Chapter four, You've got to be kidding me.

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Chapter four,
You've got to be kidding me.

-~-Destiny's POV-~-
So let's just say I'm not in a good mood.
You're wondering why? Well, I was woken to Percy screaming at me to wake up, in response I screamed at him and went to the bathroom to get ready, and when I showered I forgot about the water thing and put shampoo in my dry hair.
I'm in a bit of a pissy mood.
And you know what, it only got worse.
I got out of the shower already annoyed, I started brushing my hair when this glowing gold aura surrounded me, and I was . Make up done, hair perfectly styled, clothes fit me perfectly and my nails were done too.
I have a goddess picking out my clothes for me now.
Today is not going well for me.
Back to real time, I've locked myself in my cabin on my phone complaining to Erin about Aphrodite.
"Hey Des?" I hear a female voice call through my cabin door.
"Piss off!" I yell back without a second thought.
"What's got you in such a bad mood?" I recognize the voice the second time. I frown and stuff my phone in my jacket before standing up and storming towards the door.
When I got there I pretty much tore the door off the hinges and glared at Piper.
"Have I ever told you your mother really pisses me off." I could tell I had this horrible glare on my face because I could see Piper flinch slightly.
"Ah gods, I'm really sorry Des... Come on though, all of us are down by the beach, join us!" Piper says smiling. I could tell she laced some charm speak in her voice but I didn't mind too much. I just sighed but nodded and started walking towards the beach.
When everyone comes into view it's the seven plus Nico again.
Not saying a word I walk over and sit next to Jason leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Wow, go to Jason but don't say hi to your own brother, I understand." Percy fake cries.
"Well you know Jason didn't wake me up by screaming in my ear, now did he." I sarcastically ask as I close my eyes.
"Okay I understand that but really, I'm your big brother! Gimmie a hug!" I open my eyes to see Percy coming over to hug me. My eyes widen and I start to scoot away in the sand.
"Nope. No thanks!" I exclaim, I get up and start backing away. Percy grins evilly and keeps moving forward. I smile awkwardly and run around the circle of people we had. I somehow ended up behind Hazel, Nico, and Frank. Percy was behind Piper, Jason, and Annabeth.
"Could you kindly piss off?" I ask sarcastically.
"Hug me and I'll think about it." Percy says before he cuts through the circle and runs towards me. I squeal and turn to sprint down the beach, but I was in heels and it's pretty difficult to run in the sand.
"Gotcha!" He yells picking me up.
"Noooo! Stop touching me!" I scream flailing around.
"Gods you're like a cat! You'll hug me when you feel like it, but the moment I want a hug you run away!" Percy laughs carrying me back to everyone else.
"Why is it most days end up like this?" I ask annoyed.
"Probably because you have him for a brother." Nico says smirking. I raise my hand without a second thought and flip him off. Nico chuckles at that and raises both his hands to flip me off. I raise my other hand too and flip him off with that one too.
"Ah yes, we're going to be good friends." I say smiling sarcastically as I was put down near him and Hazel. I crawl forward awkwardly and sit next to Nico.
"Yup, the best of friends." Nico says sarcastically back to me. I chuckle and mess up his hair. He turns and glares at me, trying to fix his hair.
"Don't touch my hair, it's already seriously messed up, I don't need you making it any worse." Nico mutters then turns away. I just shrug and flip him off again before turning back to everyone.
I start talking to Piper again when I feel someones hand on my hair, then them messing it up. I whip around to see Nico smirking evilly. I smirk right back as I see the same golden aura surround my hair and fix it again.
"Ha!" I exclaim throwing my hands up. The only good thing about Aphrodites blessing.
"That's just not fair." Nico mutters frowning now. I smile widely and laugh.
"The only good thing about Aphrodites blessing. No one can mess with my hair!" I yell laughing still.
"You have Aphrodites blessing?" Hazel asks with slight wide eyes.
"Yeah, not a fan though. I do like to dress myself sometimes." I say rolling my eyes.
