Chapter 7.

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The news spread around the school that I had gotten arrested and the only reason that I got out was that my dad was a cop.

And it was true, I just couldn't believe why people have the necessity to talk about me, like if I were someone important.

What do they care if I got arrested? It's not like they care and are gonna do something about it.

I went to English and the bell rang.

I sat besides Troy and Kendall.

"There's going to be projects done by partners. The topic is yours and your partners choice" the teacher said.

"I have the partners already so don't look around at your bestfriend or whatever" the teacher said and started to call out names.

"Violet and Cameron" he said and finished naming everyone.


My partner is a friend of my so called brother which is probably a big dickhead just like him, right, from the conversations we have had.

"Y'all have three weeks to finish this. I want the topics by the end of this week" he said.

After the bell rang we left the class.

Troy put his arm around me while we walked towards his locker.

He was greeted by his friends and they started talking and goofing off.

I saw Cameron walking.

I decided to go talk to him.

I don't want a bad grade, I'm already in so much trouble.

Troy didn't even notice I left.

"Cameron, hey" I said.

And he started blushing.

I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"When can we meet up? I wanna get this over with soon as possible and I don't want a bad grade" I said.

"Today, if that's okay" he said.

"K, my house. I'm not allowed to go out" I said and he nodded.

I waved and went back to Troy.

"Babe, you ready to leave?" he asked me.

I nodded and he said bye to his friends and he went outside to his car.

We got on and he drove me home.

He parked a street away from mines so my dad couldn't see us.

He started kissing me.

I got on top of him and he kissed my neck.

"Damn, I want you so bad" he said.

I smirked and played with his hair.

Minutes later after kissing a little more I got off him and he drove me home.

I kissed him bye and got off.

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