Chapter five, I swear I know what I'm doing.

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Chapter five,
I swear I know what I'm doing.

-~-Destiny's POV-~-
Now, I swear, I'm a smart kid.
I was a straight A student who liked to learn.
I was book and street smart, and normally I only use my books smarts.
For once I got to use my street smarts.
"C'mon sweet heart, ditch the emo, come hang with us!"
Are they seriously cat calling me?! I thought blushing.
"Ignore them Destiny. We don't want to attract attention to ourselves, two kids of the big three is dangerous out here, but normally monsters don't bug me because I'm a child of Hades, with you here though..." Nico muttered to me, getting slightly closer as he eyes the 5 guys who were following us.
"Aww come on, don't you want to spend some time with some real men?" Another one called to me.
"I know I should ignore them, but all senses in me are telling me to scream piss off at them." I mutter crossing my arms and keeping my jacket close to me.
"If you're in for a run sure." Nico chuckles lowly.
"..Orrr, I could do this.." I mutter getting a plan in my head, an evil smirk on my face. I turn around, now walking backwards seeing all the guys.
"Babes you could never handle this, go give eachother some blowies in another alley way cause it's all you're ever gonna get." I call waving to them. I hear Nico pretty much choke on air next to me as I turn around and grab his hand to start running.
"Was that the smartest thing to say?!" Nico exclaims next to me as we run.
"I swear I know what I'm doing!" I tell him as I look around. Narrowing my eyes I see a traffic light about to turn yellow. If I time it correctly we could get across and they'd be stuck back there. I smirk as I run up to it and take a sudden left pulling Nico with me.
From behind us I could hear the outraged shout of the guys as the cars started driving just as we got across.
For another 10 minutes we didn't stop running making sure they wouldn't find us.
"That was incredibly stupid. Never do that again." Nico hisses at me as we stop to breath in front of a McDonalds. I just shrug and wrap a long strand of hair around my finger.
"It was either that or blood control them. I figured you'd like that a bit better." I say smiling coldly at him.
"Or we could have ignored them like normal people." I could almost feel my eyes turning a dark blue glaring at him menacingly.
"You know what happens to normal girls when they ignore them? they get raped Nico. Open your eyes, this isn't camp. I lived in the real world my entire life and I've dealt with people like them." I spit crossing my arms as I turn to walk into McDonalds.
I could hear his foot steps as he followed me in a cold silence. I pushed open the door and walked straight for the counter and ordered for myself throwing down a 20 I had in my pocket saying for Nico to order as I walked away and sat down in a booth by myself.
I shouldn't have gotten mad at him like that, but he needs to understand it's not always going to be 'Just ignore them.'
I rub my temples and close my eyes letting my head rest on the cold table underneath it.
"Were you one of those girls?" I hear a soft voice ask from across me. I lift my head up to see Nico and I shake my head.
"Try my sister." I mutter bitterly. I rake my hands through my hair and rub my eyes. I put my hand down to see no make up came off of it and in response I groan.
"Aphrodite wont piss off." I muttered as I close my eyes again.
"You know you're confusing me." I suddenly say as I thought more about how Nico was acting. I looked back to him with my eyebrows furrowed and an annoyed expression on my face.
"How?" He asks raising his eyebrow.
"You're not at all what they said you'd be like. You're meant to be ruder, much meaner to me, and you're meant to avoid me. Why aren't you like that?" I ask tucking my hair behind my ears.
"...I generally put up a front for everyone, as you know. There's no need to around you. You know everything about me, most of my thoughts, how I work, and all of my past. There really is no reason to be fake to you." Nico responds coolly brushing his hair away from his eyes. I bite my lip but nod.
"I understand. I do the same the most of the time." I say shrugging.
"Anyways, it is about.." I pause and pull out my phone looking at the time. I roll my eyes and continue speaking.
"4 in the afternoon, what do you want to do after this my dear sir." I ask crossing my legs and putting my hand under my chin as if I was really, really interested.
"...Get you back to camp before your brother kills me." Nico says with a slight smirk. I rolled my eyes at him as I move my head and uncross my legs.
"But that's boring! Hmmm.." I hum as I look at my phone again. Quickly scrolling through it, looking up near by places to go to. I smile fondly when I see a few parks near by.
"I have an idea." I say looking up at him with a grin on my face. He raises his eyebrow and I blush, looking down before clearing my throat.
"Uhm, there's a few parks near here, you wanna go to one?" I ask quietly. I'm still rather awkward with people, now that I'm a bit out of my shell.
"Sure. We should get our food first." I nod my head and look at the receipt seeing our number was 234, and they had just called 232. I hop up and walk over to the counter, leaning against it, waiting. Looking back over my shoulder I see Nico get up and stick his hands in his pockets before awkwardly walking over here. I let a small smile fall onto my face.
Now, still being a fangirl, and finally giving myself a moment to realize oh my gods, Nico di Angelo, right in freaking front of me! Dreams, have come true. It's pretty amazing actually.