"Why'd she bless you?" Hazel asks again.
"Not sure, I feel like at this point it's to piss me off." I say smiling slightly. Everyone laughs at that and Nico chuckles slightly.
Another point for me. I think to myself as I smile at them.
"Anyways, are we actually doing anything today or are we just sitting here?" I ask looking around. Most people just shrug so I rolled my eyes and got up going to walk away.
"Awww, stay with us for a while sis! You never stay long." I could tell he wanted me to stay but I had a feeling I needed to get back to the main part of camp.
"I've got a feeling I'm needed back at camp, you guys can come along if you want but I really think I need to go back." I say awkwardly. Demi-gods have to trust their instincts so they all trusted me with what I was saying.
"Alright, we'll catch up." Percy nods. I smile and turn around to walk away.
As I got closer to camp the feeling started steering me towards the infirmary for some reason, and I guess I was right as I saw a child of Apollo run out of there and towards me.
"Destiny! There's two demi gods in the infirmary who say they know you, come check it out?" She asks her eyes wide. I nod.
"Of course Mace." Her name was Macey but I had a habit of giving people nicknames like that.
I stuck my hands in my jacket as I calmly walked into the infirmary, Mace steered me towards the back right of the infirmary. I saw two people sitting on a bed, a male and a female. The male had short curly brown hair with hazely green eyes. The female had redish brown hair with bright blue eyes.
I stop dead in my tracks seeing them.
What are they doing here. They're not demigods are they?
'My dad's dead.' A flash of a female voice appears in my head
'I never knew my dad.' A males appeared in mine. It all made so much sense!
Neither of them had dads, and I guess the parents we guessed for them are right, so then...
I smile widely and squeal catching their attention.
"Des?!" They both exclaim. I nod crazily and run over and throw myself at them, hugging them both.
"Erin! Evan! Oh my gods, what are you doing here?! How did you get here?! Oh my gods I'm so happy." I cry out hugging both of them, starting to hyperventilate
"Calm down, calm down, you're going to get an attack Des." Listening to Erin I slowly stop to inhale and exhale before I smiled up at them again, they were both older than me, which makes me wonder how it took so long to find them.
"We got here by, I think a satyr finding us. We had come here to New York to surprise you, but we realized that we had no idea where the Camp was. So after a while of wandering, we ran into a satyr who had a new camper with him. We weren't sure he was a satyr until a monster showed up and he played these pipes turning him into a tree. It was really awesome by the way. Anyways, we went up the the satyr and he was like 'oh damn, you got that hot demi-god scent 'bout ya.'" I laugh at her way of describing what he said, then let her continue.
"So he brought us back to Camp. It was fun. We only ran into a couple of monsters who ended up hurting Erin, which is why we are in this greeaaat place." Evan finishes for her, smiling sarcastically.
"Are you okay Rinny?" I ask worried. She smiles and nods.
"Yeah, I got my head slammed against a tree, but they gave me some stuff to eat that pretty much healed it." I nod my head muttering 'Ambrosia' to myself.
"So are you free to go?" I ask hopefully. She nods and I cheer.
"C'mon then! Let's go!" I yell dancing around. I was really excited, my best friends since I was 13 were back with me, I couldn't be happier about that.
They both get up and follow me as I run outside the infirmary bouncing around.
"Okay rule number one, do not talk to ANYONE but me, about the books. No one knows about them. It's important it stays that way, you hear me?" I ask getting serious, pointing to both of them. They nod and I smile.
"Good. So, rule number two, there is no rule number two. LETS PARTY!" I yell laughing. They laugh at my idioticness and rush forward to crush me in a hug.
"Gods I missed you." Erin mutters. I smile wider and hug both of them back.
"I missed you guys too. I love you both so much, please never leave me again." I whimper softly.
"Never." They both promise. I nod and pull away wiping a tear that fell down my face away
"So, have you met Chiron yet?" I ask linking my arms with them as we walk.
"Yeah, he said we go to the Hermes cabin?" I nod my head and kinda skip to keep up with both of them.
