Chapter 6: Girls finding way cannot go well !

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Girl finding way cannot go well

The game was on. The first task was orientation. The school ground was already taken by another group so we flew to Honshu. It was near mount. Fuji. The organizer had played every thing for us. Our orientation had two stages: Maze Running and City Search. It wasn’t just some school activity. It was “BOYS vs. GIRL” and it was on. Everyone must try to finish fast because the group that comes the last, second last or third last will be out. After each activity they would count our timing and chose who would go through.

The first stage of orientation was the Maze Running. We were getting ready and it was going to take hell of our energy because we were not allowed to stop and walk for a second and we should keep running for nonstop. There were two start points one for Park´s group and one for my group but there was only one way out. We started and now we were in the maze. We turned left a dead end; we turn right another dead end. Same thing was happening to the girls. They were running but came to same point again and again. This happened for quite a long time. Half hour later, my group found the exit and was shouting: yay!  Somehow the girl heard our voice and started following but it didn’t matter we reached the exit first and we won. The girls were just some second late. The girls were very tired. Specially, Mira. We were also pretty worn out. The stage two was City Searching. Both team started without wasting time. I was really good with math. So it didn’t take too long to found all clues they hid for us to search and our clues lead us to a bunny inside a steam house. We took the bunny but there were old fat men that we staring us. We were in our birthday suit and a towel was covering our jewel. They were basically raping us with their eyes. It was very awkward so we took the bunny and ran as fast as w could.  Both team had different clue that lead to the thing what we were searching for. It was basically treasure hunting. We went back with our bunny. The girls just found one. It was in a tree so Mira and Akimo climbed tree but couldn’t get down. So the group called the firefighter to rescue them from tree. After that they gave up and came back with a red face. I didn’t even ask they just went inside, refreshed them self and came back without talking and looking down. We had leading. They should have been out of the game but they arranged something with the some.  After that we were going hard on each other. Rock climbing boys won, swimming girls won, archery girls won. All groups were dropping but we were still going. Now there was a last activity horse riding. We were pushing each other to our limits no letting each other to win; if Park´s group were to win this, then means that all the girls would win. We chose our horse and start racing. If anyone from my team finishes first than the point would go to us and if a girl would win then the point would go to them. Jura and Maki were head on head. They crossed the finish line and it was a tie. After that we went back to school there was a discussion of which group shall win.

Our principal came and suggested to have a sing off tomorrow. That means the game was still on. Everyone went home. I was on my mobile seeing photos in our school website and I saw a poll: “who shall win the sing off?” the boys group of the girls group. There weren’t any votes yet but I was starting to threatening message saying to quit now. I didn’t reply to any text because I didn’t even know who were sending me those threats. But I was tired I felt sleep in the ride home.  My driver dropped me in my run and went. Even in my dream people were threatening me.

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