Chapter seven, Don't be an idiot.

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Chapter seven,
Don't be an idiot.

-~-Destiny's POV-~-
Up, down, side, roll, up, point.
Smiling, I turn my dagger back into a ring and pulled up the Athena camper I had just beat.
It was two days after the little incident in the woods, and I hadn't talked to Nico very much.
That fact about broke my heart, I thought I had got somewhere, and I thought we would be close friends, but I suppose not...
"Deeessss~" I hear a voice call. I turn around, the same smile on my face seeing Evan with my brother only made me smile bigger.
"Heyo guys." I say waving. Percy and Annabeth had only gone to Camp Jupiter for a date, and they came back the next day.
"Hey Des!" Percy chirps walking over and picking me up, giving me a big hug.
"N-no pls." I cough out, losing all air in my lungs.
"You're gonna kill her Jackson." Nico's taunting voice is like music to my ears, keeping me from certain death.
"Oh! Sorry Des." Percy apologizes to me as he lets me breath.
I take a moment to put my hands on my knees and actually get some breath into my lungs.
"Ho-ly mother of gods." I mutter as I stand up straight and hit Percy on the arm.
"You idiot! I need a thing called, I don't know, AIR!" I yell at him.
"I said sorry." Percy pouts and I roll my eyes sighing.
"You're forgiven." I mutter as I take out my checking for any messages. I bite my lip seeing a few from my quotev, but I didn't want to check it for chance Nico would see.
"Well, I'm gonna head down to the beach, see ya." I tell the three as I spin and go to walk off.
Though, I didn't notice I was being followed until I sat down on the beach and pulled up my quotev again.
"Des The Nerd? Really?" Nico's voice taunts again. I pause and turn my head to look at him.
"Woulda been nice to know you were there.." I muttered, locking my phone again.
I then rubbed my eyes tired, and turned to the side placing my head on his lap.
"..What are you doing?" He asks quietly.
"I'm tired. You are now my pillow." I tell him as I turn so I'm looking at the ocean.
"Maybe your pillow would like to move." Nico tells me.
"Maybe I don't agree with my pillows wishes." I respond.
After that, we stay in a silence. Of course not awkward, just relaxed.
I ended up closing my eyes and falling asleep after a bit I guess, cause when I woke up I was in my cabin.
I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked around, seeing Nico and Percy talking off to the side.
Percy looked angry while Nico was annoyed.
"H..H..Heya?" I ask as I slip my legs over the side of my bed and raise my eyebrow in confusion.
"..Hey." and a "Destiny!" Were said. Percy rushed over to me and hugged me.
"You need to sleep more Destiny, you cant pass out on random people." I shove him back with an eye roll.
"He's not a random person Perce. He's one of my best friends, take a chill pill." I tell him.
"You've barely known him for a week Des, how could he be one of your best friends?" Percy asks making all these random hand gestures.
"Maybe because he knows more about me than you ever even bothered to find out." I spit annoyed with him already. I purse my lips and get up walking out of the cabin leaving both of them standing there in shock at what I said.
I was only walking at first, then somehow it became a jog, then a run, and now a sprint as I tried to get to my lake place.
It only took me five minutes this time, considering how fast I was running.
The moment I got there I just closed my eyes, letting the silence keep me steady.
Finally I got an idea, snapping my eyes open.
Phone calls are risky, but what about seeing someone in person?
Vapor travel is a go.
I closed them again and imagined my mother, and my big brother, my real big brother, my home. Soon I let one of my eyes peak open and I saw a ring of water starting to surround me like a tornado, and I was trapped in the middle of it.
I smile until I felt a hand on my shoulder breaking my concentration. I let out a squeal of surprise and I dropped the almost complete water vortex and fell onto the floor.
I looked up to see Nico with a confused expression.
"What in the hell were you doing?" He asks. I can't help but grin and take his hand.
"Trust me?" I ask him as he looks at our connected hands blushing slightly.
"..Depends on what it's about." Nico says quietly.
I grin at this, knowing that I was close to getting his full trust.
"What if it's helping me discover a new power?" I ask hopefully. He looks back up at me with a raised eyebrow, then nodded.
My grin only gets brighter as I close my eyes and focus on my family again.
"..Holy shit." A minute later I open my eyes, very tired mind you, to see we were right in front of my I squeal and jump up and down excited. I run towards the gate of our house, I say house.. Well I mean small mansion.
"Oh Vegas I'm home." I exclaim. Looking around I see that all of my family is home, by the four cars out front.
"This is amazing, beautiful, wonderful!" I exclaim again spinning around to face Nico who had a horrible look of shock on his face.
"What's wrong? Is it the vapor travel? Oh gods, I'm sorry. I should have explained everything." I say softly, moving towards him.
"..This, is my home in Las Vegas. I had an idea a long time ago that maybe I could vapor travel, I pretty much turn us into water and teleport us where ever." He looked on in awe at me as I explained.
"...That's actually amazing. I never thought a child of Poseidon could even do that. I've never heard of it, ever. That's really, really amazing." Nico whispered out. I smile brightly and pull him over with me.
I quickly type in the code to my gate and grin as the gates with a "L" design opened.
"Home sweet, horribly dysfunctional home!" I chirp as I skip towards the door.
Not even thinking about it, I casually reached for the keys under the mat and opened it.
"Family I'm home!" I exclaimed looking around. I heard a few crashes and saw my mother crash down the stairs in shock.
"Destiny?! Destiny Valentine Lynn!" She starts crying and I smile awkwardly as I move forward to hug her.
"s'Hello mom." I greet her happily.
"Destiny's home?" I turn my head to the left to see my brother coming from the living room. He was only 20, he hadn't moved out yet I suppose.
"Bubba!" I exclaimed, my excitement getting the better of me. I pull away from my mom and hug him too.
"Where have you been! It's been two years, and how you just show up, and with him! Who is he anyways!" My mother had questions, which is no surprise, but I didn't understand how she didn't know I was the daughter of Poseidon... After all, she was my mother.
"Alright, alright chill. Now, neither of you are going to believe this, but you need to listen to me..." I start off pulling the two of them into the living room, giving Nico a glance that said 'follow me', which he agreed to.
I set them both on the couch and started explaining.
"Alright, so. To rip the bandaid off, Nathan, I'm only your half sister. I have a different dad." I start off, but don't let either of them speak.
"Next on the list, so you can stop killing him with your eyes, this is Nico di Angelo, yes yes, I know, the book character, shut your mouth holes. So, then yes, he is the son of Hades, the greek gods are real, everything you know is a lie, yada yada." I explain having no patience, just wanting to be home with my family.
"Destiny, none of this is true! You must have been brain washed! Boy, Nico, whoever give me my daughter back! Right now!" My mother exploded. I frown and waved my hand pushing them both back into the couch, not giving them any time to question me anymore. I made sure their mouths stayed shut.
"Don't be an idiot. I'm using blood control mother, only children of Poseidon can do that. Stop lying to yourself, I know somewhere along the way you must've had a hook up. He was a good looking man, no? Couldn't resist? Well, I'm what came along because of it." I explain, seeing the looks they were giving me, I guessed I was no longer welcome here.
"And I'm guessing, by that look, I'm now seen as a freak of nature, and no longer your daughter?" I ask softly letting my hand drop, but it was quickly grabbed by Nico who was now standing closer to me, as if he wanted to protect me.

