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"Luke" I said as I was out of breath, what the hell had we done? I was hardly even right to be getting in bed especially just after having twins and I wasn't ready for more babies knowing I was hardly ready for the twins now

"Nothing much has changed" Luke said as we laid next to each other both still out of breath

Breathe Laura, breathe

"Where do we go from here?" I asked "because we aren't together"

"I'm not sure" Luke replied, we were both screwed, literally

"Just forget about this ever happening, it's just a bit of fun right?" I said in a questioning tone

"Well, yeah, not like we were getting back together" Luke said

"Exactly" I added in, immediately everything began feeling awkward

"I think I'll go pick up the twins" Luke said

"Yeah, I'll go you can stay here and rest" I said as I got up out of bed, wrapping the sheet around my body before changing into the blue shirt Luke wore with a set of my denim shorts

"I'll be back soon" I said as I walked out the door before knocking on Ryan's door to be greeted by Delilah

"Hello Laura, both the twins are asleep which is a surprise with how loud you and Luke were" Delilah said as my cheeks turned bright red, were we really that loud?

"I'm only joking, but the twins are asleep" Delilah said as I gave a small chuckle whilst I walked passed and inside

"Hello Ryan" I said as I gave him a hug

"Little Laura, the twins are in my room" Ryan said as I walked down the hall and into Ryan's bedroom before grabbing Madeline and Logan off the bed and putting them in the pram

"Thank you so much" I said to Delilah and Ryan

"Anytime, Madeline is so cute. I wish I had a baby" Delilah said

"Be careful what you wish for Del, because before you know it you maybe a single mum like I am" I said

"But you've got Luke" Delilah said

"He's going back to L.A next week and I'm staying here to raise the twins" I said

"I thought you two worked everything out" Ryan said

"Well dear you are wrong, besides I think it's best Luke and me part ways again, we seem to argue less" I said

"It's better to argue in relationships" Ryan said

"We aren't even in a relationship, it's getting late and I better get going" I said

"I like Luke's shirt by the way" Delilah winked

"Bye" I said walking out the house

"Laura that you?" Luke asked as I walked back inside

"Sadly" I replied, putting the twins in their cots

"Mums looking forward to coming" Luke said as he came through to the living room

"Well that's good, but I still have one problem" I stated

"Which is?" Luke asked

"I have no where for her to sleep" I replied

"Simple, put the twins in the living room until you move or in your room. Then set up a bed and stuff for mum" Luke said

"And how do I get the money for a bed?" I asked

"I'll tell mum she'll be sleeping on the couch until there's some money" Luke replied

Laura and Luke[in editing]Where stories live. Discover now