Snapping myself out of it I turn back hearing 234 being called. I snicker slightly seeing a happy meal next to my ice cream and grab both of them, smiling at the cashier and turn around handing Nico his happy meal, trying not to laugh.
"Don't laugh at me. I see you laughing at me. Stop that." Nico says glaring as I laugh under my breath. I shake my head with a grin on my face.
"Sorry, sorry. It's just so cute to me." I giggle at the end and then slam my hand over my mouth, eyes wide.
"Was that a... giggle?" Nico teases me. I roll my eyes and push him as we walk out of the McDonalds.
"Shaddup." He chuckles and I blush at the sound of it.
"So it was a giggle." I cross my arms, making sure not to spill my ice cream, and pout.
"Rude ass." I mutter frowning. He laughs, an actual real laugh and shakes his head at me.
"You're like a child." I fake gasp and put one of my hands over my heart.
"I'm hurt. Really hurt Nico. I don't think I could ever forgive you." I say as I start to fake cry. Nico laughs again and puts his arm over my shoulder and gives me a side hug.
"Ah, you will. Who wouldn't forgive their favorite character?" I look back to him with a raised eyebrow.
"Who said you were my favorite." I ask with a smirk.
"Maybe it was the fact every time you unlocked your phone, an anime version of me came up as the background photo." I roll my eyes and shove him.
"You know there were other characters on my home screen, right?" I ask as I pull my phone out of my jacket pocket and pull up the lock screen which was Erin, Evan, and I.
"Ready?" I unlock it after that and show him that there's five characters on my home screen. Sherlock, L from Death note, and well.. Him, Percy, and Leo. Along with the Tardis in the background.
I drew the picture myself, no one else was obsessed with the four fandoms to make it.
"Yeah, I'm right there." He says pointing to himself. I pout and lock it again.
"But you're not the only one. So who says you're my favorite?" I ask smiling.
"Well, your brother is not your favorite I can tell, and if Leo was your favorite you'd be more interested in talking to him than me." Nico shrugs and looks down at me.
"Finnee, out of all of the Percy Jackson characters you were my favorite." I say as I felt my face become red.
"Awww you're blushing!" Nico laughs. I rolled my eyes and walk a bit faster, becoming annoyed. I finally start eating my ice cream, which by the way, was a blizzard, an MnM blizzard. It was always my favorite, which was funny, because I hate chocolate.
"Are you mad at me now? C'mon you know you can't be." Nico taunted me. I raise my hand and flip him off and then continue eating.
"Silent treatment, that's sad." He continues. Nico was really starting to annoy me, and I had a really, really bad temper.
"Nico please stop." I say frowning.
"..Sorry." He mutters. I inhale and exhale, then turning my head to look at him.
"It's fine, I just have a pretty horrible temper. I didn't want to yell or anything.." I mutter, then take another bite of my ice cream.
We stayed in awkward silence after that, as we continued to walk towards the park.
I eventually saw it come into view and felt my eyes light up as I took a last bite of my ice cream, giving it a kinda sad glance before I threw it away, and sprinted towards the park.
"W..Wha? Destiny!" Nico yells, then I heard his feet start to hit the pavement and run after me. I giggle as I look around for a swing set, or any of the usual play ground things. I squeal and run even faster towards it, after all.. It's been a year since I got to act like a child.
I launch myself at the swings and start swinging back and forth, watching Nico finally catch up, slightly out of breath.
"How do you.. Even run that fast in heels?" He asks as he sits on the swing next to me. I shrug and swing myself higher.
"Dunno. But I do!" I smile widely as I close my eyes and continue swinging. I loved the feeling of the air rushing through my hair, the feeling of almost flying.
I open my eyes again getting an idea.
"Wanna see something that's really stupid but fun to do?" I ask Nico as I continue to swing. He raises his eyebrows but slowly nods.
"Mkay, watch." As I swing higher, I lean back until my hair is easily touching the ground and I look down as I swing.
"You're going to fall." Nico says shaking his head.
"But it's amazing! Well, it feels amazing." I say as I sit back up, slowing down. I close my eyes for a moment, having gotten dizzy from swinging like that.
When I open my eyes again I see Nico finishing his happy meal, which made me want to laugh all over.
"So, wanna mess around here for a bit before Percy freaks out because I'm not back at camp?" I say smiling.
"Why would he freak out?" Nico asks looking at me, his eyebrows furrowed. At this, my mouth sets in a straight line.
"I've never left camp for more than half an hour. This is my first time in 8 months that I've left camp." I say messing with my hair.
"Why?" Nico asks.
"Because, Percy was afraid to lose me. I'm a bit accident prone... And I think he assumes I'll die easily on my own." I mutter closing my eyes again, my mood ruined, yet again.
"Prove them wrong." He tells me as if it was the easiest thing on earth.