"...No Destiny, you'll always be my daughter, it's just.." I sigh and rub my temples with my free hand.
"It's just I'm more different now than I used to be? I've somehow gotten weirder?" I ask sarcastically.
"Don't speak to me like that Destiny Lynn! I am your mother!" My mom hisses at me.
"You might as well not be Mrs. Lynn. Your daughter has been gone for two years, and here you are, all bothered that she's the daughter of a sea god, which is your fault! How dare you, you should be worried about where your daughter was, and most of all you should be happy shes HOME!" Nico suddenly exploded. I look at him in shock, but he was dead set on glaring at my mother.
"Destiny go pack anything you need. I refuse to let you stay with these disgusting excuses for mortals." Nico mutters angrily, crossing his arms staring my mother and my brother down.
"..Mkay, don't kill them, please." I tell him, then place a soft kiss on his cheek. Turning around I quickly ran up to my room, smiling at everything.
I had a few awards for dancing and singing, plus a bunch a stuff for being a nerd.
I was really smart, which is very, very weird for a demi-god that isn't the child of Athena.
Added to the list of weird things, but y'know, what are ya gonna do? I'm stuck with it, might as well embrace it.
Quickly moving around I found two purple and black suit cases, and started stuffing anything I might need in there. One suit case had the rest of my clothes, and the other had anything important to me. Like other necklaces that were from my best friends, because other than Unknown, I don't wear rings. I hate bracelets, and I don't have my ears pierced.
Necklaces are my thing.
I also had gotten my speakers so I could blast music when I felt like it.
Another secret thing, I had this GIANT supply of candy, which filled up at least 70% of my second suit case.
Hot damn I love candy.
After that I skip back downstairs, trying to keep myself happy. I didn't expect my mom to react like that at all.
"Please don't make her leave... I only just got my baby back.." I hear my mother whimper.
"You're the one who acted like she was the scum of the earth after hearing she wasn't normal. This is your fault." Nico snarls. When I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Nico with his hand on his sword, a frown on his face.
"No sword Neeks, remember, no killing. They're mortal anyways, not like it'll do much good." Nico sighed and dropped his hand from the sword.
"Destiny, please. Don't leave. I love you so much, please don't." My mother begs me, jumping up from the couch and running over to me. She tries to hug me but I moved away.
"I'm good mom. I don't want your pity of having to stay here, you never liked me much compared to Nathan and Faith anyways. Always second best eh?" I say smiling, but inside I was screaming.
Always second best. Never good enough. Always.
With that, I moved past her and over to Nico.
"Vapor or Shadow travel?" I asked him.
"I'll shadow travel us, I can tell you're tired. When we get back to camp, you're sleeping." He tells me as he grabbed one of my suitcases.
"Are you trying to lecture me about sleeping Mr. eye-bags-for-days?" I ask sarcastically as I grab his hand and walks towards the shadows in the house.
"...I love you Destiny." I look over my shoulder to see Nathan with a sad expression.
"I love you too Bubba. I love mom too, but I can't stay here. Not anymore." I shake my head slowly, then turn back to Nico, and we go into the shadows.

Stumbling, we land back at camp right in Nico's cabin."...Thanks for putting up with that Nico." Nico nods wordlessly, then stumbles over to his bed passing out. I chuckle and yawn, deciding I was too lazy to walk back to my cabin. I simply kicked off my shoes and curled up next to him.I didn't sleep well at first, I had nightmares of my mother telling me I was never good enough, and that I was the biggest mistake of her life.But after a while Nico woke me up, and I cuddled up to him as soon as he did, I was crying again.

I wish I wasn't but I was.A thought came to mind as he held me, and I couldn't help but voice it.

"I promised you I wouldn't leave you like everyone else, could you do the same for me Nico? Or will you keep me happy for a year, then leave me behind because I wasn't good enough?" I whimpered to him.

"I promise... It's okay.. You are good enough... You'll never be second best to me I promise.." Nico whispered into my hair as he stroke it.And finally, we both ended up falling back asleep, letting our demons leave for a little while, just a nice, nice, sleep.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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