My new life

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Jakes POV

Adjusting to my new life was difficult to say the least. The constant hunger, never going out during the day, and a bothersome pain in my mouth for the first few weeks. Dirk and the others took care of me best they could. Trying to keep me fed and happy. I know it was difficult, despite what they say.

The unsavory urges and intrusive thoughts where the worst. There was one time me and Dirk were taking a walk at the park, thinking no one would be there. Boy where we wrong. Apparently a group of college boys had for some reason brought they're frat party to the park. They where drinking and smoking around a fire they'd lit on the grass.

Dirk did the smart thing and started to call the cops on the boys.
"There's no bonfires allowed in the park, they could kill someone with that."
He mumbled to me, but I barely heard him. I was to busy fighting the urge to sink my teeth into them. The sound of they're hearts where banging in my head deafening me.

I stared at them trying to keep myself in my place. Clenching my teeth and hands trying to fight the voice in my head. 'Kill them' The voice mumbled, 'hungry, hungry, hungry' It chanted, a sharp pain it my stomach as my vision went blurry.

I don't really remember what happened next other than running and Dirk tackling me.

I woke up in bed the next morning with a sharp horrible pain in my head.

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