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Riley's POV
I burst through the doors of the hospital and run to the receptionist. My chest is tight and I can't breathe because I ran across the entire parking garage and four flights of stairs to get here as fast as I could.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Shawn Mendes?" I pant. The receptionist gives me a strange look before looking at her papers.

"Room 512B. Third floor." She says. I nod and say thank you before I run towards the elevator. This just feels like Jack all over again...

I find my way to room 512B before I'm stopped by a doctor. Are you serious?

"We're still running tests to find out what is wrong. Miss, please wait right here." He says, pointing to a chair just outside the room. I try to look at Shawn through the room windows but the blinds are closed shut. I look back at the doctor who is looking down at a clipboard.

"How long will it be?" I ask. The doctor looks at me with sorrow. It's obvious he knows how badly I need to see him.

"It won't be long, I promise. When we're done, we can tell you what has happened and what is to happen before you go in to see him. But for now... you must wait."

Ten minutes go by and I can already feel myself going crazy. I've done this one too many times; waiting at a hospital to see if someone is dying or not. Jacks gone. I can't lose Shawn either. And the last thing we did was fight...

Yes, he kissed Danielle and yes, I am upset and hurt. But knowing that Shawn could be on the brink of his life makes me realise that it doesn't matter anymore. I still love him and I know he still loves me.

I love Shawn. I love Shawn. I cannot bear to go on without him. I hope to god it's not fatal.

All I was told was that he was in a car crash just after we fought. He was unconscious when they found him on the highway. I don't know if its fatal. I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell him how much I love him again. I just don't know anything and it's fucking killing me.

Another ten minutes go by and I'm starting to lose my mind. As time goes on, I worry more and more. Shawn came into my life and I just saw him as another person. Just another stranger who I saw occasionally at school but had never taken any notice of. But now he's turned into my everything. He became my only source of happiness and my go-to for anything that I needed to talk about. I don't have that type of overly close bond with any one else. So what am I going to do if he dies? No, I need to think positive. He will make it. He will make it.

After forty five minutes of waiting in endless worry, a doctor - the same one who stopped me from going in earlier - comes out. I stand up and silently beg for good news.

Please be alive.

"Shawn has suffered severe concussion and bleeding within the brain tissue," the doctor pauses. But it's not like any pause. It's that pause before they tell you something horrible, "he's in a coma. We don't know how long he could be in this coma for but all we know is that he is alive." He says. With each word he speaks, I feel my body lose all its blood. A coma? WHAT?!

"A coma? That could be weeks he could be in it, right?" I say, my speech getting shaky.

"It is unusual for a coma to exceed 2-4 weeks. However, if it does it could last up to months. This is where the patient reaches a state where it's mostly a sleep/wake cycle." He says. I'm processing the words but I don't understand them.

"So you don't know when he'll wake up?" I ask as tears prick my eyes.

"I'm sorry. We don't."

"When he does wake up, what could happen then?" I ask, hoping that it will be nothing but good news.

"If Shawn does wake up it is likely he will have brain damage. Even worse, this could lead to amnesia, making him forget his most recent memories the most. There is nothing we can do at this point."

I take a deep breath. So basically what he's saying is there is no good outcome of this. Fucking great.

"Can I please see him?" I ask with a sad sting in my voice. The doctor nods sympathetically and moves to the side to let me through.

It's just like when I saw Jack. The machines are beeping, he's under a tangle of tubes and all I can hear is soft breathing. I go over to the side of his bed and sit down beside it. I take Shawn's limp hand and hold it tightly, tears pouring out of my eyes. I look at his face. God, he's so perfect. His skin is perfectly clear and he looks so calm. This is all my fault.

"Shawn," I begin, already choked. I know he can't hear me but I just have to say something, "I'm so sorry. I know I was the distraction that caused you to crash the car and I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this. I forgive you for kissing Danielle. I know you love me. But I love you so much more and I don't want to live without you. Ever." I take a moment and cry silent tears. Shawn either dies or wakes up weeks later with brain damage and possible amnesia. It's possible he won't even remember who I am...

"When you wake up, promise me that you won't forget me. Please Shawn. I don't want you to forget all the amazing memories between us. I don't want you to forget me. Forget us." Eventually, it becomes unbearable to even keep on talking without hearing his soothing voice respond.

I can't believe this is actually happening.
a/n: I know, it's short. But I hope you like it :) do you think Shawn will wake up? Will he remember her? Will he die?

Comment what you think ;)

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