"Never going to happen. Just, drop it." I mutter frowning.
"We'll talk about this again Princess." I laugh hearing that nickname looking at him again.
"Princess?" I question. He nods with a smirk.
"Yeah Princess. You're the Princess of the sea, aren't you? Or would you rather me call you Sea Girl still." I smile and roll my eyes blushing.
"Are you blushing, again?" I frown and let my hair fall around my face.
"Don't hide, it's cute." Nico chuckles, then stops realizing what he said. I look up and smirk seeing him tinted pink now.
"Awww, are you blushing?" My voice teasing.
"..I get it. I'll stop doing that." Nico mutters nodding. I laugh and get off my swing spinning around bored.
"What are you even doing?" Nico asks.
"Bored." Saying that I realize that's a Sherlock line, so of course, I jokingly make my hand into a fake gun and shoot a wall that's not there.
Suddenly Nico starts laughing really loudly so I turn back, seeing him getting red in the face.
"What?" I ask laughing with him.
"You just.. You just did the Sherlock line." I smile widely and cheer.
"Ahh you watch it!" I say jumping up and down like a little girl. He laughs still and nods.
"Oh my gods, do you wanna go back to camp and rewatch all of it?" I ask running over to him and jumping up and down in front of him.
"If you stop jumping, yes." I pout but stop.
"Okay! Can you actually shadow travel by the way? I know how it makes you tired." I ask as I move my hair away from my face.
"Yeah I can. C'mon, lets go towards the trees, it's pretty dark over there." Nico says nodding towards the forest area. I nod my head grabbing his hand and I started running towards there.
"Do you have to run everywhere?!" Nico exclaims. I laugh and nod as we get closer.
"Yes!" I reply as we finally stop.
"You ready?" I ask him tilting my head. Nico nods before taking my hand and stepping into the shadows, pulling me with him. Opening my eyes a few moments after the screams pass I see us right outside my cabin.
"Okay, so do we wanna do a sleep over type thing? Cause we're gonna be watching this for eleven hours, plus the Christmas special so around thirteen hours actually." I ramble on and he stops me by nodding. I smile and reply.
"Okay one sec, I'll go changed my clothes, grab my laptop and you could come to my cabin?" I ask.
"You might want to come to mine, you know how your brother is. Other than that, sure. I'll see you in a bit" With that Nico nods, then turns around and walks back to his cabin.
I mentally squeal as I run into my cabin, go over to my bag and grab my favorite , a pair of shorts and shoes. I run into my bathroom and quickly change clothes.
I go to leave my bathroom but run into my brother.
"Destiny! Oh gods finally." He whimpers, pulling me into a hug. I sigh and hug him back.
"I'm fine Perce." He pulls away a frown on his face now.
"Never, and I mean never do that to us again. Your friends were so worried, worried worse than me, and you know how difficult that is." I sigh and push past him. I didn't want to hear this right now, I was excited to go watch Sherlock.
I double check my bag for my laptop and the Sherlock discs, smiling to myself when I see them there.
"I was fine, I wasn't hurt. I'll see you later." With that I leave the cabin with Percy standing there frowning, I could tell he was watching me walk to Nico's cabin but I didn't care.
I had my mind set on watching Sherlock and I was going to.
Everyone pissed me off minus Nico, though he kinda did too, but everyone was super rude, so I just wanted to do something that made me feel better.
Reaching the Hades cabin, I pull open the door and walk inside looking around.
"Destiny!" I hear a voice exclaim. I look to my left seeing Hazel there eyes wide. I adjust my grip on my bag, feeling awkward.
"Uhm.. Hey." I mutter.
"What are you doing here?! Where did you go earlier?!" Before I could answer Nico walked out of the bathroom, his black skinny jeans and t-shirt gone, replaces with a pair of black pajama pants, and a baggy sweat shirt.
"I invited her here. She was also with me earlier." Hazel looks between us and it seems like something dawned on her.
"Like a date?" I blush bright red and shake my head.
"No. No, not like a date." I tell her quickly. She nods slowly not believing me but stands up.
"Well.. I just came here to grab my things. We're heading back to Camp Jupiter Nico." Nico nods and walks over to her and kissing her cheek, and giving her a hug.
"Alright. I'll see you soon." Nico says. She nods and goes to walk past me.
"...Bye Destiny." I smile awkwardly and wave as she leaves, closing the cabin door behind her. I turn back to Nico and scrunch up my nose.
"That was awkward." I tell him. He lets a small smile fall on his face as he nods.
"Nice shirt." I look down at it and smile widely.
"Thanks. Anyways, I have all three seasons, my laptop is fully charged and ready to go!" I exclaim as I run over and plop down on what I assume is his bed. He shakes his head and walks over sitting next to me. I drop my bag next to me, then open it and pull my laptop and season one out of it.
"Let it begin."  

Death Boy and Sea Girl -~-Nico di Angelo x OC love story-~-Where stories live. Discover now