Chapter six. Sorry, I fell asleep.

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Chapter six.
Sorry, I fell asleep.

-~-Destiny's POV-~-
"Hey Nico is Destiny here?" I hear a female voice ask, taking me out of my sleep.
"Yeah, she's asleep." Nico replies. I curled farther up, not wanting to be awake yet.
"Des, I can tell you're awake." The female voice says to me this time.
"Nope." I mutter softly as I cuddle up to the pillow that was next to me.
"You do realize this isn't your cabin right?" The teasing voice asks me, who I now recognize as Erin.
"Yep." I reply, still trying to sleep.
"Are you just not going to leave?" Nico now asks. I laugh slightly and raise my head from the pillow.
"I'm hurt Nico. I'm honestly hurt." Sitting up I rub my eyes and look around.
The laptop was on the bottom of the bed, left on the second episode in the third season.
"Did you even sleep last night Neeks?" I ask turning my head to him with a slight frown.
"Yeah, I ended up passing out next to you. You are a very comfortable pillow by the way." I snort and shake my head at him blushing slightly, cracking my neck soon after.
"So, wassup Rin?" I ask her, sitting crisscross on Nico's bed.
"'Member how we always used to talk about me being able to control the light?! I might be able to! I want you to come help me, and Evan will join us!" Erin plans out, rambling. I laugh and shove her away.
"Sure, sure. Get out you nerd. I gotta go to my cabiinnn waaaiiitt." I trail off seeing my bag.
"I, forgot I brought my bag here. Welp, I'm stealing your bathroom Nico. 'scuse me." I say smiling as I reach for my bag and get up walking into his bathroom.
"Is she always like this?" I hear Nico chuckling.
"Only when she's around people she's comfortable with." Nico went silent after that, making me smirk.
He's probably blushing.
Opening my bag I go to get dressed before the golden aura appeared around me again, putting me in a new
I take a moment to stare in the mirror, this was stuff I wore before I was taken to camp. I rub my face and sigh.
They really want me to be how I used to be, don't they?
I groan and pick up my bag walking out of Nico's bathroom.
"Looks like I didn't need it, cause my oh so favorite goddess decided she should play dress up with me again!" I exclaim putting my bag over my shoulder, a frown on my face.
"Ay, at least it wasn't a skirt this time." Erin says smiling, holding my laptop. I rolled my eyes and then walked over taking my laptop from her, sticking it in my bag.
"You're an idiot." I mutter as I zip my bag back up.
"Yes, but you love me!" Erin exclaimed hugging me.
"Piece a shit." I mutter and hug her back before pushing her away.
"Meet me at lunch, we'll mess with your powers after." I tell her, then pat her head sending her off, turning to talk to Nico, he beat me to it.
"Is Erin one of the girls you told me about?" I stare at him blankly before realizing what he was talking about. I snort and laugh, shaking my head.
"Aw hell nah. She's pretty much my older sister. Between you and me, I had some pretty shit friends, and her and Evan were the only two who ever stuck around." I say shrugging.
"I don't understand how you can talk about it as if it was the simplest thing in the world." Nico says furrowing his brows as he looked at me.
I know it's weird, talking about being left so easily, but I was used to it, no use crying over people who were useless in my life anyways.
"I don't care about them. They were just another face in the crowd to me now. If I ever met them again, I wouldn't be angry, I wouldn't be sad, I'd treat them as if they were strangers, because that's all they were. They never knew anything about me, but I knew about them, and that's how it always is." I say brushing my hair out of my eyes with a small smile.
"...I'm sorry." Nico mutters sticking his hands in his skinny jeans pockets.
"It's fine, not like you did anything.. Well actually." I pause and laugh to myself making him look up at me with confusion in his eyes.
"Part of the reason they stopped talking to me was my obsession with books, specifically the Percy Jackson ones... But we'll ignore that." I say smiling as I moved over to Nico and linked my arm with him, pulling him out of the cabin.
"What are you doing." Nico asks frowning.
"We're going to lunch." I tell him, a grin on my face now.
"I'm not hungry." Nico tells me.
"I disagree. Judging by how you hadn't left the cabin when you and Erin woke me up, you haven't eaten anything yet. You need to eat." I tell him, the grin not leaving my face.
"Fine, you eat too though. Yesterday all you ate was ice cream." I sigh but nod. I don't starve myself or anything, I just don't get hungry a lot.
"So, wanna join us with messing with Rin's powers?" I ask we near the dining pavilion.
"..Sure." He responds after a moment and I smile widely.
"Coolio." I say and look around the dining pavilion. Stopping for a moment my eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"When Hazel said they were going to Camp Jupiter... Did she mean all of them?" I ask looking at Nico. He simply nods and I frown.
Huh. They normally tell me if they're leaving.. Well, whatever.
"So, wanna play the 'See-if-Mr.D-and-Chiron-will-notice-if-I-sit-at-your-table' Game?" I ask letting a grin fall back on my face. Nico snorts in reply but shrugs.
