BGC1 Reunion • Part 2

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Previously on the BGC Season 1 Reunion ...

"See, that's your problem. You say shit that causes you to get fucked up. You always wanna say something and then you wonder how you get your ass beat. One day if you do that in public, you could seriously get hurt. That's one of your many habits. So watch what you say bitch." India advised Joyce.

"Bitch please, because-" Joyce said, but she was cut off by someone running up to her and punching her in the face a few times.

The crowd cheered on, and the person kept on throwing punches on Joyce, and Joyce pulled the girls's hair and slinged her on the ground, as the two went at it at each other.


The girl who had attacked Joyce was actually one of the audience, who assumed to not like Joyce on the season.

The security quickly broke up the fight after the girl had kept on punching Joyce in her face and pulled her hair. The girl (audience) was escorted out the building, while Joyce went to the dressing room to cool off after what happened.

"Well damn, that was crazy as hell! Not only the girls are crazy, but the audience! Like what the hell was that shit?" Daya asked, as the audience chuckled.

"Anyways, we gotta continue this. We all hope Joyce is okay TRUTHFULLY after what went down. So Angie, do you feel like you need to have a good explanation and to apologize to these girls for all that you did?" Daya asked Angie.

"Honestly no. I did nothing to these weak ass hoes, and they're nothing but pathetic losers." Angie said.

"And this is why you have no life, and no friends. Even if you apologized, I would NEVER have accepted your apology." Aaleeyah told Angie.

"Out of all people, YOU wanna call people pathetic? You were nothing this season but a pushover. Get over yourself girl, stop thinking you're the shit because you're gonna need some pampers for that boo. And grow up you dumb little girl." India told Angie, as the crowd cheered and clapped at what India said.

"India, boo boo kitty, why are you so mad? Get over YOURself, okay? Just because you apologized to Aaleeyah & Nicki now you have grown some confidence." Angie told India.

"No, it's just that I've changed. Meanwhile you are here still that dumb ugly ass hoe, like girl get a life! Clearly BGC isn't for you. You aren't a bad girl. You are a child. And you act like one, all the time. So sweetie know your place next time." India said, as the crowd cheered for India again, and Angie was silent after that.

"OKAY. Well said India. Anywayss, let's bring out this bad girl who slayed the house but ended up getting jumped in the house! Boo Ariana, come out here girl!" Daya yelled out.

Ariana came out of the dressing rooms, and she did her boss walk to the stage as the audience clapped and cheered for Ariana.

Ariana gave Daya a hug.

"Awwwww, you look so cute and little babes!" Daya said to Ariana, as Ari smiled and sat down.

"Oh and India, I accept your apology. The one that you texted me. We're all good now boo, and I forgive you. You are my girl ❤️" Ariana said to India as the crowd clapped and cheered.

"Btw, I love those finger waves. Slayy." Ariana told India as she smiled and chuckled.

"Thank you boo." India thanked Ari.

"See? That's fake shit. India the only reason why you apologized to these girls were so that you wouldn't get your ass beat." Angie said to India.

"Sweetheart we just went over this, I'm changing you dumb ass." India said.

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