Questions are being Answered

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(A/N Rose always calls Jake Jacob)


I woke up Calmly, my head pounding. I turn my head taking in my surroundings, I'm in Dirk's room laying in his bed "why am I he-" I say but I cut myself off remembering what had happened my eyes widening.

I sit up in the bed and look over at the small alarm clock on the nightstand it read 2:36 A.M. 'TEN HOURS!?!' I scream to myself as i swing my legs over the side of the bed trying to calm down.All of a sudden someone knocks on the door. "Jakey are you up?" I hear Roxy say quietly, I debate for a moment if I should answer or not ultimately I decide that we do need to talk "Y-yeah" I say, she enters slowly smiling her pink eyes still there proving to me that it wasn't a dream.
I start shaking when she sits next to me my heart rate picked up as well "Jakey there's no need to be scared I won't hurt you" she said Calmly "Oh no I shouldn't be scared about the fact that there's a bloody VAMPIRE who could potentially drink my blood siting next to me" I say my heart pounding even faster than before if that was possible "No No Jake we wouldn't do that to you! *sigh* Just come down stairs with me so the five of us can answer your questions." "Five of you?" I ask dumb founded "Yes five me,Dirk,Jane,Rose and Dave" she said walking to the door "and there all down stairs waiting so come on" I hesitantly get up and follow Roxy out the door and down the stairs.

As we walk I try to stay a few steps away from Roxy fearing for my life. When we reach the bottom of the stairs we turn left around the corner and into the liveing room "Hay guys look who's up!" Roxy said gesturing towards me every one in the room went dead silent as if someone had shot a gun off. "Hello Jacob how do you feel? You where out cold for a long time." Said Rose Roxy's little sister,her eyes where more of a Violet purple as opposed to Roxy's which where more pink "I'm fine just...shocked" I said while Roxy sat me on the couch next to Dirk while every one else sits in front of me on the floor. We sit in silence for a while until Dave broke it "Soo Jake you probably had a LOT of questions, yeah?" He asked gently (as gentle as a Strider gets) "Y-yes" I say with a Sutter and sharp breath "Well lay it on us ask us anything love" Dirk said with a calming smile when he called me 'love' "ok um first off HOW THE HELL ARE YOU VAMPIRES!?!" I yell with wide eyes. Dirk puts his arms around me in an attempt to calm my minor panic attack. "Well baby, me,Roxy,Rose and Dave where born this way and Roxy bit and turned Jane last year" Dirk said pulling me closer "Oh ok" I say calming down "before you continue Jacob please allow me to answer a few of the clichés" Rose said sweetly "Yeah ok I'm pretty sure all my questions are the clichés so go ahead" I said snuggling into Dirk's chest more "Thank you,first off yes Vampires live forever,and yes we have "super" strength,speed excetera. And we do drink blood" she said. I swear my heart stopped dead in its tracks when she said they drink blood and Dirk definitely noticed "Now for the things that are false" Rose continued "We do not spontaneously combust and or Sparkle in sunlight,and we do not have a hatred for werewolves. We are actually very good friends with werewolves and they have been allies had many occasions and lastly we are not sensitive to garlic. Well I believe that dose it for the clichés, Jacob did you have any further questions for us two answer?" She asked "Not really just one thing" I say shyly "oh what is it?" Jane asked finally speaking "You guys don't plan on eating me do you?" I say Praying to myself "No No of course not Jacob" "Jakey we would never" the sisters say at the same time "ok then that sums up my questions" I say with a sigh looking at all of them.

I've calmed down at this point but everyone else still looked tense as an awkward silence filled the room until Jane finally decided to say something "Um guys didn't we have a reason for telling jake?" Jane Asked and everyone's eyes shot up "Um yes we did indeed ugg Dirk" Said Rose Looking at Dirk "Um yeah Jake there was something really important we needed to ask you" Dirk said looking at me his orange eyes staring deep into my green ones "What is it?" I ask looking at everyone

(A/N Oh I love a good cliffhanger guy's let me know what you think the big question is!)

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