I still love him

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I came home from school an hour ago and let me tell you I'm having second thoughts about ever going back. I decided not to tell you about the rest of my day because it consisted of being victimised because I was homeschooled, what the fuck?

"Oi Laura, you coming penny boarding with us?" Charlotte as asked standing in my doorway with Jai

"No I'm just going to rest, I'm pretty tired from today" I replied as charlotte closed my door

I decided to check my twitter to see I had more people hating on me, what had I done to them?

I decided to compose a tweet telling everyone to fuck off, was it just me left to fight against everyone?

"Laura you have friends over" mum said from downstairs

"Whoever it is tell them to go away" I said back, too late

"What are you going to be jerks as well?" I said to the two male figures standing in my doorway.

"Laura we're here to look after you" Beau said taking a seat next to me on my bed

"Because we care about you" Luke added on also taking a seat on the other side of me.

"I feel like giving up" I said beginning to cry into Beaus shirt

"Laura don't think like that, we both care about you immensely" Luke said rubbing my back as I continued to cry.

"Laura?" beau said

"Yeah" I replied pulling away from Beau

"Why have you got cuts up your arm?" Beau asked, shit I forgot to hide them

"It's nothing" I said hiding my arm

"Don't let them judgmental pricks do this to you especially when you have so many people that love you more then what you think" Beau said which made me cry again

"Can we drop the subject" I said trying to clear the tears from my face

"After you promise not to do it again" Luke said holding out his pinky

"Okay" I said entwining my pinky with Luke's

"Thanks" Luke said as I gave him a hug, like old times.

"Hey" Charlotte said coming in my room with Jai

"Hey can you get me that jumper" I said pointing to a jumper that was next to Charlotte

"But it's like 30 degrees?" Charlotte said confused

"I'm a bit chilly" I replied lying

"Alright, whatever" Charlotte said handing me the jumper

I put the jumper on to hide the cuts from Jai and Charlotte.

"Why hide it Laura?" Luke said whispering in my ear

"Because I don't want more people finding out" I whispered back

"You getting along for the first time in weeks?" Jai said

"Trying to, why don't you go downstairs and watch a movie because we are having an important conversation" I said to Jai and Charlotte

"Okay" Charlotte said taking Jai out the room with her and shutting my door

I laid on my bed next to Beau and Luke talking and messing around until Luke pulled me into a hug which I fell asleep because he was just so comforting and amazing. I think my feelings have never left for Luke, I still love him.

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