"Yes, but I'm pretty sure I know who both of your godly parent's are." I say smiling.
"Ares" I say pointing to Evan then turn to Erin.
"Apollo." I grin as the signs appear above their heads.
"I'm a god at this!" I exclaim knowing that I called who their parents would be. I stop with everyone else after that to bow down to them.
"Yes, kneel before me peasants!" Erin shouts jokingly and I have to keep myself from falling over from laughter.
"No! Don't die!" Erin squeals sitting down next to me as I try to finish my laughing fit.
"D..Did you really jus..just do that?!" I exclaim still laughing. Erin and Evan joined in with my laughter.
It felt good being with my best friends again.
"Maybe!?" Erin responds.
"Are you oka..Okay Des?!" Evan asks I as I start crying from laughter.
"I just can't b..believe she did that!" I choke out. I finally start to calm down and wipe my tears away.
"Oh my gods, that was great. I haven't laughed that hard in a year." I say with a smile so wide my face hurt.
"We haven't either. It wasn't the same without you." Erin smiles sadly at me. I pause and frown before shaking my head.
"I'm just happy we're back together again. Trash, Nerd, and Death!" I cheer laughing.
"Isn't Nico the death around here?" I whip around not even thinking, still in my happy state of mind.
"Nah. The joke was everyone always called me Satan before I found out about the Gods, so I was known as Sassy Satan, and the moment Sassy Satan showed up everyone ran. Even Erin and Evan feared me sometimes." I rambled on before Evan stepped forward and put his hand over my mouth.
I paused and looked at his hand before looking up at him and glaring. He took his hand away and stepped away from me the moment did that. I smile evilly after that.
"O..Kay.. Are you feeling okay Des?" Piper asks softly. I look back and realize what I had been doing. I was acting like the old me...
Who was more important... My best friends and family... Or the seven.
My best friends and family.
"Oh yeah perfect." I grin. I turn back to them, grabbing their hands and skipping off.
"So anyways, I'll show you your cabins, then I'll show you mine, and everything else! It's gonna be great." I say smiling.
"Destiny! Are you on drugs or something?" I hear a male voice call above me. I look up and theres Jason flying to catch up to us. He landed right in front of me with a worried look on his face.
"Nope. I'm just really happy for the first time in a long time." I say smiling brightly.
"Actually she could be on drugs, none of us would know. This is just how she acts normally." Evan mutters. I pout and hit his arm. He whines out a heeeeyyy but I ignore him.
"You wanna make a comment Rinny?" I ask crossing my arms and leaning on one leg.
"What he said." I frown and fake cry. I try to walk away but the two of them pull me into a hug.
"I hate you both. So much offense!" I yell laughing.
"Okay now that just isn't fair! You're hugging two people you don't even know, but you wont hug your own brother?!" Percy exclaims from behind us.
"Piss off Percy." I say without a second thought as I hug them closer.
"No really, that just isn't right." Percy pouts. I turn around and glare at him, still trapped between them.
"I've known them for five years, they're closer to family than you are Percy, and you're my blood brother. Just think about that." I say sticking my tongue out at him after I finished speaking.
"Five years?" Percy sputters in surprise.
"Mhmm, they were from my mortal life." I say smiling fondly at them.
"I actually named my dagger after Erin." I say nodding my head towards her. Annabeth looks at Erin and Evan before frowning.
"How old are the two of you?" She asks curiously.
"21" Evan replies
"23." Erin says nodding.
"How were you never found?" Annabeth questions crossing her arms.
"We honestly have no idea. Des explained some of this to us, but she said it wasn't normal for us to go this long without being taken to camp." Erin says shrugging.
"Have you been claimed?" Annabeth asks calming down slightly.
"Yup they have! Erin is a lovely daughter of Apollo, and Evan here is a son of Ares!" I exclaim smiling.
"You have a pair of interesting friends." Piper mutters. I frown the moment she says this.
"And why is that Piper?" I ask getting defensive of my friends.
