji's head.

"Waaaaa! Squad Leader Zöe! That's so inappropriate!" Petra projected her voice, throwing her hands over her cherry hued cheeks. She dropped on her knees, her short ginger hair covering the bashful face. The boat swayed once more, almost knocking the squad off the boat.
"Petra!" Eld scolded the 22 year old female. She looked up at her superior, muttering apologizes. "What do we do now? Captain Levi left 5 minutes ago."
"Times of first expeditions?" Nanaba suggested, turning her body towards her comrades.
"Oh? Like how Petra and Oluo soiled themselves when they first saw a great white shark?" Gunther said, flipping through the pages of his book. The two tensed up, growling slightly.
"Oh yeah! That was one of the best moments that have ever happened in the Survey Corps!" Hanji snorted, clapping her hands together.

'(Y/N) (L/N)? For real?' Levi thought to himself, staring at the mermaid. She seemed dazed, her large (E/C) pupils staring at the skull-looking ceiling. All of them looked shocked, horrified, even peaceful.
"These skull-looking things are my species at their last emotion. A large amount of them look peaceful. Confusing, right?" Levi stayed silent, looking at her long, wavy (H/C) locks floating around the water. She continued the stare at all the expressions. "Most of them... Wanted to die. They knew the humans were coming, they knew that they would die in the process. They just didn't care. Only a small group protected them, the Scouting Legion. I-I can't remember much about them..." Her soft voice trailed off as if she was in some type of trance.

A frown tugged on her face, dazing into her mind. Levi let out a small cough, her (E/C) eyes darting over at the said man. Her normally large pupils turned snake-like. "If it makes you feel any better.. Our marine biology department is-"
"The Survey Corps or the Scouting Legion. Yes, I know," (Y/N) interrupted, looking at the transparent (F/C) fins webbing her fingers together. "Erwin Smith is the 13th commander while Hanji Zöe is the next. You don't have an official position. I've heard it all a million times," She continued, swimming to a nearby jagged rock.
"How the hell do you know?" Levi scowled.
"Don't scowl too much. You'll age quicker," (Y/N) changed the subject. 'Shit, I said too much.' She thought to herself bitterly.


"Soldiers! Offer your hearts!" The tall blonde male with bushy eyebrows announced, throwing his right fist over his beating heart.
"SIR!" They said in unison, throwing the fist over their hearts. The sound of the impact could be heard if someone was in the mile radius. They pulled their goggles over their eyes. Their gas tanks adding extra weight on their back.
"Get in formation, cadets!" The commander ordered, pointing at Mikasa standing behind her squad leader. "Since Levi has left to find the mermaid two hours ago, it is our duty to find him and bring him to safety! Who knows what has happened to him by now," Erwin said in his mighty voice.
"Hopefully death." Mikasa murmured in an inaudible voice. Her adoptive brother looked at her. His sea green eyes meeting with her raven hair pulled into a bun. Armin glanced at the adoptive siblings as their hands encircled around each other. He felt a pang in his heart, looking forward. They've been so close ever since what happened to Shiganshina. It pained Armin, knowing how people view the siblings. Thinking Mikasa is too protective over Eren. If only they knew what happened. If only they knew almost everyone in Shiganshina had lost their lives to the flood and unknown circumstances.

But no, everyone thought they were wasting their time. In reality, the rescuers in Rose and Sina took too long. Not only did they kill them, but they killed time.

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