Chapter 12(The End): My Nightingale

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The same night, I stood there thinking what to do. It felt wrong but I had something in my mind though i wasn't sure it would work or not but without thinking, I picked my phone and called someone. After, I finished my call. I headed up inside. Park was also sitting there. She was laughing and talking and eating like nothing had happend. I also joined the table and started to eat and talk with them as if nothing had happend. We stayed there for hours just eating and talking. After we were finished we headed out and were thinking of heading back home. Everyone starts to call their drivers but I stop them and said that we could go together in my car. My car arrived. I had asked for a limo. We all stepped in. Minutes turned into hours as it past doing nothing not even talking. After all they talked about everything in the restaurant. As we were passing by we arrived at the same village where  Park and I had our first puppy kiss. Suddenly people wanted to visit the carnival. so i said let us go. I t is fun. We were walking in excitement but Park was somewhat behind us. I went back to her and I put my hands behind my head and started walking with her. Everyone started playing and enjoying the carnival. They asked us to join but we rejected the offer because we already did it. We were sitting on a chair still not talking.'Oh, it is almost mid-night. I heard there is a firework display. Do you want to go and see. I know a good place where we can watch it from', i asked her. She asked me if we need to wait for the other but i replied by saying that they are having fun lets not disturb them.

After that we took a walk to a small hill. At the top of that hill there was a big cherry blossom tree. We sat under the tree and were watching the carnival from above there. Park was looking at the moon and suddenly she said,'It is so big and bright'. I looked at her and then the moon,'Yes it is beautiful'. the bells in he village starts ringing and slowly the fireworks starts to burst at the black sky. Park was watching with her eyes wide open. She was watching like its her first time. I called her name and asked her to close her eyes. I had something i wanted to say to you i said. I was getting nervous my heart was pounding like never before. I turned around her, took her hand and then took a deep breath and let it out . I started singing the same song she sang in the show 'Nightingale'.

'Will you be my Nightingale?'

after singing it. I asked her 'Will you be my Nightingale,Park?' when I asked that she suddenly opened her eyes wide open and as a reflex i closed mine. It was silent. There was no answer and every second started felling like ages. I started doubting myself maybe this was a bad idea. But the i heard a Yes in  small voice. Then she held my hand and shouted 'YES!!'. She was jumping and hugged me. I pulled her back and kissed her. It was the same moment the fireworks started bursting and shooting like fallen star through the sky. It was a fairy tale but this time it was how I met the love of my life; 

My first and my last love.

My Nightingale.

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