Chapter 11.

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I opened the front door and saw Nash and my dad sitting on the couch.

Shit, should have used the balcony.

Probably waiting for me.

I tried to sneak in quietly but failed.

"Violet" I heard.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"What?" I turned around.

"Come sit" my dad said.

And I sat down on the couch across them.

"I have something to tell y'all" he said.

"What is it?" Nash asked.

"My promotion for state trooper is gone" my dad said.

"What?! Why?" Nash asked.

"They gave the spot to this other guy" my dad said.

"No way that can't be it. You worked hard for that spot" Nash said.

"I will work harder for that promotion" my dad said.

I sat there bored.

I'm sorry, but I didn't understand my dads job. In like why was the promotion so important to him. I wasn't with him for years.

When we used to live together back then he had a company that he owned.

I never pictured him as a cop.

"Next week, I'm gonna be out for two weeks. I have a mission. It's a different mission from the others" my dad said.

"How?" Nash asked.

"Undercover" my dad said.

"Oh cool for like drug dealers?" I said, now interesting.

"It's not cool. It's dangerous" Nash glared.

"Shut up, who was talking to you?" I crossed my arms.

"Let's not start" my dad said.

And Nash rolled his eyes at me.

"Dickhead" I mumbled.

"Well let's eat" my dad said.

"I just ate" I said.

"Violet, you're eating because you're eating" my dad said.

"I already ate" I said.

He raised an eyebrow.

"If you don't believe me, ask Cameron. He took me out to eat" I said.

"Cameron wouldn't lie" Nash said.

I scrunched my eyebrows.

Is he trying to like defend me?

Or help me?

"Okay, go to sleep" my dad said.

"Night" I said and walked upstairs.

*two weeks later*

Me and Nash were outside the police station waiting for our dad to come.

The two weeks that he was going to be gone past.

The thing is, we didn't know if he was alive or not.

All he told us is to go wait outside the police station before he left.

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