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(  '=speaking to yourself  "=speaking out loud)

Dirk's POV

Me and Jake walk upstairs and into my room where I had everything set up, I look around double checking to make sure I had everything

'towel on the bed? Check, Disinfectant? Check, bandages? Check.'

Once I was sure I had everything it was time to get started "Alright um take off your shirt and lay on the bed" I said to Jake, he did as told with no question. I sat next to him on the bed and grabbed the bottle of disinfectant dousing a piece of gause with it then gently rubbing it on his neck, as I rubbed I could feel his fast paced pulse. "Nervous?" I ask calmly "Y-yes" his words were shaky and his eyes were glued to the ceiling. "Ya know you don't have to do this Jake right?" I ask not wanting him to feel pressured into doing this. "I know, but I want to" he smiled his classic smile, the smile I fell in love with.

I set the gause down and looked at him "you ready?" I ask, and once again his pulse go's up, he takes in a deep breath and lets out a shaky yes. "Alright just as a warning this will hurt like a bitch" I said as I leaned over him "on the count of three" he nods as I start counting


I sink my teeth deep into his neck my mouth immediately filling with his sweet, warm, virgin blood. Jake let's out a scream so loud I'm pretty sure the people in Mexico could hear him. A moment passed before Jake passed out from either pain or blood loss but that doesn't matter neither would matter by tomorrow.

I slowly remove my fangs from his neck and lick up the delicious blood that spills out from the open wounds. Grabing the bandages from the table I carefully bandage up his neck, it'll be healed by tomorrow but I'd rather not have blood spilling everywhere.

When I'm done I get up deciding to leave him alone to rest, but before I shut the door I turn and look at him, he looks adorable when he sleeps.
And as much as I fucking love him nothing will make me excited fore the next week.

(A/N WHATTTTT two chapters the the same week, it's a miracle!!!)

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