Twins agreement?

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I was laying in my bed and cradling my first baby. I was a mother and my perspective had suddenly changed.

I had twins, two beautiful babies. I was a bit anxious and worried because Doctor Simmons had to take away my other baby because he wasn't breathing properly.

"I have someone special for you" Ryan said as Luke walked in the room holding my other baby

"Luke" I said as he handed me my son

"Laura, listen I'm sorry for everything" Luke began

"Sorry for leaving, or sorry because the twins are here?" I asked

"I'm sorry for everything Laura, I love you and our twins" Luke replied

"They are mine, you don't deserve them and you don't deserve my pity" I said

"I don't deserve your pity Laura but I do deserve to see our babies" Luke said

"How did you even find me?" I asked

"Ryan, your friend somehow found me" Luke replied bluntly

"Ryan why would you waist your time to find this pathetic scrub?" I asked him as I was furious.

Why would Luke think after all these months that it was fine to come back in my life and play 'happy couples'. The jerk had another thing coming

"I just thought that, well, um, I'm sorry. Laura I thought I was doing the right thing" Ryan responded

"Well you are wrong, Luke never deserves to see my babies, I had to carry them for 9 freaking months, I left home because not one soul cared and Luke being the jerk he is chose his friends over his family" I said as Dr Simmons walked in the room with a blond nurse

"Laura, it's time to name your twins" Simmons said

"Tell Anna and she'll have it written onto the birth certificates" Simmons instructed

"What do you want to call this little bundle of joy?" Anna, the nurse asked as she referred to my son

"I want to call him Logan Riley" I replied

"And the surname?" she asked

"Stuart" I responded as I gave Luke a quick flick of a look, to see his eyes empty. If I'd broken his heart, I was happy because I was repaying him

"What's going to be the name for this beautiful little girl?" Anna enquired

"Madeleine Kat Stuart" I replied

"Alright so your sons name is Logan Riley Stuart and your daughters name is Madeline Kat Stuart" Anna said

"Correct" I confirmed as she walked out the room

"Hello Logan, hello Madeline" I said as I looked at my babies eyes, god dammit of course they both got Luke's amazing chocolate brown eyes

"Can I hold Madeline?" Luke asked as he looked at me in pain

"Maddie has a freckle on her nose" I replied as I continued to hold her

"Laura please" Luke pleaded

"Fine" I said as he taken Madeline carefully from me, leaving me with Logan

"She's adorable" Luke said

"To bad that you left" I said

"What Laura? I deserve to see our babies, they are yours as much as they are mine" Luke said

"Tough luck, if you hadn't gone to L.A maybe there would be a chance but Luke there's not. I'm going to raise Logan and Madeline on my own, away from all the drama" I said

"You can't do that" Luke said

"Well I can because they have my surname and they are living with me, here in Brisbane" I said

"Laura, give Luke a chance" Ryan began

"You haven't seen him in months, and he seems decent. Luke wants to be with you and the twins. He wants to be a family and provide for you" Ryan added

"Laura, just give me a chance" Luke said

"When are you going back to L.A?" I asked

"In a month" Luke responded

"Fine, you have one month for this to work Luke, and if it doesn't then we are over for good. You'll go back to Los Angeles and I'll stay here and live the life I've always wanted" I said

"Laura, really?" Luke asked

"Yes Luke" I replied as Dr Simmons came back in the room

"When can I go home?" I asked

"Tomorrow, just so we can monitor you" Simmons replied

"Ryan, you can go home and you can show Luke where I live" I said

"Alright, I'll see you later" Ryan said as he kissed my forehead

"Bye Laura" Luke said handing me back Madeline and trailing off with Ryan

"So how do you know Luke?" Simmons asked

"Family friend, soon turned boyfriend, enemy, friend, boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, enemy, and now father to my twins" I replied

"Well that's a different one, many would just say ex-boyfriend or something along those lines" Simmons said

"Well I'm just complicated" I said




Madeline and Logan Stuart :)

How do you think Laura and Luke are going to go over the month? Will they work everything out? or will they hit rock bottom (hell)?

Please vote, comment and follow me. It's always appreciated and I follow back xx

I'll update when I can, sorry I was going to upload Friday but I had my sweet 16th birthday party, oh how time flies by.


-em :)

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