3 months

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Everything had developed, it wasn't just a few days, weeks but 3 months later. I was now 6 months pregnant and hardly even in contact with Luke because he was always "busy" doing nothing.

Horribly depressed, it felt like Luke wanted nothing to do with me, but who could? I was an idiot for getting in bed with Luke, I was an idiot for everything I'd done.

I wasn't even staying at home, I'd moved away to stay with my nan because apparently I was "lost" and "needed to find help" when in reality I just couldn't give a shit about anything anymore

"Laura" nan said as she came to my bedroom door

"Yeah nan" I replied

"Are you coming shopping with me?" she asked

"I'm not going to be seen dead by the public while I'm this fat and ugly" I responded

"Laura you are not fat or ugly, I'll be back as soon as possible" nan said

"Bye" I said as she walked off

My opportunity to run away, and leave to Sydney all on my own. I'd had my clothes packed in a small bag and organized everything. There was no way known I could stay here especially when I didn't felt loved by anyone. So Sydney was the way to go because Adam would let me stay


I sat on the train being watched by everyone, which I obviously felt ashamed. Hooking up with Luke was a mistake, I knew he couldn't do it.

"Is this seat taken?" a young girl asked as she stood in front of me

"No, it's all yours" I replied as she sat down

"I like your shoes" she complimented

"Thanks my sister bought them" I responded as the train came to a stop and it was time to get off

"Bye" I said as I stood up and got off the train

It was now time to walk a few streets, until I arrived at the airport. oh the joys of being me..


Arriving at Sydney airport it was almost midnight and I had to get a hotel, well at least just for tonight until I had enough energy to go to Adams house in the morning


Laying on my bed in the hotel room which is probably used for affairs and kidnappings I decided on pulling my phone out of my pocket, I had 14 missed calls, 6 from mum, 4 from Gina and 4 from Luke

I pressed on Luke's name and called back

"Laura where are you?" he asked

"I'm leaving, I'm not going back to Melbourne" I replied

"Laura this is for the twins sake where are you?" Luke asked again

"Why should you even care Luke? You don't even call and check on the twins and you are only calling me because I'm not home. So man the fuck up and realize that maybe if you had've checked on me by calling we still maybe something but instead Luke we are completely over" I replied as I hung up and began crying, did I just break up with Luke?

I pressed Gina's name in my phone next after I'd calmed down a little bit

"Laura where are you?" Gina asked

"Somewhere, just tell mum I'm fine and that I'm not coming back to Melbourne" I replied

"Hold on darling what's bought all this on?" Gina asked

"None of you care, everyone surrounded Charlotte when she was pregnant and in need of help. But with me all of you just walked over me like I'm dirt. Honestly Gina I'd rather be forgotten and not actually be there than be forgotten and sitting in the same room as you" I replied

"Oh and for that matter Luke and me are over, so you'll never have to be anything to my babies" I added

"Laura Annabelle Stuart come home now please darling" mum said

"Why so you can make me feel worse? I can't stand you, any of you because you just hurt me day after day. Mum we are done, never having to speak to you again or anyone else in Melbourne would make my life better" I said as I hung up and with that I was going to try and sleep


"Adam" I said on the phone

"I've heard you've gone walk about, where are you in Sydney?" Adam asked

"Can't tell you unless you promise me that you won't tell mum or anyone where I am" I replied

"Promise" Adam said



Sorry for a shitty chapter, it's all I could come up with. Don't worry some shit will happen and yeah yeah who knows because I don't

Vote, comment and what not x

I'll update soon enough or whenever I can be bothered so stay tuned :)


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