Wednesday morning

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As I woke up from my slumber, I leaned over and checked my phone that was perched on the dock; 5:30. Soon I came to the realisation that I wasn't going to fall back asleep because the sun was just beginning to come up outside.

Pulling my duvet off me, I got myself out of bed & went downstairs heading into the living room. I almost turned on the television but realised both Luke and Jai had slept over near Charlotte on the couches, the three of them covered in blankets. I began walking out of the room but soon was stopped when I heard a voice from behind.

"Laura" Luke said, the huskiness from his voice was genuinely perfection.

"Yeah I'm sorry I woke you" I whispered facing him once more

"Hang on a moment" Luke said getting up off one end of the couch and walking out the room with me. He was shirtless and he'd been working out a lot more because his abs were a lot more prominent.

"Progress, I see you've noticed" Luke said because I was looking at his abs

"Yeah" I said letting out a quiet laugh and blushing

We went upstairs and into my room where we just laid on my bed talking and laughing until he bought up a serious topic

"Be my girlfriend Laura" Luke said

"Let me think about it" I said

"Okay" Luke replied

"What type of bee makes milk" Luke said changing the topic

"I don't know" I replied

"Boo-bees" Luke said as I laughed at the pathetic joke

"You going to stay over all morning?" I asked

"Yeah if we leave early we could get dropped at home and changed into a clean uniform before continuing onto school" Luke said

"Yeah okay" I said letting a smile appear on my face

"Good morning" Charlotte said standing in my door way looking like a zombie

"Good morning can you help me get in the shower?" I asked Charlotte

"Can't Luke, I've got to straighten my hair and that takes ages" Charlotte said

"But I don't want to you know let him see me naked" I said

"I'm right here" Luke said

"It's settled Luke you're helping Laura get in the shower while I go and straighten my hair and Jai can continue sleeping" Charlotte said

"Don't worry about it then, I want my privacy to be protected" I said

"I won't look Laura, promise" Luke said holding out his pinky

"Fine" I said

I got undressed as I entered the bathroom and put a towel around me before Luke turning the shower on and helping me in.

"Thanks" I said

"You're welcome" Luke returned

I had to have Luke help me wash my hair so I had to quickly put the towel around me while I was in the shower

"Rub a dub dub" Luke said as he massaged my head with his hands.

He basically joined me in the shower because he got saturated, so he removed the pajama pants he borrowed from Adam and was wearing only his undies

We shared a kiss or two in the shower but we heard a knock at my bathroom door telling us to switch of the shower

Luke helped me get dressed which meant he saw me naked great, not!

"Help me get this bra on" I said pointing to my purple one

"Okay" Luke said after I put my arms out we finally managed to put it on

"I can manage to get my undies on" I said because I didn't want him seeing my 'fairy'

He turned around while I put them on

"Alright now the dress" I said

"Okay" Luke said as he lifted it over my head and put it on me doing up my buttons

"Thanks" I said being grateful I actually had someone to help me.

We left my bedroom after about 30 minutes of getting me dressed

"JAI GET UP" Luke shouted as he stood next to Jai sleeping peacefully on the couch

"What the fuck?" Jai said as he rubbed his eyes

"Oh you two are finally out of the bathroom" Charlotte said coming in the room now looking like a person

"What do you mean finally?" I asked

"You were in there for a long time" Charlotte said

"Mmm" I said as we all left the room and entered the kitchen to see only Adam

"Where's Angela?" Charlotte asked

"She's gone back to Sydney and I go back on Friday night" Adam said

"Why'd she go without saying bye?" I asked

"Could you stop with the questions" Adam said seeming a bit upset

"Okay sorry" Charlotte and myself said

We made ourselves breakfast before heading out the door to drive to the Brooks' household

"Morning" I said as beau answered the door

"Why are you up so early?" beau asked

"It's 8am you're just lazy" I said

"Hey Laura" Skip said instantly having a smile on his face

"Hey skip" I said

"Why are you even here?" beau asked

"Waiting for Jai and Luke to get changed because they spent the night" I said

"Oh okay" beau said

"Ready to go?" I asked as Luke and Jai were in there clean and neat penola uniform

"Yeah, cya" Jai and Luke said

"Cya" beau replied

"Talk after school" I said

"Okay cya" beau said as I turned on my heel and headed toward the car

I sat in the front with Charlotte while Jai and Luke were in the back talking about there new video

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