Big Happy Family

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Jake's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and tryed to look around,only to be met with a stiff ache in my neck. Groaning I sit up and rub my wrapped up neck feeling the two small holes under the gause.

I sit there for awhile thinking about everything, if I made the right choice, I don't know why I was, it was pointless, it was to late even if I wanted to change my mind.

It wasn't until I heard loud knock on the door that I broke from my thoughts.
"HEY FUCKASS YOU UP YET? ME AND KANKRI HAVE FOOD FOR YOU!" "Karkat do watch your language I'd hate for you to trigg-" "I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD KANKRI!" The voices of the brothers coming from the other side of the door. I clear my throat to make it as clear as possible before responding. "Yes I'm up please come in" my voice raspeer than I thought it would have been.

"Dude you look like shit" Karkat stated bluntly as he entered the room. "KARKAT! You do not say that to people you could potentially trigger them, you and I seriously need to have a discussion about your manners. And als-" Kankri was cut off by his brother putting his hand over his mouth "Kankri, I love you, I really do but if you don't shut up I'll put a steak through your chest myself!"

Karkat removed his hand from his brothers mouth and set the large bowl in my lap. "Now you eat up and come down stairs everybody's waiting to see you" Karkat said grumpy "Even some of our other friends have come to introduce themselves" Kankri smiled leading his younger sibling out the door.

After they leave I sit in silence staring at the bowl of thick red liquid. I scarf down the sweet "soup" trying not to think of where it came from. when I'm done I set the bowl on the nightstand and head down stairs.

When I get to the bottom I look around the corner to see everyone there along with about 9 others.

I walk into the room and are greeted with a hug and kiss from Dirk "Hey pumpkin how ya feelin'?" Dirk said with a smile sitting me on the couch next to him "My neck kinda hurts but other than that I'm fine" I answer calmly.

I look up at all the unfamiliar faces, it was obvious who where together, two of them looked like clowns another three where in yellow shirts (one of them playing on a old teal colored gameboy) then another three with tails? And then a boy who looked a lot like Eridan with his arm around Kankri.

Dirk seems to notice my staring as he spoke up "Oh Jake let me introduce you to everyone" he said and began introducing me "This is the Makaras Kurloz and Gamzee, The Captors Phii,Mituna and Sollux, the Lejons Dee,Mulin and Nepeta and Eridans brother Cronus" when Dirk finishes everyone starts to says hello and shakes my hand, I feel so welcomed and loved by people I don't really know.

Like we're one big happy family.

(A/N Yay a filler chapter, sorry if it's kinda bad I just need (almost) everyone introduced)

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