The question

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(A/N warning sad stuck ahead)

Months earlier but not many

Dirk's POV

I was sitting at home waching TV and Dave was upstairs playing video games with his little boy toy John,everything was quite and calm until I got a call from Roxy.

"Hello?" I answered

"Dirk come to St. Brod hospital NOW!" She yells in my ear making me pull the phone away from it.

"Why Roxy what happened?!" I say trying to stay calm

"Jake and his parents where in a car wreck,last I saw he was in bad shape! Dirk please hurry!" She yelled once again.

"Oh fuck ok I'll be there in a few minutes" I said and hung up going up the stairs to get Dave.

"Ok boys fun times over, John you need to go home and Dave your coming with me!" I say frantically

"Hay bro calm down what happened" he said worried "Jake was in a car wreck, we need to go now!" I said as I hurry him down the stairs and out the door. I hurried to the hospital not even worrying about following traffic laws. When we finally got there I ran up to the desk to find out where Jake is

"Hello sir how can I help you?" The woman at the desk asked kindly

"I'm looking for my boyfriend Jake English he came in earlier from a car wreck" I said so quickly I'm surprised she even understood me "Ah yes please follow me" she said with a smile "now unfortunately Mr. English suffered three broken ribs and a broken leg but he should be fine" she said as we approached the room "Mr . English you have another visitor" the woman said sweetly moving over to let us in.

When I walk in Roxy,Rose,Jane and Eridin are already there and Jake is hooked up to a couple machines "Dirk Dave!" Jake said his voice horse and cheek stain from tears. I go up next to his bed Roxy gave me her seat Seeing how shaky I am. I put one of my hands in his hair the other one holding his hand tightly "Hay baby how ya feeln?" I ask my Southern accent coming through loud and clear as it often did when I was upset "I'm fine just in alot of pain." he said timidly "Jake you wwant me to go see the nurse can give you some more pain meds? Eridan asked "Yes if you don't mind" Jake said,Eridan noded and headed out Rose following behind him. I turn to Roxy,Jane and Dave "Girls why don't yall go get some food you both look pale and Dave call John and let him know everything's allright " I said, they all nod in agreement and leave the room.

"Dirk?" I hear Jake say as he pulled my shirt a bit "Yeah baby what is it?" I said he looked like he was going to cry "M-my parents t-they did make it" he said with a sniffle "They didn't survive the crash i-im an orphan" he said then started sobing into my shoulder, I gently rub his head as he cry's, his sobs echoing through the empty room.

I few days past and Jake was released from the hospital and sent to a local orphanage, but he asked if he could not be put up for adoption and they happily agreed. It wasn't even a month later and Jake was out of his cast and slings and back to school and he was never quite himself again.

~Present day~


"Um yeah Jake there is something really important we need to ask you." Dirk said looking me in the eye "what is it?" I ask looking at everyone in the room looking for an answer

"Look Jakey after everything that happened with your parents we realized just how human you are,and we don't want anything else to possibly take you away from us like that crash almost did" Roxy said looking like she's about to cry at the thought of losing me "And Jake we can't imagine a world without you" Jane said "Your our best friend and the love of my life" Dirk said Leting go of me I turn and look at them all "Gadzooks what in the bloody hell are you trying to say?" I ask nervously desperately wanting an answer "Jake,We want you to be one of us" Dirk said grabbing my hand "What?" I ask dumb founded and shocked "We want you to be a vampire like us so that we can quite literally be "best friends forever" and we never have to lose you" Roxy said smiling hopefully at me " wait wait hold on what about Eridan and John they're your friends to right?" I ask trying to give myself more time to think of my answer "Eridan is Bitten has been for awhile and as for John Dave hasn't asked him yet" Rose said "But I plan to and knowing John he'll probably say yes" Dave said with a smrk "Well Jake What do you say?" Dirk asked, they are all looking at me with hopefull eyes even Dave who normally tends to keep a straight face at all times. I look at all of them and take a deep breath and answer "Ok I'll do it" I say and all of them smile the biggest Smiles I've ever seen from them and Dirk pulls me in to kiss me and grop my "Plush rump" as he puts it then he pulls away and smiled at me "I say this call for a celebration,why don't we all go out and get some dinner my treat!" Rose said loudly we all agreed and headed out.

I think this is going to be the start of an amazing eternity with my best friends and love of my life.

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