Chapter 9: Rush!!!

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Author Note: I wrote this story while I was thirteen and I still haven't post all of the chapter. Sorry!!!

Chapter 9: Rush!!!

Recap of the chapter 8: Park and I were left behind and we were going  to Osaka alone. We were tired so we thought of taking a break. So we stopped in a village we were driving through. There was a carnival and Park suggested to attain the carnival. We went and it was fun but something electric happen. We kissed.

Story Begins: After we kissed in the photo booth. We didn't talk but we kept blushing. 'Oh god, Is it just me or is it very hot in here?' she said trying to start a conversation. 'Yeah it is hot. Is the A.C on ?' I asked the driver. 'No', he replies, 'the heater is on'. 'Could you turn down the heater and pull down the windows' Park ask him and so did I, 'Could you?'. 'What happend to  the two of you. You are nuts! There is no trace of sunshine and the wind is blowing. It is frosty outside' he lashed out on us. (ye, I know that a chauffeur doesn't actually talk like that but i got used to that by now.) We are boiling here and sweating like crazy!': i gritted my teeth. Park was holding the photo that we took in her hand. I swiftly took the photos from her hand. Wha-what are you doing? she asked me looking in my eyes for the first time after that kiss. I took my wallet out and put the photo in it. 'I didn't want you ruing the photo', i said softly. 'Hey, why are you suddenly staring at my shoes?', i asked in a blank tone. 'Are you by chance embarrassed about the k...' i was interrupted. She suddenly starts to laugh. 'Ah, no... It is not like my first time you know' she said while awkwardly looking above my head. 'You are  not looking at but above me, you know? and it was my first time as well. No need to be embarrassed' i said resting my head on the seat. I looked at her but she suddenly grabbed my t-shirt in her fist and I could she that she was pissed off.  She pulled me toward her; We both can feel and hear each others breath. We froze. TOO CLOSE. We started blushing again. She pushed me and looked in front of her. 'Hum mm, you know I can look wherever I want to look! you stupid!

I kept staring at her and seeing her reaction I couldn't help but start laughing at it while pointing towards her. She looked my way and started laughing with me as well. 'Wait, wh-why are you laughing? she asked. 'You reaction....hahaha... priceless. You weren't even able to look at me properly. The terrifying Park is not so terrifying after all.' She stopped laughing and hits my head: 'Shut it, Idiot.' 'Stop hitting me. It hurts you know and stop calling me idiot as well. You are using it awfully a lot' , i said while rubbing my head. I looked at her and didn't dare you speak up for now. She was angry and you could see a nerve was bulging on her forehead. 

The was about to start in 15 min. We got a call from our principal. She shouted where we were? Park's and my group were going to do the opening act and we were the lead singers. Park assured the principal not to worry. The show must go one. 'We won't be able to change to our costumes but don't cancel the show', Park said, ' we will sing no matter what.' The principal trusted Park's words so she agree to start the show. 'Don't ruin this for me guys' she said and hanged the phone. At that moment I asked her a stupid dumb question:'Don't you have any extra clothes like most of the girl. It is like a trend to carry some cloth with yourself'. She rolled her eyes while saying 'what do you think? Do I look like that kind of girl to you?'  The venue is at Yacihru Plain. 'What is the number of our show hall?' i asked her hastily. There was a blank moment for a while. 'Follow me' Park said and i followed her. There was the show hall. 'All we have to do is run very fast and reach that place' we thought. Our performance will begin in 7 min. 'Welcome Everyone' the principal announced the start of the show.  She started explaining everyone present what the show was about. Meanwhile we arrived at the street but every building looked the same and every building was sound proof so we couldn't hear anything. We got off the car. We needed to check all the building. Nothing was going right. So I ran to check the last building and there it was our show. 'Park this building' i shouted and we ran toward the hall. The principal announced who the special guest was and announced the first performance 'the opening act'. Both of the teams member were anxious and angry at us. Mira, Maki, Harumi, Akimo, Jura, Ken, Kirito and Gominam were furious at us. I bet they are smooching somewhere': Akimo said and they all seemed to agree on it. They were already on stage ready to perform. Park and I ran as fast as we could and managed to take our mic and run on to the stage. It was dark. 'Hey guys'. We made it in the nick if time': I whispered. 'Yeah, Thank god'/ Park said laughing. 'Both of you shut it. We will deal with you later' Jura said. We both laughed hesitatingly. We are going to die, Lets run' Park said to me but the principal announced our song "Grenade from Bruno Mars" and the light shined on us. Everyone started cheering and hooting. We all took our poses. 

The boys will sing the first part while the girls stand like a statue and after that it would be the same but opposite. We started singing... 

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