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Shawn's POV
At my school, I was known as a nobody. I had one or two friends but they're more like just that one person you say hello to in the hallways. I'm slowly losing everybody.

My family lives in this big house right next to a big open property that was up for sale. So, my parents decided to buy it.

Seeing Riley and her friends breaking into it last night surprised me. I knew they hung out here before but I never knew they'd go as far as trespassing.

Riley isn't like her other friends. They do bad things. They steal and smoke and drink and do everything they aren't supposed to. Riley joins in of course, but I know she doesn't want to. She does it to keep her friends and not be the buzzkill.

In her friendship group you have Lyss Xavier, the best friend and the highly popular one; Danielle Martin, the dumb one who has a good heart. If Karen from Mean Girls was an actual person, she'd be it.

I've been in love with Riley Grey for two years. Everything about her is perfect. From her long blonde hair and big lips to her gorgeous laugh. She's everything I want. Sadly, she has no idea who I am. The only time she's ever talked to me was last night when she fell over and I had to help her up. She didn't even know who I was and we've been in the same class for years.

But now that she knows who I am, I am hoping and praying that something will be different. That she'll talk to me.

I walk into the classroom and sit in the back by myself... As per usual. I watch as everyone floods into the classroom.

Then that's when she walks in. Just like every other morning, she walks in linked to Lyss' arm and they sit together and talk while I sit here and gawk at her like an idiot. But I can't help myself. She's just so beautiful.

Then he walks in. Dylan Roberts. Her boyfriend. I hate him with such a passion. I've seen the way he treats Riley. I've seen him hurt her but let her blame it all on herself. All he wants from her is sex and she doesn't even realise. I could give her so much more. I could treat her so much better.

"Hey baby." I hear him say to her before he sticks his tongue down her throat. I feel myself clenching my jaw and balling up my fists. Why does she waste her time with a douchebag like him? I just wish she could see how bad he is for her. I know what they were smoking last night and I know Riley wouldn't voluntarily do it. She was peer-pressured. It happened the same night she first tried it.

There was a huge party and I snuck into it. I saw her try it and then an hour later vomit around the side of the house. I was the one who held her hair back and I was the one who took her home and all she said was, "Thank you, Jack." She thought I was Jack and he was so wasted he believed her when she said it was him who took her home. I'd do anything for her. Sadly, her 'boyfriend' wouldn't.

Riley's POV
"Hey Riley! Come sit!" Danielle says as she pats the seat next to her in the cafeteria.

"I will, I'm just going to get an iced tea." I say before heading off and in line. Then I realise that I'm standing behind the guy who owned the property we broke into last night.

"Uh, Shawn Mendes, right?" I ask. He turns around and his eyes widen.

"U-uh yeah." He stutters nervously.

"Look, I know none of my friends will but I want to apologise for what happened last night. It was wrong and we shouldn't have done it." I say, twiddling my fingers. Shawn just smiles. I've never realised this before but he has a really beautiful smile.

"That's fine. Thanks for apologising." He says. I smile and nod awkwardly before looking down. There's an awkward silence between the two of us.

"Hey, I-" I begin before I get interrupted.

"So- Oh. You go first." He smiles.

"No, you." I say politely. Could this get any more awkward?

"I was going to ask you if maybe you wanted to meet up for a coffee or something after school." He says. I wince and turn around to look at Dylan. If he found out that I was even talking to another guy he'd hit me. I have to make up some excuse.

"Um, I have a boyfriend.." I begin.

"That's okay because we can hang out as friends, right?" He asks, his eyes full of hope. I look over at Dylan again. You know what, fuck what Dylan thinks.

"Sounds great. I'll meet you after school." I say before I get my iced tea and walk away with a smile.

Shawn's POV
I fucking did it.
a/n: hope you liked this chapter :) don't worry, more drama is going to happen very soon ;)

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