"It's just... A son of Ares, a daughter of Apollo, and a daughter of Poseidon? Not the most likely of friends." She says simply.
"We were friends before we found out about this remember, and it's not like we have to be just like what our parent's are. I know all three of us are the outcasts of our cabins, and I know that wont change. So why is it unlikely? You all aren't the most likely of friends now are you? But you're as close as close can be." I finish frowning, pulling away from Erin and Evan to stand in front of them in a protective matter.
"..Destiny.. You're not an outcast..." Percy says softly, stepping towards me. I take a step back, pulling Erin and Evan with me.
"We both know I am. The only reason I'm friends with the seven is because of you. I'm not like most children of Poseidon, and I don't even look like them. I really don't care though, cause what's the point of fitting in anyways?" I smile bitterly most of my mood destroyed by this. I grab Erin and Evans hands and turn to the right and pull them with me.
I really just wanted to talk to them without being bothered.
"Are you okay Des?" I just keep walking not answering her yet, actually, I wouldn't answer her until we got to my hidden lake place.
"Destiny." Evan tries, but I just walk faster.
"Destiny Lynn!" Erin finally exclaims. I let go of their hands and whip around tears starting to form.
"What?! What do you want me to say? I'm the outcast of camp cause I'm an emo daughter of Poseidon?! That I'll never be accepted because I'm not half as good as Percy and I never will be! What, what is it?!" I exclaim tears falling.
"No Des. We don't care about that.. It's okay..." Erin says softly moving towards me. I shake my head no backing up.
"It's not okay. It never will be. For years I felt as though I never fit in, and I finally come here, I finally think I'll belong but it doesn't matter because guess what, they're the same as everyone else! Just because they're demi-gods doesn't make them change! They will never change! No where, will it be different! I will always, and I mean always be the freak that no one wants, and no one ever will!" I yell before turning and running.
One thing I'm thankful for from this camp, they taught me how to run.
"Destiny! Destiny please!" I hear them call to me, but I just kept running, that is, until a pair of arms caught me around the waist and brought me back into the shadows hiding me from Erin and Evan. I moved around trying to scream and get away, but they held strong and put their hand over my mouth making it so I couldn't scream.
Erin and Evan ended up running past us and I frowned.
"Calm down." A quite voice whispers in my ear.
"Don't scream." The same voice whispers.
"I won't scream when you show me who you are." I snap quietly as I stop crying.
"It's Nico. Close your eyes." I blush bright red realizing he was holding me this close.
I might of had a crush on him a year ago, but I guess it hasn't gone away. I hope he can't feel my heart slamming into my chest as I close my eyes.
Was he about to shadow travel us? He was shadow traveling us wasn't he.
My question was answered as it felt like I was dunked in cold water.
Everything was cold minus my own body. Nico felt just as cold as the shadows I realized.
Around us it was like there was hundreds of screams all at ones, and it felt like someone was tearing the skin off my face.
It was all in all, amazing.
Then all at once, it stopped.
I cough and hold my head with one hand, the other one holding onto Nicos arms still.
Nico slowly lowered us onto the floor, letting me sit down and lean against him for a moment.
"Are you okay?" He asks quietly.
"Minus the slight head ache, yes." I mutter keeping my eyes closed. I suddenly felt tired for the first time in a week.
"Why did that make me so tired.. I'm not used to being tired anymore." I yawn trying to pry open my eyes. When I finally do, I was met with Nicos face studying my own.
"I'm not sure. Normally it only makes the person using it tired, I've never had anyone tired from shadow traveling though." I yawn again and rub my eyes.
"It's like a car ride, but with screams and it's hella fast. I always was relaxed by car rides." I say softly.
"That has to be the weirdest description of shadow traveling I've ever heard." He chuckled lowly.
"I'm a weird person." I say sarcastically wiggling my eyebrows.
"I can tell." Nico says with a smirk. I smile at him before closing my eyes again.
"So, where are we?" I ask.