"I'll take that as a yes!" I chirp and then drag him over to the Hades table.
"You're crazy, you know that?" He asks as we sit down.
"I prefer the term insane, but whatever floats your boat." I giggle then face palm.
"Gods I hate doing that." I mutter.
"It's cute." I blush and look down not meeting his eyes.
"Oh, did that make you uncomfortable?" I shift uncomfortably under his stare.
"You're not good with compliments, are you?" He asks chuckling. I let my hair fall in front of my face as I nod slightly.
"I, am awkward as all hell." I say finally getting a hold of myself now, looking back up with an awkward grin.
"I've noticed." He lets a small smile come on his face making me grin.
Silence falling between us as we look down at our plates and summon food. Nico himself summons pizza that looks like it's from Italy itself.
I, myself summon four cheese ravioli's. My favorite food.
I grin happily as I notice I picked the exact kind that my mom used to make, with garlic bread on the side.
Quickly getting up with Nico, we both sacrifice food to the gods and then come back sitting down, beginning to eat.
Dipping the garlic bread into the red sauce, close my eyes, and 'mmmm' happily.
"Do you want a private room with that bread orr?" Nico taunts. I snap my eyes open and glare at him.
"Shush you." I mutter.
"This is the same type of ravioli and garlic bread that my mom made when I was home..." I smile with nostalgia and think about my family.
I miss them quite a lot... Maybe I can try vapor traveling so I can see them again.
"...You must miss them..." Nico almost whispers. I look at him with a smile upon my face.
"Yes, I do. But it's okay, if I'm not there, I know they wont be hurt. It's easier this way..." I trail off a bit bitter at the end.
"...It must be nice to have a family..." Nico whispers, trying to make it so I couldn't hear it, but I did.
I get up from across from him and move my plate and everything right next to him.
"Neeks, as long as you're with me, you'll have a family. I'm not the kind to abandon people. I'll always be here for you."
"...Thank you." Was Nico's simple reply. I smile and go back to eating, pressing my leg against Nico's, letting him know I'm there.
Through out the entire time we were eating we made jokes and laughed, which pretty much made my life.
I was slowly becoming more comfortable with him, letting myself be as normal as I was around Erin and Evan.
"So, one time, I was talking to Erin and I don't remember what we were talking about, but I know the ending words of our conversation was 'An elephant never forgets. What I'm telling you is I'm part elephant Erin.'" We both burst out laughing. My face ended up being bright red from laughter at the fact I ever said that.
"Seriously?!" I laugh harder at his question and nod.
"Yeah! Okay, okay, so another time..." I kept telling him stories and in return he told me some of his own that weren't in the books.
"When I was learning how to shadow travel, I hadn't quite gotten the hang of it, so I ended up in some pretty weird places, one of them being someones house." I snort and laugh, grinning.
"Are you kidding me?! You ended up in someones house?!" He nods and we both slowly calm down.
"This is great. I haven't laughed this much in a long time." I smile really, really brightly and throw my arm over his shoulder and give him a side hug, kissing his cheek.
"I'm glad I'm the one causing the laughter. I live to make people laugh." Nico was blushing and that's when i realized what I did. I awkwardly remove my arm and rub the back of my neck blushing myself.
Bringing me out of my awkwardness Nico wraps his arms around me and hugs me.
"You kay there Neeks?" I ask as I put my face in his neck, hugging him tighter.
"Just happy.." he murmurers quietly. I force myself not to squeal, happy that I was the one causing him to be like this.
"Internal fangirl." I mutter laughing. Nico chuckles into my hair and pulls away.
"Of course you would." He says. I just shrug and giggle quietly.
"Hey Des!" I hear a voice call. I look up seeing Erin running over, Evan following. They plop themselves across from us and smile.
"Wassup guys?" I ask, crossing my legs and putting my arms on the table, leaning on my palms.
"We're about to go test my powers." Erin replies.
"So unfair, you guys both have these super intense powers and I'm just like, I can fight. With a pointy sword thing." Evan pouts. I giggle and stand up, Erin and Evan following suit. I look down at Nico and he looks down awkwardly.
I ruffle his hair making him glare at me, but my smile makes his eyes soften.
"C'mon nerd, you said you were coming, did you not?" I ask tilting my head, holding out a hand for him. He smiles and takes my hand pulling himself up and follows the three of us.
"You seem pretty cozy with Nico." Erin whispered to me winking. I blush and shove her.
"Don't be an idiot. You know how I am." I tell her rolling my eyes.
"Yeah yeah yeah, you're asexual, but there are some cases and we both know it!" Erin smirks.
"Okay, I said that when I was super obsessive but I don't know if thats the case now." I say blushing and looking down.
"Oh we both know that's still the case. He'll always be your first love!" Erin fake swoons and I laugh speeding up and walking with Nico.
"..Hey." Nico says nodding to me. I smile and nod back.
"Heya. I decided to join ya up here, couldn't handle the stupid back there." I hear an offended hey, then I feel a slap the back of my head. I stop dead in my tracks and slowly turn around seeing Erin there, trying not to laugh.
