Hunger Pain

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A few hours had passed, and all the guests had gone home, except for eridan who was fighting with Rose in the downstairs den. Dave was upstairs on the phone with John, and Jane and Roxy had gone to bed.

All that was left in the living room was me,Dirk, and Roxy's cat purring away in my lap as Dirk tended to the open wounds on my neck. He slowly removed the gauze that's was stuffed into the small holes and then rinsing them out with water, the sensation making me hiss through my teeth, he looked up at me apologetically.
"Sorry hun, I know it hurts but it needs to be done." He said running his hand through my hair. "Don't worry, once everything kicks in it'll heal up faster than the road runner can run." He added with a chuckle, as he re-wraped my neck.

After that we spend some time watching movies and TV shows like we often did on Saturday nights. As we sit there I place my head on Dirk's shoulder, sleep starting to take over.

Everything was peaceful and calm; until I felt an ache in my stomach, at first I thought it was nothing and tried to ignore it as best I could, but it kept getting worse and worse. Dirk took notice of my discomfort and asked what was wrong, I told him of the ache and he seemed to immediately know the cause of it. "Damn substitute, it never fills people up for long" he said getting up from the couch "Just wait here a sec" he spoke disappearing into the kitchen for a moment. I sit there as he told me to, holding my stomach I listen to him muddle about searching through a cupboard. Soon he returns with a bowl of red liquid identical to what I ate earlier, "Here eat this it'll help" he said handing me the wooden bowl and spoon. I take a large spoonful in my mouth tasting a similar sweetness to the one from earlier the only difference being this "soup" is warmer that the one from earlier, regardless it did make me feel better as Dirk said it would, soon enough I've finished the whole bowl and set it on the coffee table in front of us and proceed to lean back on the couch.

After a while Dirk suggests we go to bed saying that I need rest, I agree and follow him up the stairs as we walked up he seemed to be a bit dizzy, he stumbled once or twice and began to hold the rail.
when we finally get up to his room he plops onto his back, I laughed at him, crawl over and lay on his chest and snuggle him lovingly, he returned my affections my petting my hair again.
Slowly I fall asleep, listening to his soothing slow beating heart, I began to drift off, but as I do I can't help but notice the bandage on his wrist, that I know was not there before, but before I can question him about it I'm out like a light.

(A/N, can you tell I've been reading Stephen King?)

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