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(A/N it's been a hot minute since I updated so here ya go.) (P.s. think of an actual name for signless plzz)


We got home from dinner and me, Jane, Roxy, Rose, Dave and Eridan (he met us at the restaurant) settled in the  living room and Dirk went upstairs to "set up". As everyone else chatted I sat there silent, nervousness building up inside me as I wait.

I can feel my heart pounding away in my chest 'maybe this isn't such a good idea' I thought until i felt an arm wrap around my shoulders snapping me out of it, I look up to Jane holding me. "Jake, are you ok?" She asked worry apparent in her voice "yes of course, just nervous is all" I said looking around the room only to find Eridan who was also looking at me worried "W-where is everyone?" "There outside waiting for the Maryams and Vantases." She said calmly

"Guess who has finally arrived!!!" Roxy yelled gesturing to the six people at the door "hi guys it's nice to see you again!" Jane said getting up and hugging the small group of people "And it is a pleasure to see you as well Jane" the tallest man said with a smile "boys you remember Jane right?" "Yes of course, it's good to see you again" the middle boy said kindly with a large smile.
"Oh this must be the Jake you were telling us about over the phone." The tall woman said walking twords me "Hello there young man I am Delerosa Maryam it is a pleasure to finely meet you" she said as she shook my hand "it's a pleasure to meet you as well I'm Jake, Jake English"
She smiled kindly and introduced the others "And these are my children Signless,Porrim and Kanaya, as well as my grandchildren Kankri and Karkat" she spoke gesturing to each one of them as she said there names.

After everyone was introduced we all sat down and talked for a while until Dirk came back downstairs. "You ready darlin'?" He said to me my body immediately tensed up and my heart started beating twice as fast as before,I slowly got up and followed Dirk back up the stairs. It felt like forever until we finally reached the top and my nerves were eating me alive.

(Woooooohoooooo I finally updated next chapter will be up later today probably)

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