"Run." I state deadly calm before I let a creepy smile fall on my face.
Erin laughs and turns around running.
"No pls!" She yells.
"There's no escape!" I yell back as I start running, hearing Evan and Nico laughing behind me. Getting closer to her I tackle her and sit on her back, poking her head.
"Bad." I say like a child.
"Save mee!" Erin calls out.
"There is no safety." I tell her laughing evilly now.
"Annndd she's gone insane." Evan says from behind us. I raise my hand and flip him off, not moving otherwise.
"Dessss, get off of Erin." Evan says as if he's scolding a child.
"but she started ittt!" I whine back to him.
"But Desss." Evan whines back.
Finally Nico stops this by walks over, grabbing me by my arm pits and pulling me off Erin.
"Wh-wha!?" I exclaim confused.
"Follow me." Nico mutters to the other two, still carrying me, but this time changing to bridal position.
I was staring in awe for a moment before I snapped out of it.
"What the hell?!" I ask trying to flail out of his grasp, but he held steady.
"We're heading to the hidden lake area." Nico says simply. I pout and stop moving, just taking out my phone and scrolling through instagram annoyed.
I casually scroll until I get to a spam of Nico di Angelo pictures. I tilted the angle of my phone away from him and blushed slightly as I looked through them.
There were ones that me smile, then there were ones that made me snort, then ones that made me close out of instagram with a blush on my face and, a new inability to look Nico in the eyes.
"What's wrong Des?" Erin asks coming into my view. I unlock my phone, pull up instagram and let her look through them.
She starts laughing the moment she sees them and she has to stop so she can breath again.
"Really?!" She half yells. I blush and reach my hand out for my phone, she places it back while wiping away a tear that wasn't there, slightly out of breath.
"What was on there?" Nico asks, his warm breath on my neck. I shiver slightly and respond.
"Nothing, just some stupid stuff."
"Can I see?" He replies back without a beat.
"Nah." I say still looking away.
Then, suddenly, my entire world was flipping, him holding onto my legs making sure I wouldn't do to him what I did to Percy, and that's when I realized, he had my phone.
When he flipped me, he took my phone from me.
Oh gods.
"Really Destiny?" He asks sarcastically.
"I will personally kick your ass, give me my phone!" I exclaim, wiggling around.
He snorts and mutters something.
"Sorry, what's that? Couldn't hear you over the sound of all of my hatred!" I hiss.
"I told you, why would you look at these pictures when you have the real me right here?" I blush and groan putting my hands on my face.
"I didn't mean to, I was just following an account that spammed pictures of you. They just so happened to be on my feed when I was looking at stupid shit." I explain.
"Mhmm.. Oh what's this? Skype?" I half scream hearing him see my skype.
"NO! NO NO!" I yell getting one of my feet free I use his body as a platform and I flip backwards pushing him onto the floor, letting my phone fall. I dive for it, quickly lock it and put it in my bra.
"...Really?" Nico asks raising his eyebrow. I cross my arms and raised my eyebrow.
"Wanna fight about it?" I ask.
"And here we see Des in her natural habitat." Evan comments sarcastically to Erin.
"If you look very closely you can see she's trying to fight with her possible mate, she must establish dominance." Erin whispers back.
"I will personally stab you." I say turning my head to them slowly.
"Uh-oh. It looks like the wild Des has noticed us..." Evan whispers fake scared.
I glare and rip off my necklace, Ocean showing up. I stand up and start walking towards them, the both of them slowly backing away.
"What did we say about stabbing friends Des?" Erin asks chuckling.
"Do it whenever you can." I state emotionless.
And that's when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back.
"Whyyyy, you should be encouraging me to stab them!" I yell pouting.
"Because I'd rather my new friend not get in trouble within the first 4 days of knowing her." Nico murmurs in my ear, making me blush and shiver.
"I think you mean new best friend. I will not take anything less than best friend." I tell him.
"Looks like you have a new best friend then." I let myself relax in his arms, and that's when Erin and Evan walked away.
"Use protection!" Erin yells back. My head snaps back to her retreating back and I snarl.
"Calm down Princess, you don't want the whole camp to hear you killing her." Nico chuckled deeply in my ear. It makes me blush and sigh slightly.
Hearing me sigh he chuckles again, and tightens his arms around my waist.
"You're adorable you know that." The moment that gets out of his mouth he tenses up. I giggle, blushing, and put my hands over his own around my waist.
"Relax Neeks. You're adorable too." He relaxes for a moment hearing me say relax but tenses up again when I told him he was adorable.
"You're such a cutie." I murmur, leaning back into him, resting my head on his chest and looking up at him.
When I lean back up I see his blush and I grin brightly.
"Shut up." Nico mutters taking a step away.
"Aww, your blush is adorable. Don't worry." I coo.
Nico steps forward, grabbing my waist again, moving his face close to mine, making me blush bright red and make my eyes widen.
"Mine is no where near as adorable as yours."  

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