"We are, outside of camp. I thought you might need a little bit to yourself. I heard everything..." Nico trails off at the end. I tense up as soon as he finishes and I go to move away but he keeps me close.
"Aren't you not supposed to like to touch people?" I spit out after 5 minutes of trying to get him to let go.
"What do you mean?" He questions. I blush as I realize what I said.
❤You can tell him.A new voice appears in my head, I guess it to be Aphrodite by her tone of voice.
"..I.. I know a bit about you." I stutter not knowing how to explain this. I look up at him to see him with a confused face.
"...From Hazel?" Nico asks hesitantly. I shake my head shyly. I put my hands on his chest and push away so I was sitting in front of him finally.
I pull out my phone and go to google.
Quickly typing in "Percy Jackson and the lighting thief" I hand him my phone letting him look at everything.
"..What?" He whispers in confusion and slight panic.
"Percy's entire story along with your own have been written out into books... That's why I wasn't so surprised when I found out I was a demi-god. I always bet I was a daughter of Poseidon, and I was right." I whisper softly not wanting to shock him too horribly.
"S..So you know everything?" Nico asks in shock. I nod slowly looking down with a blush.
"Yup.. Everything from Bianca to your crush on Percy, that you got over.. Plus a crush on Will that we were never told anything about." I mutter, feeling my heart break slightly.
"I'm over both of them." Nico states plainly. I look up at him to see him with a frown on his face.
"I..I'm sorry that I know so much about you. I never expected to ever meet you, so it's kinda weird now that I'm telling you I know everything about you.." I pause and blush more before continuing.
"I have, have, have to ask." I mutter quickly looking back up at him with wide eyes. He raises an eyebrow at me and I smile awkwardly.
"Are you actually gay or are you bisexual?" I question quickly putting my hands together in a begging position, desperately wanting to know the answer.
"..I..." He pauses so I fill in the blank space that's there.
"If it makes you feel any better I'm bisexual and you're the first person that knows here at camp." I smile awkwardly and see him looking at me in shock.
"Really?" I nod my head and let go of one of my hands to scratch my neck.
"Mm yeah. I've dated a couple girls. Most of which were boring and dull." I say rolling my eyes.
"...I'm bisexual." My head snaps back to him in shock hearing that he was actually bisexual.
"Really?!" I ask in pure surprise. Nico nods looking at me like I was crazy.
"..yeah why?" He questions his eyebrow raised again.
"Becaaausseee, I always bet you were bi and not actually gay. No one ever agreed, so I win!" I say smirking as I reach for my phone. I grab it and close google and then locking my phone hiding any creepy Percy Jackson pictures I had on my phone from him.
"So how come I've never seen these books anywhere?" Nico asks raising his eyebrow.
"They're hidden from all demi-gods, and I'm not sure how I found them really. That's why I was really called to Olympus yesterday, because I knew of the books. And we honestly still don't know how I found them. It's really weird." I explain putting a strand of hair behind my ears.
"..That's really strange." Nico mutters looking down with a frown.
"So have you read all of the books then?" Nico asks looking at me again.
"Yeah, there's 10 in total, plus two side books. I'm really sorry about Bianca by the way." I say looking down not wanting to see the sad look on his face. He just sighs and then speaks.
"I don't need pity Destiny. If you really know so much about me you should understand this." I blush and mess with the ends of my hair.
"It wasn't pity, it was understanding, and understanding the pain of having to lose someone on your own." I say quietly before standing up and looking around.
"So we're off camp grounds then... How close to the city do you think we are, cause I'm hella bored." I ask smirking. Nico gets up and brushes off any dirt that was on him
"Maybe a 10 minute walk? Not too far. You up for some McDonald's?" He asks smirking back at me. I giggle and nod.
Holding out my arm for him to take I ask him something sarcastically.
"Shall we my dear sir?"
I never expected him to go along with it, but a moment later Nico had this childish smirk on his face as he took my arm and straightened his back.
"We shall madame!"
With that we were off to McDonalds.  

Death Boy and Sea Girl -~-Nico di Angelo x OC love story-~-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя